Fined after taking Chausson for hab check & service

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I’m sorry tenmen but in my opinion you really should not have driven your vehicle the distance you did and for the reason you did during the current covid lockdown situation. It was in all honesty, definitely not essential travel that you had to do and had you been involved in a road traffic accident, where you and your wife or anyone else had been injured, then you would have been putting the nhs and all the doctors and nurses who would have had to attend to you all under even more pressure. The less traffic on the road at the moment the less likely road traffic accidents will occur and this is one of the main reasons the government are asking people to only travel short distances and for essential travel reasons only. There is also the risk of spreading the virus from one area of the country to another should people continue to travel any distance, so the advice to stay at home, save lives and protect the nhs is there for a very sensible reason.
I know you consider getting your motorhome serviced etc was important and I’m sure you really didn’t think you were putting yourself or anyone else in jeopardy by your actions but I urge you to reconsider your decision and look at the bigger picture.
Stay safe

It wan't 10tenmen it was a 'story' from the 'Chausson forum'...........a story (y)
Was thinking about using the van to coolect our Click n Collect groceries next week. We have two cars and three motorbikes. Wonder which one of those I should use instead?
We take ours out once a fortnight to do the shopping. I stay inside while OH goes into the supermarket....we have two cars but I don't think the guidance states which vehicle you use to go do your essential shopping 🙏
I haven't read all the comments but I'm astonished that many seem to accept this massive loss of our freedoms for a mild disease that kills old people like me. I caught the 1957 'flu, the one that liked to kill children, and the 1968 'flu which killed the equivalent, in today's population, of 130,000 people of all ages. We didn't stop people travelling, working, schooling or fine and arrest ordinary people in their lawful daily life. This SARS-Cov-2 virus is not doing any real harm to the vast majority of our society and yet the vast majority comply with outrageous restrictions that are not dissimilar to the reviled communist USSR and China. This is the worst year for deaths since 2008 and what did we do then? Sweden has had the worst year since 2013, but their population is now older and larger so it's proportionally less, and they have not created a Police State. Why do people comply with this devastation of our Human Rights?
Good job I didn’t get pulled then as I’ve just taken my mot out of storage to put on hook up as leisure batteries were extremly low

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I haven't read all the comments but I'm astonished that many seem to accept this massive loss of our freedoms for a mild disease that kills old people like me. I caught the 1957 'flu, the one that liked to kill children, and the 1968 'flu which killed the equivalent, in today's population, of 130,000 people of all ages. We didn't stop people travelling, working, schooling or fine and arrest ordinary people in their lawful daily life. This SARS-Cov-2 virus is not doing any real harm to the vast majority of our society and yet the vast majority comply with outrageous restrictions that are not dissimilar to the reviled communist USSR and China. This is the worst year for deaths since 2008 and what did we do then? Sweden has had the worst year since 2013, but their population is now older and larger so it's proportionally less, and they have not created a Police State. Why do people comply with this devastation of our Human Rights?

From the LANCET re 1957 and 1968 flu epidemics :

The virus emerged in China in the winter of 1957 and spread rapidly worldwide via ships, aeroplanes, and trains. In April, it sparked a major epidemic in Hong Kong, where about 250 000 people were infected, and by June India had seen over a million cases. Shortly afterwards, it made landfall in the UK, and by September outbreaks were being reported in England, Wales, and Scotland. General practitioners were “amazed at the extraordinary infectivity of the disease” and the suddenness with which it attacked younger age groups. Yet, while some members of the College of General Practitioners called for the UK Government to issue a warning about the dangers presented by the virus and coordinate a national response, the ministry of health demurred. Instead, the virus was permitted to run its course.
The 1957 outbreak was not caused by a coronavirus—the first human coronavirus would not be discovered until 1965—but by an influenza virus. However, in 1957, no one could be sure that the virus that had been isolated in Hong Kong was a new pandemic strain or simply a descendant of the previous 1918–19 pandemic influenza virus.
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The result was that as the UK's weekly death count mounted, peaking at about 600 in the week ending Oct 17, 1957, there were few hysterical tabloid newspaper headlines and no calls for social distancing. Instead, the news cycle was dominated by the Soviet Union's launch of Sputnik and the aftermath of the fire at the Windscale nuclear reactor in the UK.
By the time this influenza pandemic—known colloquially at the time as “Asian flu”—had concluded the following April, an estimated 20 000 people in the UK and 80 000 citizens in the USA were dead. Worldwide, the pandemic, sparked by a new H2N2 influenza subtype, would result in more than 1 million deaths.
The subsequent 1968 influenza pandemic—or “Hong Kong flu” or “Mao flu” as some western tabloids dubbed it—would have an even more dramatic impact, killing more than 30 000 individuals in the UK and 100 000 people in the USA, with half the deaths among individuals younger than 65 years—the reverse of COVID-19 deaths in the current pandemic. Yet, while at the height of the outbreak in December, 1968, The New York Times described the pandemic as “one of the worst in the nation's history”, there were few school closures and businesses, for the most, continued to operate as normal.
for a mild disease that kills old people like me.
Tell that to my friend who lost his wife aged 41.. mother to 4 kids youngest only medical conditions but still.
taken by this "MILD DISEASE".
As you I am astonished but not for the reasons you appear to be but by your attitude.
I haven't read all the comments but I'm astonished that many seem to accept this massive loss of our freedoms for a mild disease that kills old people like me. I caught the 1957 'flu, the one that liked to kill children, and the 1968 'flu which killed the equivalent, in today's population, of 130,000 people of all ages. We didn't stop people travelling, working, schooling or fine and arrest ordinary people in their lawful daily life. This SARS-Cov-2 virus is not doing any real harm to the vast majority of our society and yet the vast majority comply with outrageous restrictions that are not dissimilar to the reviled communist USSR and China. This is the worst year for deaths since 2008 and what did we do then? Sweden has had the worst year since 2013, but their population is now older and larger so it's proportionally less, and they have not created a Police State. Why do people comply with this devastation of our Human Rights?
I think it might be nice if you kept your rather naive comments to yourself. This so called mild disease put my previously fit 60 year old friend in ITU for 3 months. He is miraculously home but has had to have a stair lift put in and who knows how well he will ever be. My 25 year old god daughter who had it in November and was a keen runner only seemed to have it mildly but is still breathless now.

