Unfortunately not many like you left !!I recall as youngish engineer working Saturdays @ time and half and Sundays at Double time, this helped to pay for my mortgage, and other things at the time I was on around £17K the pay at P&O is stated at £5.50 an hour which for a 40 hour week is £11K per year even with overtime you would be hard pushed to get to £17K. the benefits you mention are standard for most who work all of course Food.
I have worked in Offices which are heated, have had Biscuits and Coffee tea's etc all at the companies expense. Many firms used to provide Luncheon vouchers (OMG). The poor individuals on £11K what sort of retirement are they going to have.....certainly not one with a Motorhome let alone a place they can call thier own.
When I employ a Labourer I pay them £200 per day, I have a good group of guys who I can rely on, when one had an accident recently and there was breakage on a customer's property I was called immediately, they told me what had happened and were truly mortified they thought it was going to cost them personally £500, I acquired the replacement for £180, helped fix the damage and split the cost with them, so they did not lose a days wage, this is called ethical employment.
When I was in the position of employing people, I had the same business ethic as you, but still some people of a certain background tried to take advantage !!
Do you want any labour at the moment, 2 days a week would be OK for me at that rate !!