MOBY GOES TO TURKEY. A tam and pups adventure. (1 Viewer)

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Oct 12, 2009
SW London, Poland and all Europe
Funster No
A Class N+B Arto 69GL
Since 2009
Let me tell you another sunlounger story :-

I and many of my friends are very fond of a special Greek island. On that island is a beautiful golden beach with tamarisk trees for shade and a small taverna run by a beautiful family. The beach can only be reached by a 30 minute walk over the hill.

Everybody liked the wild nature of the beach and being able to sit on the sand.

One year 'Slick Alec' from Athens brought sunbeds round by sea. They were not popular with the regular visitors and were almost unused.

At the end of the season the sunbeds were loaded onto a caique to be returned to the port. SOMEHOW during the journey they ROLLED into deep water. There have been no sunbeds on that beach for the last 10 years!:LOL:

That beach life goes on and all the regulars are happy - lolling in the sand under the tamarisk trees, eating home-cooked lunch at the taverna and toasting sunsets. The PS*** A***** Club lives on!


Jul 30, 2017
On the sofa ....
Funster No
Mobilvetta eurayacht
On and off since 95
I don't get this sun lounger thing, if I've spent money to get somewhere I want to to out and about exploring the place. Not going to waste time lying on a sun lounger.
I get bored sunbathing, I could do it for a couple of hours but not a full day and certainly not for a week or two. But I said that in Greece folk turned up at 9am and they were there till sunset at 9pm .. madness
Oct 29, 2016
Funster No
Carthago C Tourer
Motor Homing 5 years, caravan previously
They are all following on from CJ (Project Amber on you tube) and a couple of other You Tubers, The EX Paws started looking last year, but I gave up watching them, and even the girls Emily & Lou (Camper Vibe) who were also looking for land. The first to push the boat out was Ash (Lost in Europe) however he bought in land in Sweden with its long cold artic like winters and he re-built a derelict off grid barn into a self sufficient home.
I cant watch them anymore as the pressure on them from You Tube to monetise their channels with adverts & sponsorships just killed my enjoyment as a viewer, and I told them they had lost me as a subscriber because of the constant product placements, adverts, and trying to sell their over priced "Merch" or personalised merchandise to most of us.
So I rang the bell, hit the like button one last time late last year on all of them, shame as they had become very good vloggers with great camera & editing skills, just needed more money from Patrions and advert income. to cover their efforts to which are immense to produce a weekly vlog and keep it interesting so as to retain & grow subscribers to their channels.
I guess it was CJ that first gave Tam the idea of buying in Portugal, interesting as they went the whole hog and applied for Portuguese residency which took months to get via a solicitor, plus the fees of course.
Land cost with no planning consent for perm structure when CJ bought was arround 6/7K at the time, land with a derelict property for refurbishment is available but at a higher cost obviously.

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Feb 16, 2013
Funster No
ambulance conversion
50 years
Thats too big for me anyway. Lot of work on that just to keep it from overgrowing.
Tam , you hear this too big a lot, but that is easy to get round, if you find a bit of ground that is where you want to be, there is nothing to stop you selling some of it, and maybe even making a profit on it.


Oct 19, 2015
Alhama de Murcia, Spain
Funster No
Hymer Tramp
Since 1994
Thats too big for me anyway. Lot of work on that just to keep it from overgrowing.

My thoughts exactly. How they're going to juggle looking after the land, their house, and travel, will be interesting (maybe).

They have 90/180 in Portugal also, but I don't suppose that will be a problem 😂
Feb 24, 2018
Funster No
Geist Phantom
MoHo since March 2018.
They are all following on from CJ (Project Amber on you tube) and a couple of other You Tubers, The EX Paws started looking last year, but I gave up watching them, and even the girls Emily & Lou (Camper Vibe) who were also looking for land. The first to push the boat out was Ash (Lost in Europe) however he bought in land in Sweden with its long cold artic like winters and he re-built a derelict off grid barn into a self sufficient home.
I cant watch them anymore as the pressure on them from You Tube to monetise their channels with adverts & sponsorships just killed my enjoyment as a viewer, and I told them they had lost me as a subscriber because of the constant product placements, adverts, and trying to sell their over priced "Merch" or personalised merchandise to most of us.
So I rang the bell, hit the like button one last time late last year on all of them, shame as they had become very good vloggers with great camera & editing skills, just needed more money from Patrions and advert income. to cover their efforts to which are immense to produce a weekly vlog and keep it interesting so as to retain & grow subscribers to their channels.
I guess it was CJ that first gave Tam the idea of buying in Portugal, interesting as they went the whole hog and applied for Portuguese residency which took months to get via a solicitor, plus the fees of course.
Land cost with no planning consent for perm structure when CJ bought was arround 6/7K at the time, land with a derelict property for refurbishment is available but at a higher cost obviously.
Not sure you are right about the ex-pawers, they bought a place in Spain a long time ago, ten or fifteen years I think but my memory is poor so don’t take as gospel. The Portugal one is recent but the idea of moving to another country to set up isn’t for them.
Feb 24, 2018
Funster No
Geist Phantom
MoHo since March 2018.
My thoughts exactly. How they're going to juggle looking after the land, their house, and travel, will be interesting (maybe).

