Fined after taking Chausson for hab check & service

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I’m at a quandary.....Moho is booked in for its yearly mot at the end of February. It’s been booked before Xmas as they only like to do big stuff on a Saturday. The test station is, at best, 200 yds from where we live..... but it’s next door to the cop, do I take all the furnishings etc out of the Moho, empty the fridge of back up beer and wine, leave the wife at home, walk back home, risk running the gauntlet of plod catching me.
I usually take the van for a 30 min drive to warm the engine, use the brakes etc, but now I think I shall just let it run on the drive for a while, harming the environment and risk the wrath of Greta...... oh what to do 😂😂
Walk to the cop shop and ask them.
I rang 101 this morning and asked if it was OK to take my motorhome for its MOT next week. The person I spoke to said it was absolutely fine. If I was stopped I would just have to give some evidence that I was travelling for an MOT.
BUT make sure your on your own...
I've left my reading specs in the van stored about 5 miles from home. So a solitary trip to collect them would be unlawful because it's not essential for me to read. But two people going to Tesco (when there are home deliveries for free or little extra cost) is lawful? Maybe I've retired a few years too soon.
I've left my reading specs in the van stored about 5 miles from home. So a solitary trip to collect them would be unlawful because it's not essential for me to read. But two people going to Tesco (when there are home deliveries for free or little extra cost) is lawful? Maybe I've retired a few years too soon.
Think you retired just in time, who forgets their reading glasses unless they're on your head... :-)

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The buyer wants to take motorhome for a test drive before completing purchase next Friday. Is this okay and how far to go?
I’m at a quandary.....Moho is booked in for its yearly mot at the end of February. It’s been booked before Xmas as they only like to do big stuff on a Saturday. The test station is, at best, 200 yds from where we live..... but it’s next door to the cop, do I take all the furnishings etc out of the Moho, empty the fridge of back up beer and wine, leave the wife at home, walk back home, risk running the gauntlet of plod catching me.
I usually take the van for a 30 min drive to warm the engine, use the brakes etc, but now I think I shall just let it run on the drive for a while, harming the environment and risk the wrath of Greta...... oh what to do 😂😂
if your van has a current MOT on the day you need to g9 to the Garage, go to the shops first before you cal, at the garage, to give the van a run.
The buyer wants to take motorhome for a test drive before completing purchase next Friday. Is this okay and how far to go?
The buyer is committing an offence before he even gets to you. They shouldn’t even be out of his/her house. IT’S NOT ESSENTIAL.
I've left my reading specs in the van stored about 5 miles from home. So a solitary trip to collect them would be unlawful because it's not essential for me to read. But two people going to Tesco (when there are home deliveries for free or little extra cost) is lawful? Maybe I've retired a few years too soon.

If you can get a slot, and everything ordered is delivered

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Moto depot say there brokers work from home but need to travel for work.and are not on the specific buisnesses that are being asked to suspend trading
Unlike many offences I think this is all down to the individual officer's interpretation. As far as the OP goes what has he to lose in appealing?
How do you interpret essential? An MOT is not only essential but a legal requirement.
I guess it's only essential if the van is your only vehicle and rely on it for work/medical reasons/possibly shopping. At the mo no-one should be out and about in MoHo that isn't their primary vehicle so no need to MoT until post-lockdown, hence, not an essential journey in the eyes of the new laws we're all subject to.

Some people we know were driving 8 miles to a Waitrose store and got fined because they could have gone to a Coop store only 3 miles from where they lived. Plod is coming down quite hard now, even though there is not always a sound logic - an extra 5 miles in the car, does that spread Covid?, is walking round Waitrose is more risky to self and others than walking round a Coop?

Similarly, driving to an MoT doesn't (as far as I can see) increase the risk of spreading covid, but it's not allowed.

I guess we're in the grip of a horrid situation and a degree of logic has to disappear in the interests of controlling the situation...albeit all a bit late.
LesW got me thinking now!!! do you need an MOT to park on the road or just to use the vehicle. it certainly need road fund license.
I understand that without an mot you cant get road tax.

so maybe i answered my own question :rolleyes:
Actually that conundrum (parking on the road/can't Sorn/can't MoT) featured on Radio 4 a couple of weeks ago and they didn't find an answer - for some reason a government spokesperson wasn't available to unusual of this lot.

