Sorry to hear about Milo hope he picks up soon TamWell I have no idea what that was , he was fine when he got up this morning I took them all out for a pee as normal , then they had breakfast . About 20 minutes after breakfast he was sick .. looked just like his food .. nothing out the ordinary. I had told him off as he did his usual of being sick in about 4 different places. He'd went in to his bed , blu kept going over to him and then I noticed he was twitching a bit and that he had pooped . I lifted him out the bed and on to the sofa and he was just lying completely still eyes glazed and not moving or responding to me ... this went on a good 5 minutes with me trying to get him to respond . He didn't so I drove to the nearest vet I could find. Typically when I got there he was a bit more awake but still not his usual self . Had to wait a bit for the vet to have a look. Vet checked his heart and temperature.. he was a little cold but heart was OK
He said it wasn't symptoms of poison or anything. Didn't think he'd had a seizure or a fit .. ... so we don't know , maybe just an upset tummy and a bit of stress .
He's still quiet and just lying in bed ... thirsty as he's drank a fair bit.
Vet gave him an injection of something and has given me tablets to give him for diarrhoea in case he gets that as poop very smelly... charged me nearly €60 for the privilege and just Said keep an eye on him and if it happens again take him back to a vet.
This wasn't like any of the things that happened before and he's not had a funny turn since we were in Ireland which is a good 18 months or more now .
He seems fine at the minute if a little restless but sleepy . He seems to be struggling to get comfortable.
Will just have to see how he is .
I'm back at weiss kirche now