Thinking of setting of on trip to Europe this week - any suggestions bearing in mind all this Covid stuff

I agree that our government is attempting to control the virus but they also have the economy to consider. You say they aren’t having much success but what we don’t know, is what the figures would be without the measures in place.
When it was doubling every 4 days back in April I think theres a pretty good indication of what would happen if we did nothing. I think the government have half a handle on what needs doing to control it but wouldn't carry the country to have really strict measures like NZ which is what would be needed to really get to grips with it.
We are in the position of living in a small, but attractive county. Seaside and rural area just to the west of Cardiff.

The Sennedd, (Welsh Government), have brought in restrictions based on county/health authority areas which mean that more than half of the Welsh population is now in lockdown.

I remember hearing, many years ago, on the Roy Castle programme, Record Breakers, that a Texan millionaire had a garden bigger than our county. It makes life a bit restrictive. :cry:

To make matters worse we cannot leave our county, except for “essential” purposes, but people from outside Wales are still free to visit and roam freely, even from high risk areas in England that are under restrictions themselves.

Long live the United Kingdom.
So Wales is a paradise so perfect we can't let you leave!

IMHO the last 6 months has written large what a farce devolution really is, a pointless exercise in costly bureaucracy and empire building.
When it was doubling every 4 days back in April I think theres a pretty good indication of what would happen if we did nothing. I think the government have half a handle on what needs doing to control it but wouldn't carry the country to have really strict measures like NZ which is what would be needed to really get to grips with it.

NZ again? Really ??

An island twice our size with a tiny population a thousand miles from the next nearest country. quite similar to the UK only in that they drive on the left and speak English.
So Wales is a paradise so perfect we can't let you leave!

IMHO the last 6 months has written large what a farce devolution really is, a pointless exercise in costly bureaucracy and empire building.
But I do think it's been a bit embarrassing for Boris the way Sturgeon seems to have managed to keep her ratings high. As we now have a lot of areas in England in different measures the we need to all be the same argument seems a bit daft even Boris doesn't know what the rules are.
NZ again? Really ??

An island twice our size with a tiny population a thousand miles from the next nearest country. quite similar to the UK only in that they drive on the left and speak English.
Isn't that 2 more similarities that Sweden that some seem to think have a better approach?

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Well the uk's 7 day average is now more than double that of Spain's (after thousands of positive results were found down the back of the sofa) so it's quite clear whatever measures countries within Europe and following democracy rather than dictatorship style governing of people the virus will have it's second wave. You just can't control people to the extent that it will be eliminated. Not saying it's pointless having measures as numbers obviously could have been much worse without.

I wonder when FCO advice for travel to countries with lower virus levels than uk will be allowed?

We currently have a holiday booked in Gran Canaria for the beginning of January, 2021. We paid the deposit back in February before CV became a problem.

The balance is due this next weekend so we are faced with paying, and taking the chance that it is not cancelled, or cancelling now and forfeiting the deposit. Travel insurance may provide cover in the event that the Government advice is against travel to Gran Canaria at the time. However, if it is our decision not to travel when the holiday time comes, even though the Government doesn’t list GC on its “banned” list, we will lose the full amount.

At the moment we would not feel comfortable sitting in a plane for four hours and don’t much fancy holidaying in masks. So, unless TUI agree to us moving the holiday date I think we will be several hundred quid down by next weekend. Back in early February we had never really heard of CV.
We currently have a holiday booked in Gran Canaria for the beginning of January, 2021. We paid the deposit back in February before CV became a problem.

The balance is due this next weekend so we are faced with paying, and taking the chance that it is not cancelled, or cancelling now and forfeiting the deposit. Travel insurance may provide cover in the event that the Government advice is against travel to Gran Canaria at the time. However, if it is our decision not to travel when the holiday time comes, even though the Government doesn’t list GC on its “banned” list, we will lose the full amount.

At the moment we would not feel comfortable sitting in a plane for four hours and don’t much fancy holidaying in masks. So, unless TUI agree to us moving the holiday date I think we will be several hundred quid down by next weekend. Back in early February we had never really heard of CV.
It's the plane bit that would put me off , I love flying but I nearly always had a cold when back home that I was convinced I caught on the plane ...wearing a mask doesn't stop you catching it so I wouldn't go on a plane at the minute.