Have you not been reading the news or are you a conspiracy theorist, long Covid is beginning to look like a serious problem for the nations health. We don’t know much about it yet and the poor NHS certainly doesn’t have any resourses to deal with it.

I wanted to use a different word to naive in the first line but I didn’t want Jim to send me to Coventry. It’s early in the morning and I am a bit angry.
I think the fact that there was 2 people may have also been one if the reasons for the fines.
It doesnt take 2 people to take a motorhome for a service.
On a slightly different note, if you have a tracker and it must be working otherwise your insurance is made null and void Are you allowed to take your motorhome for a run out when your system tells you your battery is getting low.? I would say that keeping your insurance valid is essential. ?

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Copied from the Chausson forum.

Be very aware, I just collected my 640 from Lowdhams Newark where I took it for habitation check and service yesterday. On the way home to Northampton I was stopped by the Police and explained the reason for my journey. my wife and I were immediately issued with a two hundred pound fine each as the Police said that this was not an essential journey even though I explained that I would lose my warrenty if the hat check was not carried out. It has turned out to be a very expensive service.
my Chausson went into the dealer 4th November 2020 for warranty work and it’s still there. No rush to get it back and free storage
Damn, this has got me worried. Mine is booked in for a service and MOT 1st week of March.

It has to be done as the MOT runs out on the day it is in for service and more importantly 2 weeks later, we are moving house and have a 120 mile drive, which I don't want to do without an MOT! :-(
We take ours out once a fortnight to do the shopping. I stay inside while OH goes into the supermarket....we have two cars but I don't think the guidance states which vehicle you use to go do your essential shopping 🙏
No, but it does say one from each household to travel to do shop!?
On a slightly different note, if you have a tracker and it must be working otherwise your insurance is made null and void Are you allowed to take your motorhome for a run out when your system tells you your battery is getting low.? I would say that keeping your insurance valid is essential. ?
To charge it enough you would have to drive for at least an hour, I would say that is not essential, essential is for "survival" basically, food or health.
Can you not charge it any other way?
If it was at home i could but it’s in storage.?

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Copied from the Chausson forum.

Be very aware, I just collected my 640 from Lowdhams Newark where I took it for habitation check and service yesterday. On the way home to Northampton I was stopped by the Police and explained the reason for my journey. my wife and I were immediately issued with a two hundred pound fine each as the Police said that this was not an essential journey even though I explained that I would lose my warrenty if the hat check was not carried out. It has turned out to be a very expensive service.
I have extended all warranty’s on all our customers motorhomes as I know our customers are unable to travel . Just get in touch with your dealer/manufacturer and I am sure they will do the same . Keep safe everyone 🚐🚐RP Motorhomes
Damn, this has got me worried. Mine is booked in for a service and MOT 1st week of March.

It has to be done as the MOT runs out on the day it is in for service and more importantly 2 weeks later, we are moving house and have a 120 mile drive, which I don't want to do without an MOT! :-(
It's perfectly ok to take a vehicle for a pre-booked MOT.
Copied from the Chausson forum.

