Crikey this place is worse than Facebook! Really didn't want to get dragged into all this in a public space but as you've mentioned us Tam, and people who've never met Jackie or you for that matter are jumping on the gossip wagon then we feel we need to fill in some blanks about what happened from our perspective and I think you deserve to know our feelings on the matter as perhaps it will help you in future dealings with people.
We all went over to Morocco together (Paul, Helen, Jackie, Tam, Garry and Cintia) I had hoped that being with some friends would be a positive thing for you as I'd seen your struggles online. We were there for you from the start offering help with the dogs and company. We never had any thanks from you and it was upsetting to see you turn what had been a good day into negatives at every possible turn.
Garry and Cintia were taking their time travelling down as they had a lot longer than us in Morocco so we didn't see them after the 1st day in Assiilah but we ended up camping with Jackie further South and we always kept you up to date of our location but you never joined us as you refuse to pay for guardian parking.
Jackie never talked about you and we didn't either but we discovered that she is a really lovely person.
Caring, brave and independent. We ended up spending quite a bit of time together as we have a lot in common. We still tried to keep in contact with you, stopping by your wild camp but didn't get any effort back from you to socialise.
We had our group WhatsApp where we would all keep in touch and a couple of weeks in you sent a very negative message that no one one replied to (because we were probably all a bit fed up of it. You only see your own problems and never ask after anyone else) you then promptly left the WhatsApp group. I believe this was a trigger for Garry as he had put so much time into helping you he could not believe you would flounce off because you didn't get attention for one message.
Despite this when we caught up with you in Tafroute we kept popping by, inviting you on walks and finally brought a big bag of dog food to leave with you for the pups when we were leaving and you just showed no interest in how we were or what we were doing. It's hard work interacting with someone who doesn't give back in conversation.
I don't really care about any of the he said she said stuff but seeing people invent stories about Jackie who isn't on this forum is just too much. Plain hard truth here but you are hard to be around because you take and don't give back. People give because they want to help you feel happier and when you just reward that giving with more negativity and don't pick up the signals that peoples patience is wearing thin then those people withdraw. I must add though that you withdrew 1st from the WhatsApp group and then when you were told by Garry straight up that he was upset with you blocked him. Yes he should probably have called in person but we all over rely on messaging these days.
It's really hard to say and no one wants to hurt you but you can make a positive out of all this. Build bridges and learn how to be a good friend back. I know depression can be a very selfish disease but there are things you can try to get better and blaming others is not going to help you.
Best of luck for the future. Helen and Paul.