They have 90/180 in Portugal also, but I don't suppose that will be a problem 😂
They don’t, they have lived in Spain for many years and are residents there, no Schengen for them 👍


Jul 30, 2017
On the sofa ....
Funster No
Mobilvetta eurayacht
On and off since 95
They are all following on from CJ (Project Amber on you tube) and a couple of other You Tubers, The EX Paws started looking last year, but I gave up watching them, and even the girls Emily & Lou (Camper Vibe) who were also looking for land. The first to push the boat out was Ash (Lost in Europe) however he bought in land in Sweden with its long cold artic like winters and he re-built a derelict off grid barn into a self sufficient home.
I cant watch them anymore as the pressure on them from You Tube to monetise their channels with adverts & sponsorships just killed my enjoyment as a viewer, and I told them they had lost me as a subscriber because of the constant product placements, adverts, and trying to sell their over priced "Merch" or personalised merchandise to most of us.
So I rang the bell, hit the like button one last time late last year on all of them, shame as they had become very good vloggers with great camera & editing skills, just needed more money from Patrions and advert income. to cover their efforts to which are immense to produce a weekly vlog and keep it interesting so as to retain & grow subscribers to their channels.
I guess it was CJ that first gave Tam the idea of buying in Portugal, interesting as they went the whole hog and applied for Portuguese residency which took months to get via a solicitor, plus the fees of course.
Land cost with no planning consent for perm structure when CJ bought was arround 6/7K at the time, land with a derelict property for refurbishment is available but at a higher cost obviously.
Actually it wasn't cj that gave me the initial idea , it was actually a couple from this forum I visited for a week on their land back in 2019 , that planted the initial seed as I liked their set up . Not sure their even on here now as we didn't speak much after that. They were hardline B, rexiteers despite living in another country in the EU which I couldn't understand. But anyway that's what got my interest then I started watching a few others that had or were doing it. Project Amber is quite a good chanel but I also found him a little annoying at times , I find if they don't actually engage with the audience they're broadcasting too it just seems all about the money to me. I'd like to find a few folk that have done it but aren't out to make fame or fortune they just want a different life and are willing to help and advise others who want to do the same.

I don't want to make videos etc and entice people to pay for my land or camper or my way of life which is what a lot of these youtubers are doing.

I'd just like a nice wee plot i can escape too. Grow my own fruit n veg , maybe some chickens ,goats and a donkey and perhaps be able to rescue and rehome some dogs in the process. However I'm not sure if it will ever happen as it isn't as easy as it sounds and part of me isn't sure it's something I want to do on my own .

So it's still on a back burner. It may happen it may not.. I'm still weighing up options.


Apr 12, 2011
Langtoft, South Lincs
Funster No
WildAx Aurora FB [PVC]
Since 2015
I'd just like a nice wee plot i can escape too. Grow my own fruit n veg , maybe some chickens ,goats and a donkey and perhaps be able to rescue and rehome some dogs in the process.
Sounds idyllic
[obviously a lot of hard work]
and the obvious question of funding vs income

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Jul 30, 2017
On the sofa ....
Funster No
Mobilvetta eurayacht
On and off since 95
Would it make sense to make part of your next trip visiting rescue centres, even volunteering for a while?
It's still the problem with timing unfortunately.

As I said the land in Portugal and anything that comes from that is at least a few years down the line.

I'm not ready yet , I may however as said look at some plots when I return from Morocco this winter and if anything was suitable take it from there . But next spring I need to find some work as I will have spent the amount of my savings I'm willing to spend at the minute. I need some form of income and that needs to take priority.

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