I would not push a BMS to its full rating for to long. A max 70% load for long periods are plenty. The mosfets inside can get very hot, and most bms'es are set stupidly high as 100-110C for mosfet protection. I change all my settings and mosfets set at 80C. If mosfets fail, they will fail closed, meaning all the amps are free to flow, close to short circuit current. In that instance, you will need a high rupture over current device like classT or NH or a DC breaker to open- extinguish a 7-8ka arc.As I said I would take anything they say with a large pinch of salt.
I have a 230AH LifePo4 with a 200 amp BMS and a 2,000 watt inverter.
I have seen the inverter drawing a continuous 184 amps so a 150 amp BMS would not supply enough power.
In one paragraph on their site they say there is no need to change chargers as lead acid chargers work fine with their batteries.
Yet another paragraph says if you want to get the best out of your battery fit "lithium specific chargers".
Also there is no mention that some lead acid chargers have a desulfation stage, which is a voltage their batteries definitely won't like.