You are missing the point. Continuous local supply means you can match supply to actual demand. Sell 20% more of your most popular lines at full prices and have fewer sale reductions at the end of the season.The markup on imported clothing from Asia is huge, even at a 50% discount its still cheaper than having it made in the UK.
Add in the massive increases in shipping container costs.
I used to have a franchised outdoor shop in Hebden Bridge. I used to moan at the Ops Director of the franchisor that the skills in the Calder Valley were still there to run up any garment he needed and have it there in his stores next day, not three months later. He never argued the economics, but said every British factory he ever visited was damp, dirty and using 1950’s technology. Whereas in China the exact opposite was the case. Back to Mr Wino’s point about Investment and Training.
It’s all doable if we really want to.