On that basis, a prosecution wouldn’t make a jot of a difference.@bigtwin from years of experiance people dont learn from mistakes,
There’s no suggestion that she’s a serial offender; is there?some do but the serial offenders just dont.
A common accident involving motorcycles occurs when car drivers pull out of a side road. Drivers invariably respond with SMIDSY (Sorry mate, I didn’t see you), or, “he must have been speeding”. Either way it infuriates motorcyclists. However, while it’s entirely possible that some drivers don’t look properly, it turns out that there is a physiological reason that it happens. It’s a phenomenon called saccadic masking (it relates to the creation of blind spots when your eyes move sideways). So, as much as we might wish to judge a driver for their inattention, there may be perfectly good reasons (that might affect us all) why certain things happen.I do hope she alters her ways if she was not paying attention but and heres the bit, how does anyone not see a great big square infront of them
There could be a number of reasons why she failed to see/avoid the van. We cant possibly know why it happened.Unless she had a sneezing fit just at the wrong moment!!
Entirely possible.My money is on she pulled out to overtake saw something coming the other way and panicked