Am I the only person who thinks it is crazy to........

Met a young Hungarian couple travelling down through Italy on an open ended trip. They had a self converted old transit can. Very nicely done. Cosy, book shelves, pretty bedside lamp etc. No shower (except cold/outside) and initially no toilet. Also completely off grid - no campsites. Been on the road for a month. Just a couple of days before we met them she had insisted they go into Rome to buy a portable toilet! I'd still need the hot shower too.
Met a young Hungarian couple travelling down through Italy on an open ended trip. They had a self converted old transit can. Very nicely done. Cosy, book shelves, pretty bedside lamp etc. No shower (except cold/outside) and initially no toilet. Also completely off grid - no campsites. Been on the road for a month. Just a couple of days before we met them she had insisted they go into Rome to buy a portable toilet! I'd still need the hot shower too.
Jackie I travelled a bit round Greece with was in a t6 , no toilet no shower , she was doing 5/6 months trips at a time.

I think it simply depends on whether you like camping or having all home comforts in a vehicle. I like a bit of both. But I van manage very basic if I have to .
There are many VW Transporters on sites an I’m sure there will be many who may not.

Some people don’t brush their teeth, don’t wash their hands after using the loo. but if you want a reasonably healthy life consideration has to be given to personal hygiene. So using a loo in such a small space don’t expect not to get something nasty.

You get aerosol effects when flushing the loo (always put the lid down before flushing) dread to think what happens if using the loo inside a T5/T6 who’s touching what and when, how to keep everything sanitised would be a nightmare in such a small space.
Has Howard Hughes joined the forum?
In a 5 metre van of any make, is it better to
A) p155 near the kitchen or
B) whoosh- bang all night? Discuss. 😁

Or this this as much about snobs who think campervans shouldn't exist?
To me that's akin to people who think children shouldn't exist...
Tents and camper and should exist it’s the sanitation that needs consideration and yes if you heard the zip of a tent or a woosh bang in previous years in the middle of the night that would have been me trotting off to the washrooms

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Yes, but it would have meant taking away some of the rear storage. It appeared the conversion was geared at trying to maximise the boot area space for storage, and the toilet was an afterthought. The loo was in a cupboard more suited for pots and pans etc…….which until the cupboard door was opened, that’s what we thought we’d find in there. (y)
Well you did ... you found a toilet pot/pan! :giggle: At least it wasn't a gazunder!:LOL:
In a 5 metre van of any make, is it better to
A) p155 near the kitchen or
B) whoosh- bang all night? Discuss. 😁

Or this this as much about snobs who think campervans shouldn't exist?
To me that's akin to people who think children shouldn't exist...

I really don’t recall being a snob or knocking how other people use their vans. I was just saying the lay out wouldn’t suit us…….we haven’t got a lounge area in our van, but we do have a fixed bed….our choice.

The conversion we looked at would have the bed right across the toilet cupboard, therefore either not being able to open the cupboard to use the loo, or remember to take it out of the cupboard before setting up the bed…..and put it where?

A loo in the back would be our choice. In the VW we saw you couldn’t have the bed out and have room to use the toilet. 🤷‍♂️

Think I’ll surrender now.(y)
Yet another thread where people appear to wish their lifestyle choices and beliefs on other people. If they’re happy and content, leave people be.
Some people are so sensitive.
This is a forum where discussion is invited.
The fact that the overwhelming majority above think it is VERY strange to not have a lavatory inside a motor home/camper van, does not mean that we are criticising.
It is of course a choice for you and if you feel that having an adult potty which you pull out of the cupboard next to the cooker, and then squat over it on the carpet area in front of the sofa to defecate into is normal, good luck to you. I criticise not, I merely think that if that was the only option for having a toilet function in a motorhome then I would sell it and never use it again.
It is also the case that we are considering buying a camper van rather than a motor home and we would not buy one with no proper lavatory. I think that 95% of people would feel the same and therefore a camper van with that facility is obviously far more sellable and worth a higher price than one in which you, pardon me, crap into a dustbin sack.
Our ancestors would roll around laughing at what mankind has become.

Planet was in better shape when everyone crapped and peed outside than it is nowadays.
Errrrrrrrrrr, no.

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Unfortunately I think that's what's wrong with the world today.

Too much a nanny state and people who are ridiculously anal about everything. It's why there's no common sense anymore and people need 100 signs to help them function in every day life.

Our ancestors would roll around laughing at what mankind has become.

Planet was in better shape when everyone crapped and peed outside than it is nowadays.
Good sanitation is a positive thing and our ancestors would be grateful for it. With near 8 Billion people in the world and around 68 Million in the UK im pretty sure we are glad people are not doing thier business outdoors, its a perspective and one I am wholly glad we are not going to test ;)
Some people are so sensitive.
This is a forum where discussion is invited.
The fact that the overwhelming majority above think it is VERY strange to not have a lavatory inside a motor home/camper van, does not mean that we are criticising.
It is of course a choice for you and if you feel that having an adult potty which you pull out of the cupboard next to the cooker, and then squat over it on the carpet area in front of the sofa to defecate into is normal, good luck to you. I criticise not, I merely think that if that was the only option for having a toilet function in a motorhome then I would sell it and never use it again.
It is also the case that we are considering buying a camper van rather than a motor home and we would not buy one with no proper lavatory. I think that 95% of people would feel the same and therefore a camper van with that facility is obviously far more sellable and worth a higher price than one in which you, pardon me, crap into a dustbin sack.

