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Half the story as usual. It went to Spain and now has a new chassis. That’s a good thing but you would never want to put that. They also gave a brand new one for 10 months at no cost to me to use whilst it was being rebuilt. You probably wouldn’t want to quote that either.I know the law and practice it! if it really is for you only and not a business then no, you do not need one,
Oh and the Navara,
22/09/2018 07:47 Fail Mileage:
75,086 miles
+ 8,257 miles travelled since last MOT.
Refusal Notices
- Offside rear vehicle structure corroded to the extent that the rigidity of the assembly is significantly reduced (6.1.1 (c) (i)) - Major
All companies have things go wrong, it’s how they deal with it that determines whether any good or not.