You make a very good point here, I always felt the engine should be the starting point, forget fridge, air con generator, lights the lot, until you can be confident that engine is going to pull you a long incline without two mile of traffic behind you, you shouldn’t spend a penny on anything else. If you can’t get that engine running smoothly the vans no good to you and it’s back to Moby. So keep Moby for now, don’t spend any money and make sure you are satisfied you can get the engine running sweet; once you have passed that milestone you will feel a lot better about splashing out on a fridge, pulling the electrics out of Moby and into the new van and letting Moby go for a little less than you want.And then discover its not suitable sell it next year for a huge loss.
I've only driven the van twice lol and both times it's ran like a bag of rubbish. The engine needs attention as do the breaks lol.
I future proofed moby . Spent more money on it than I've ever spent improving a vehicle and can't get it sold