I’m intrigued what happened at Ciampiano airport to wreck it ? You weren’t on the runway were you?I have had a variety of scooters Now on 2 wheels but took a long time to get fit enough
There are some very comfortable ones and some rubbish ones (I've a spinal injury so the ones without suspension are SO uncomfortable
I did find a few that were OK and one that was amazing - wish I could have afforded Lithium batteries I actually fitted 100 amp gel batteries to one of the BIG prides and got 35 miles range around Benidorm and Vila Joiosa which isn't too shabby
IF you look you can find larger scooters that dismantle just in front of the rear wheels where you also remove the batteries everything actually fitted into our motorhome garage
Worst was a Pride Go Go after travelling to Rome it worked fine then Ciampiano Airport wrecked it took the shop 6 months to get it to work correctly again