Dont have to share the donuts then and less chance of being an arrogant cocky sheeit

Theres several youtube channels dedicated to your average uk police officer.
Oh dear I take it the police are not liked here ?

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people going to Tesco (when there are home deliveries for free or little extra cost)
Tesco's themselves recommend and indeed ask if you are able to go to supermarket then please do so and leave the delivery slots for those who are , for whatever reason, unable do so.
but in another thread we have a bloke traveling from spain to get a jab, why wasn't he fined?
very true? Must have been telling some porkies to be able to get out. in fact the list of offences is quite long considering he was a javea resident so would have been a non essential journey, leaving his municipality witout reason, there's 2 fines to start with. i'f I'd have been in the jab queue i'd have kicked up with those vaccinating.
You could always tax it on your phone after it has passed it’s test. Before driving home. This would keep you completely legal.
He only wanted the mot not to take it off sorn.
Why? The motorhome is not essential unless it’s the owners only transport. Not many are. It can sit at home until we are allowed out to play again. Then get it tested.
That doesn't work as the backlog makes it impossible to get a slot with 6 months of backlog
I rang NHS Scotland asking how my partner (english resident) could be vaccinated in Scotland. Ring local authority I was told, rang NHS Lanarkshire who advised registering as a temporary resident with local doctor, tried that to be told all covid invites are sent from NHS inform so we cant add him. Ive now consulted local councillor, awaiting reply from covid team on Monday. No joy we break covid restrictions and travel 230 miles to England so he can be injected .
I rang NHS Scotland asking how my partner (english resident) could be vaccinated in Scotland. Ring local authority I was told, rang NHS Lanarkshire who advised registering as a temporary resident with local doctor, tried that to be told all covid invites are sent from NHS inform so we cant add him. Ive now consulted local councillor, awaiting reply from covid team on Monday. No joy we break covid restrictions and travel 230 miles to England so he can be injected .
Surely he's far too young to be on the list yet ;)
That doesn't work as the backlog makes it impossible to get a slot with 6 months of backlog
I would be prepared to bet that I could get a slot tomorrow if I wanted, and tomorrow is Sunday. I could definitely get one Monday.

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Copied from the Chausson forum.

Be very aware, I just collected my 640 from Lowdhams Newark where I took it for habitation check and service yesterday. On the way home to Northampton I was stopped by the Police and explained the reason for my journey. my wife and I were immediately issued with a two hundred pound fine each as the Police said that this was not an essential journey even though I explained that I would lose my warrenty if the hat check was not carried out. It has turned out to be a very expensive service.
The manufacturer in this case Chausson should have made a point of telling their dealers to delay without penalty habitation services until this pandemic is over. Bailey told their dealers that a 6 month extension was granted on hab checks adding a nice rip off clause that the next hab service would have to be on the anniversary of the original date.

I have some sympathy with the original poster as Lowdhams have gained from encouraging the poster to travel to their site when actually they should be closed.

Interestingly had the poster been travelling 25 miles to his nearest Class 4 Centre for a pre booked MOT that would have been perfectly legal.

Unless the Police are prepared to set up road block checkpoints, fining the odd individual seems wrong to me. The traffic in South London at the moment is very little different to normal during daytime hours.
By fining the OP and by them posting here, they have made many MH’ers aware of the policy. Hopefully all will take note and enable the police to keep their scarce resources where they are needed.
I’m sorry tenmen but in my opinion you really should not have driven your vehicle the distance you did and for the reason you did during the current covid lockdown situation. It was in all honesty, definitely not essential travel that you had to do and had you been involved in a road traffic accident, where you and your wife or anyone else had been injured, then you would have been putting the nhs and all the doctors and nurses who would have had to attend to you all under even more pressure. The less traffic on the road at the moment the less likely road traffic accidents will occur and this is one of the main reasons the government are asking people to only travel short distances and for essential travel reasons only. There is also the risk of spreading the virus from one area of the country to another should people continue to travel any distance, so the advice to stay at home, save lives and protect the nhs is there for a very sensible reason.
I know you consider getting your motorhome serviced etc was important and I’m sure you really didn’t think you were putting yourself or anyone else in jeopardy by your actions but I urge you to reconsider your decision and look at the bigger picture.
Stay safe
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