French border control office 2022…..
“Hey Pierre we av some of zose rosbifs outside with a big white van, zey give me ziss visa”
“ Alors Michel, zat is one of zose visas for the gite owners, do they have a gite?’
“I will ask them if they av a gite”
….. “ Pierre, zey say they av a gite in their van and zat zey even carry a spare gite box”
“Zut alors Michel! zose feelthy breeetish cochon , ow did we ever say zey could be oooropean?”
“ Pierre I am ow you say, , tres tres appy zat zey left, it azz been such ‘appy times , lets go and pretend we actually care about zose silly little angle morts steeckers and blow some smoke in zere little rosbif faces. “
“Non , even funnier , zey sink we care about ze petit ‘uk’ stickers! We must be tres vite, we av to shut zis merde border post in cinque minoots, zo we can go for our 3 lunch zen go and see our mistresses non?”
“ oh oui, zose poor rosbif, only 90 days away from Boris and zey have to pay gross eoooros to bring zere how you say , ‘cockagite’ chien over ‘ere’, hehe”
“ zey can av zis visa back, tell the rosbifs to go and turn off ze car number plate machine”
“Turn it off? Is it supposed to be on? “