Different thing entirely from motorhoming thankfully
Because in the early stages in March/April there was very little testing capacity it's generally reconned at the peak there were probably many more cases than now even though the figures now are higher. Your turn if cases recently before the local measures were introduced were doubling every week (and we can see the deaths doing similar with a 3 to 4 week lag now averaging about 50 a day wheras we were at one time in single figures) how many weeks if nothing had been done do you think it would have taken to get back up to the previous peak and how bonkers would anyone have to be to let it happen.
How MANY deaths where there yesterday
Thousands, hundreds?

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I agree that our government is attempting to control the virus but they also have the economy to consider. You say they aren’t having much success but what we don’t know, is what the figures would be without the measures in place.
We can look at other countries with less stringent measures than us and see how they are doing.
Uk has the biggest fall inGDP to any other European country, except Spain, which also had very strict measures and continues to struggle like us.
I spoke to a German lady on our recent trip there.
She voiced the general opinion when saying
‘Ah you are from England ...., your country is doing very bad with the virus.’

The view that numbers are bad because we aren’t strict enough reminds me of the thinking behind the witches dunking stool
Well the uk's 7 day average is now more than double that of Spain's (after thousands of positive results were found down the back of the sofa) so it's quite clear whatever measures countries within Europe and following democracy rather than dictatorship style governing of people the virus will have it's second wave. You just can't control people to the extent that it will be eliminated. Not saying it's pointless having measures as numbers obviously could have been much worse without.

I wonder when FCO advice for travel to countries with lower virus levels than uk will be allowed?
View attachment 430873
View attachment 430874
Off topic, but.......Are you looking for a new electric bike by any chance? And is this potential purchase upsetting your dog? 😀
Off topic, but.......Are you looking for a new electric bike by any chance? And is this potential purchase upsetting your dog? 😀
Off topic, but.......Are you looking for a new electric bike by any chance? And is this potential purchase upsetting your dog? 😀
God no I'm not that decrepit yet!
Well the uk's 7 day average is now more than double that of Spain's (after thousands of positive results were found down the back of the sofa) so it's quite clear whatever measures countries within Europe and following democracy rather than dictatorship style governing of people the virus will have it's second wave. You just can't control people to the extent that it will be eliminated. Not saying it's pointless having measures as numbers obviously could have been much worse without.

I wonder when FCO advice for travel to countries with lower virus levels than uk will be allowed?
The problem with charts like these is that they are showing positive test results. Not cases as stated. A case should, imo, mean confirmed and with symptoms. Not just a positive test.
If that were so, the numbers for March April, based on the same number of tests we get today, would have been 50-100 thousand probably. Hence hospital and death rates much lower now.
Because in the early stages in March/April there was very little testing capacity it's generally reconned at the peak there were probably many more cases than now even though the figures now are higher. Your turn if cases recently before the local measures were introduced were doubling every week (and we can see the deaths doing similar with a 3 to 4 week lag now averaging about 50 a day wheras we were at one time in single figures) how many weeks if nothing had been done do you think it would have taken to get back up to the previous peak and how bonkers would anyone have to be to let it happen.

They are using VERY bad science and fear porn. That is why people think things are really bad and going to get worse unless we implement extreme measures.

Many scientist and doctors are now openly starting to question the numbers and rightly so as a lot of this pretty much Quantitative Studies 101. Is clear as day that figures are being manipulated to create fear and anxiety in the population, and particularly those who are vulnerable.

Here's an excellent explanation from Ivor Cummings explaining the numbers.

Unfortunately lots of people don't understand the maths and so are incorrectly spreading misinformation.

This short video does a super job of explaining things so that even those not good with numbers and graphs can understand. It will bring peace of mind to a lot of people who are overwhelmed and worried.

Please understand I am not posting this in any kind of argumentative way. I just figure people need to see a more scientifically valid analysis of the numbers than the fear mongering take the BBC et al have been feeding us for months or the completely unscientific analysis from government 'experts'.

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We can look at other countries with less stringent measures than us and see how they are doing.
Uk has the biggest fall inGDP to any other European country, except Spain, which also had very strict measures and continues to struggle like us.
I spoke to a German lady on our recent trip there.
She voiced the general opinion when saying
‘Ah you are from England ...., your country is doing very bad with the virus.’

The view that numbers are bad because we aren’t strict enough reminds me of the thinking behind the witches dunking stool
I have no idea why you directed that post at me.
We would all consider it very stupid and selfish if people who didn’t need to come here brought the virus to this country. As originally they did of course.
He was returning home to Brighton:giggle:
Until you try to claim on your travel insurance!
What's that then ?:unsure:
IMHO the last 6 months has written large what a farce devolution really is, a pointless exercise in costly bureaucracy and empire building.
I agree entirely, the same applies to Scotland.
You think. All we need to do is take over a much bigger land mass and reduce our population by a factor of 6 and we could do the same. Maybe that's the idea of the covid denyers it's all about population long as its not them.

