That's what I thought a spectrometer does, give you the exact mix to match up. Fiat 210 will obviously be whiter than the existing so using a spectrometer will make a near perfect match taking into account fade etc.It's the right colour fiat 210 , but bare in mind the unpainted bits have 20 year old paint on them even a paintshop in the UK charging thousands could not paint the bumpers and have it match the exsisting paintwork perfectly. The only way to do that is a full respray.
I've had many vehicles resprayed in the UK...I paid 4k for a respray on an old vw back in 2008 .. I've had several others done and a few partial resprays. Whilst the finish on the main panels etc was better than what these guys have done none were ever perfect straight after paint ...they still required fettling.
A spectrometre only gives the colour code ....its almost impossible to mix it to allow for sun, road damage over years.