Leafy Surrey/hants border here. Our butler says he is unaware of any launderettes by supermarkets around here.Quite apart from the legality issue, you need to check your insurance policy requirements as you may find that this likely means you only have third party cover, ie no cover for your MH!
Can I suggest you stop this now before it descends into a slanging match with trips to Coventry that could seriously affect your house hunting!
There are laundry areas popping up at fuel stations, supermarkets etc in the UK now so no need to visit a council estate, not that I agree with your insinuation about them (all) being as you describe (ex-council estate kid).
I agree with some of the things you've said but not others and could easily give a different perspective on things you've mentioned but won't, suffice to say that you need to look at other areas of the UK which aren't anything like those you seem to have visited and therefore not imply that everywhere is as you make it appear.
I hope you manage to find whatever you are looking for in France but remember everything isn't rosy there either.
Daughter now lives on an estate........
,........12000 acres of it.
I thought it was really quite accurate but agree with the possibility of a cheap shot possibly causing issues if it continues on a wonderful thread