EV's are the future. Agreed, wouldn't do that run today. Just wait.A little story of why EVs are not the way forward in the real world.
Picked up the trailer, straight to the fabrication place and lad d the brewery. How’s your EV doing? Keeping up?
Left the fabricators and straight to Hull for the overnight ferry to zeebrugge. Oh topped off diesel before ferry. Still keeping up in your EV? Next morning and off we go. Chamonix here we come. Can’t stop over as the brewery on the trailer is far to expensive to leave unattended overnight. Also I have a dinner date in Chamonix at 20.00 the same night. Stopped twice for diesel and coffee. Lovely dinner that evening. Next morning delivered the brewery. Hope you managed to keep up in your EV. What do you mean no you didn’t? Surely you were there before me. EVs are the future, they’re more advanced than my beat up old pickup. Still hooked the trailer back on and Chamonix to Zeebrugge then ferry overnight, drop off the trailer and home just after lunch.
EVs the future? Yeah right.