Be very aware, I just collected my 640 from Lowdhams Newark where I took it for habitation check and service yesterday. On the way home to Northampton I was stopped by the Police and explained the reason for my journey. my wife and I were immediately issued with a two hundred pound fine each as the Police said that this was not an essential journey even though I explained that I would lose my warrenty if the hat check was not carried out. It has turned out to be a very expensive service.
I read on one of the forums that an owner wrote to his mp before taking his camper in for warranty work and the mp replied saying that as the service centre is open and the government wants business to succeed he thought it would be ok.
If I were you I would write to my mp seeking clarification before paying the fine, and advise the police what you are doing.
This is not a political comment in any respect, but it seems a reasonable course of action to me. I would also mention that I fully support the police in enforcing lockdown regulations, to the extent that it should have been introduced about ten months ago, but that does not mean that they always get it right.
What is the point of the government's allowing the workshop to be open if it is unlawful to take work to them.
In summary, I think that it is reasonable to seek clarification from your MP as parliament makes the law.
I’ll be popping out to fill up with gas in the next week or so.
I won’t be paying any fines if I get stopped.
I haven't read all the comments but I'm astonished that many seem to accept this massive loss of our freedoms for a mild disease that kills old people like me. I caught the 1957 'flu, the one that liked to kill children, and the 1968 'flu which killed the equivalent, in today's population, of 130,000 people of all ages. We didn't stop people travelling, working, schooling or fine and arrest ordinary people in their lawful daily life. This SARS-Cov-2 virus is not doing any real harm to the vast majority of our society and yet the vast majority comply with outrageous restrictions that are not dissimilar to the reviled communist USSR and China. This is the worst year for deaths since 2008 and what did we do then? Sweden has had the worst year since 2013, but their population is now older and larger so it's proportionally less, and they have not created a Police State. Why do people comply with this devastation of our Human Rights?
I take it your estimate of 130,000 in today's population is a worldwide total (if it's a UK only total how do you arrive at it) Could you just post a comparison to the current cv19 worldwide deaths even with the restrictions currently in place?.

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From the person fined.
Thx for feedback, I have spoken to the justice dept today, they have been very clear the MH is considered as a secondary vehicle in 99% of cases and therefore if you own a primary other vehicle it is illegal to visit a dealership for any reason. Dealers are only allowed to carry out essential safety work by law, that does not include MOT or checks. Some dealers are ignoring this apparently but the ministry of Transport is carrying out checks to check on dealers of HGVs, PSVs and class 4 vehicle's (MH)
Just think if the police had not been busy with you they may have had to arrest some poor criminal
Indeed. My brother had his farm raided last week, steel gates cut, his £10,000 caravan stolen together with generator, farm equipment etc. Police are evidently too busy going for the low-hanging fruit to bother investigating.
I haven't read all the comments but I'm astonished that many seem to accept this massive loss of our freedoms for a mild disease that kills old people like me. I caught the 1957 'flu, the one that liked to kill children, and the 1968 'flu which killed the equivalent, in today's population, of 130,000 people of all ages. We didn't stop people travelling, working, schooling or fine and arrest ordinary people in their lawful daily life. This SARS-Cov-2 virus is not doing any real harm to the vast majority of our society and yet the vast majority comply with outrageous restrictions that are not dissimilar to the reviled communist USSR and China. This is the worst year for deaths since 2008 and what did we do then? Sweden has had the worst year since 2013, but their population is now older and larger so it's proportionally less, and they have not created a Police State. Why do people comply with this devastation of our Human Rights?
Oh Dear..
Seems odd to me. During the first lockdown I took mine for a service and MOT. The garage was open to service key workers cars and allowed to top up with others. That lockdown seemed much stronger.
Indeed. My brother had his farm raided last week, steel gates cut, his £10,000 caravan stolen together with generator, farm equipment etc. Police are evidently too busy going for the low-hanging fruit to bother investigating.
Maybe they just know from investigation of similar thefts before that it's very unlikely that they will catch the culprits. If the police see someone who looks like they are breaking the law I think they are right to take action. If they ignored a motorhome with 2 people in 75 miles from home a similar situation in your brothers case would be if they saw the theft in progress and took no action which everyone would agree is wrong.

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So now I am worried about my MOT for my motorhome . I guess I shouldn’t take it to the garage now but if they are open then i would have thought this was ok . Confused now .
SORN it, you can still drive a vehicle without tax or MOT if driving direct to the garage for its MOT. Make sure its pre booked for its MOT so you have proof thats where your going. Once you have the MOT pay for your road tax online before you leave the garage if you dont already have rd tax.
So what about using moho (we do also have car) for essential Tesco shopping. Surely what defines what an essential vehicle is what you are useing it for I.e. essential shopping. As appose to a car is essential vehicle but a moho is not.???
Quite right. My motorhome has a fridge/freezer which makes it the most appropriate vehicle for the weekly shop. It also has a sink and hot running water which makes it the most covid-safe. I have also used it for work on site as it provides me with a place to have lunch, use the WC and wash my hands during the day without using shared facilities. The truth is the police are picking on vehicles such as sports cars and RV's, which they think look like leisure trips, implying that driving an RV or a sports car is reasonable grounds for suspecting an offence is being committed. But is it, or are they just being discriminatory? What do you think?
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From the person fined.
I have spoken to the justice dept today,
what Justice Dept would that be? 🤔

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