I'm 75 next month with underlying health issues.

I would (and will) rather take my chances living a 'normal life' than hide and live in fear from this virus...

I have just returned from Poland - they know how 'live' !
I'm 75 next month with underlying health issues.

I would (and will) rather take my chances living a 'normal life' than hide and live in fear from this virus...

I have just returned from Poland - they know how 'live' !
That's your choice and fine as long as you don't make that decision for other people by your actions.
That's your choice and fine as long as you don't make that decision for other people by your actions.

All you have to do to 'protect' yourself is take your own precautions/actions.......simple

Most of those that are afraid are afraid for themselves - so don't blame others..

All you have to do to 'protect' yourself is take your own precautions/actions.......simple

Most of those that are afraid are afraid for themselves - so don't blame others..

What makes you think being sensible is the same as being afraid? I just got back from working in a hospital clinic in one of the lockdown areas. If I was afraid for myself I wouldn't do it I don't need the money luckily. We get the odd idiot in had one today whingeing about wearing a mask luckily the HCA,s don't take any nonsense. It's a bit like lots of things different views from different viewpoints.

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You think. All we need to do is take over a much bigger land mass and reduce our population by a factor of 6 and we could do the same. Maybe that's the idea of the covid denyers it's all about population long as its not them.

"Simply dividing the number of people by the land area of a country is not always the best way to understand population density. Consider a country such as Russia, where urban density is high, but there are vast swathes of empty land. The figures will tell you density is very low (eight people per km²); but this it not what most people in Russia experience in their daily lives. The same is true of Australia, Canada and other large, highly urbanised nations."

I copied that from another site so can't claim to be the clever guy behind it :cool:

This seems to be a common mistake people make all the time (including me) when they say Sweden is sparsely populated. Yes, there are large areas where nobody lives. But, the urban population density is what is important as that is where most of the people actually live.
What makes you think being sensible is the same as being afraid? I just got back from working in a hospital clinic in one of the lockdown areas. If I was afraid for myself I wouldn't do it I don't need the money luckily. We get the odd idiot in had one today whingeing about wearing a mask luckily the HCA,s don't take any nonsense. It's a bit like lots of things different views from different viewpoints.

When did it become 'sensible' to wear a mask ?
When did it become 'sensible' to wear a mask ?
I suppose Trump might have answered that question for you!!!. In the context of the clinic I work it it's sensible if you don't want a wasted journey cause you sure aren't getting in without one unless there's a good reason. What's wrong with wearing a mask I just don't get it. I know some people haven't managed to figure out how to wear them yet
"Simply dividing the number of people by the land area of a country is not always the best way to understand population density. Consider a country such as Russia, where urban density is high, but there are vast swathes of empty land. The figures will tell you density is very low (eight people per km²); but this it not what most people in Russia experience in their daily lives. The same is true of Australia, Canada and other large, highly urbanised nations."

I copied that from another site so can't claim to be the clever guy behind it :cool:

This seems to be a common mistake people make all the time (including me) when they say Sweden is sparsely populated. Yes, there are large areas where nobody lives. But, the urban population density is what is important as that is where most of the people actually live.
If you don't believe there's any risk why in your op did you ask where was safe? Surely you can go anywhere just choose the place with least restrictions.
Looked at your video where do you want to start with the nonsense in it. How about him saying lets look at Spain and France as they are ahead of us in the pandemic. Yes let's they seem to have flattened off the increase with strict measures including a lot more enforcement than here if we want a similar path we need to do the same or did he forget they were doing anything. He says we ought to trace real positives not false ones how could you tell which were which? (Assuming his figures are right). Why are cases rising faster than tests if all we are picking up is the consequence of increased testing. Was the reason we didn't have the big increases in Cornwall in the summer because at the end of the first lockdown there were so few people carrying the virus that there was very few people to catch it from? After all there was an equally slow increase here in February at first even though it was winter and everyone was mixing totally freely indoors if you are at a low number you can double it a few times and hardly notice in population terms but not once you get into the hundreds.
Lots of others
After all there was an equally slow increase here in February at first even though it was winter and everyone was mixing totally freely indoors if you are at a low number you can double it a few times and hardly notice in population terms but not once you get into the hundreds.
Lots of others

Of course the figures were low - it had only just started.

We have been fed far more rubbish by so called government experts than the opinions in the video. The best path through this might have been something inbetween, like Sweden - which you can visit without having to quarantine on return....

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