Norfolk Nige
- Jan 4, 2021
- 462
- 19,667
- Funster No
- 78,709
- MH
- No longer have one
- Exp
- Caravanning since 1980, saw the light in 2020
Where would the money for the grants come from. Only place is Govt, either central or local. Who pays for that and how? We do. So you either raise taxes on all, including those who never go into cities, or target those who choose to drive in the polluted areas as they are contributing to the problem. Try to make the solution self funding rather than inflict the pain on all.So I wont be going in city centres or these zones what ever name they put on it, I will do the same amount of driving in the countryside polluting that instead. Charging is wrong, we should have Grant's, to make these dinosaur engines cleaner. I am from a conservation background, and agree these engines should be banned over time, but vehicles should also be able to use the lifetime approach, ratherthan have to create more waste including a lot of plastic, scrapping them before there use by date. We are a small, sum compared to business fleets that often change there fleets regularly due to the much higher mileage, and tax benefits to do so.