- Jun 17, 2017
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- All the gear, and no idea!
Maybe the Turkish gov could share with our gov the secrets of how to fund the too many policeman, given they don’t pay half as much in the way of taxes as usThis is one of the things I really dislike about Turkey... and will play a big part in my decision to ever return.
It's like a police state ... its Something that bugged me with Morocco too.
The thing is they have so many police and so many gendarmes they literally have nothing to do, or they do in some ways but don't actually do it.
There was little choice in the town of bolu for overnight parking only a side street in a residential area or a supermarket carpark that was the only 2 options on park4night, so I drove to this lake , it was 50tl to park and I specifically asked the guy was it OK to stay overnight and he said yes no problem. So I endured all the noise , smoke from bbqs etc earlier and the rubbish that has been left as usual so that I could at least have a quiet night once they'd all gone . Everyone bar a few stragglers had buggered off by 8pm ... I went to bed at 11pm ... I swear I had no sooner turned off the light than I hear a car approach and then the bloody siren , and then a loud bang at the door , of course the dogs are all going nuts . I get up fumbling about in the dark trying to put clothes on and this clown is still knocking. So eventually I open the door and 4 gendarmes standing there. Telling me it's forbidden to stay here and I must go ... I used my translator to tell them the guard when I entered said it was OK to stay.. they say he has no authority and I must go ... so.i typed that I had an appointment in the morning in the town and that it was not easy for me to move at this time of night and where was I meant to go . After a few mumbles and groans amongst them they said OK and left . But looking out the window there's about 3 of the bloody vans circling around the lake as you can see the blue and red lights ... so now I can't Fiddlesticksin relax and I also don't want to try and drive out of this bumpy field in the dark . It just gets my goat that I'm doing no harm , I'm parked away out the way minding my own business , there's nothing to say I can't stay here , I asked permission and was given it yet you can't relax for these bored buggers cruising round looking for problems that don't exsist.
I mean honestly does no one else get pissed off at the fact there's loads of crime out there that doesn't get dealt with yet the police and the toy army has nowt better to do than cruise around bothering people that aren't doing anything wrong.
Everyone in this country speeds , half the cars are unroadworthy, no one wears crash helmets , everyone throws litter around etc and the police don't bat an eye , there's passport checks every 10/20 miles etc again with usually about 6 or 8 police or gendarmes at them .
It just seems a big waste of money and resources to me.
You've either to.park in noisy places or risk getting bothered with bored police at night.
I'm now just hoping I don't get woken up in the middle of the night with one of the other cars or vans cruising around.
I.have to say I'm looking forward to.leaving Turkey in a fortnight as I'm getting a little tired of it now.