The GM CAZ is massive, and the existing CAZs are the thin end of the wedge. Before long we will all be affected either directly or indirectly as more and more are introduced. I don't take my own van into cities, but the market town where I live is close enough to a huge town that when they introduce their CAZ I suspect it likely my own town may be subsumed into it. Meanwhile, just one of the places I regularly visit in my van involves travelling very close to or through at least two large towns. Diverting would take me on major roads through two different large towns. I suspect that within the next few years this regular trip, which already costs around £80 in fuel, will also incur CAZ charges of £40+ per round trip. With the fuel costs increasing, these are going to be some of the ways in which diesel owners will be pushed off the roads.I have them. But I never need to drive my motorhome in greater manchester.