Errrrrrrrrrr, no.
Seriously you will find that 95% don't agree with you . There are more vw camper vans with no toilet registered in the UK than there are motorhomes and that is only one brand . Add in all the other models that don't have a toilet and it will probably be more than double that of motorhomes so please stop quoting figures you've no idea off .

And it's a Fiddlesticksin toilet no a lavatory.
Seriously you will find that 95% don't agree with you . There are more vw camper vans with no toilet registered in the UK than there are motorhomes and that is only one brand . Add in all the other models that don't have a toilet and it will probably be more than double that of motorhomes so please stop quoting figures you've no idea off .
Well, I have only read through the comments above in this post but obviously I was talking about this Forum not the world in general and a large majority appear to have negative thoughts on using a bucket./Porta potty to defecate into in the middle of the lounge/diner/sleeping area!

Whoever it was who made the point that we were too hygienic and things were better 'in the old days' has obviously forgotten about Cholera and the Black Death!
Well, I have only read through the comments above in this post but obviously I was talking about this Forum not the world in general and a large majority appear to have negative thoughts on using a bucket./Porta potty to defecate into in the middle of the lounge/diner/sleeping area!

Whoever it was who made the point that we were too hygienic and things were better 'in the old days' has obviously forgotten about Cholera and the Black Death!

This forum has people with one thing in common.


And very little else , it is not somewhere to get an unbiased opinion.

The vast majority are over 70 which means their opinions on most things differ from a younger audience.

Therfore a good portion of opinions I tend to ignore as they are far out of touch.

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Seriously you will find that 95% don't agree with you . There are more vw camper vans with no toilet registered in the UK than there are motorhomes and that is only one brand . Add in all the other models that don't have a toilet and it will probably be more than double that of motorhomes so please stop quoting figures you've no idea off .

And it's a Fiddlesticksin toilet no a lavatory.
Actually it isn't either. Both toilet and lavatory are by definition a place for washing. All terms actually describing the bog, karsi, shitter etc are considered impolite.
I sometimes wish I were braver. Was camped next to a tent once in an orchard site and 'someone' had snaped the end off my grey waste pipe (washing water) and it dripped.

One morning, the big brave man in the tent next to me collared me and shouted, 'AND IT' S ALRIGHT DRIVING ROUND IN YOUR BIG, POSH VAN...... YOUR DRIPPING YOUR WASHING UP WATER...... THERE'S KIDS ON THIS SITE YOU KNOW WHO COULD WALK THROUGH THAT! '

I soooooo wanted to say,' that's rich coming from the guy who sticks his willie through the tent door to have a wee in the middle of the night.... I've seen it! '

.... but I didn' t cos he was bigger than me. :(
Parked up next to couple of Dutch a few years ago on a wild beach who extolled the virtues of their cut out camp stool with dustbin bag underslung which went into the local waste receptacle.
Space saving or what.?
Beats wearing adult nappies :whistle2:
Seriously you will find that 95% don't agree with you . There are more vw camper vans with no toilet registered in the UK than there are motorhomes and that is only one brand . Add in all the other models that don't have a toilet and it will probably be more than double that of motorhomes so please stop quoting figures you've no idea off .

And it's a Fiddlesticksin toilet no a lavatory.
Once again, I was obviously talking about the fellow forum members views on this site were.

Can you by the way back up your 'figures'?

I absolutely challenge you on the following question.

A. I believe that a camper van does not need a, in your words, 'toilet', In addition it is quite acceptable to have a potty under the cooker that can used to defecate and urinate in the lounge/diner/sleeping area.

B. Crapping into a plastic bag or adult plastic potty in the middle of the lounge/diner/sleeping area is absolutely disgusting as well as being as unsanitary and unhygienic as it is possible to be. Simply vile!

If asked you think 95% of people would answer A? If so, keep taking the pills.

I am very sorry if the responses from Forum members above don't agree with you. All I did as somebody who is interested in a camper van, was to raise the question. Sorry if you don't like the answers. As you would say, "so please stop quoting figures you've no idea off ".

Have a good evening and don't forget to wash your hands.
This forum has people with one thing in common.


And very little else , it is not somewhere to get an unbiased opinion.

The vast majority are over 70 which means their opinions on most things differ from a younger audience.

Therfore a good portion of opinions I tend to ignore as they are far out of touch.
Oh now I understand. You are a member of the forum but only responses reflecting YOUR opinion are recognised by you as being relevant.
Got it.
Why are some people so hung up on having a crap…🤷🏼‍♂️

Everyone does it and does it matter where they do it in their own privacy… when I was in hospital I shat in a potty in a bed for months where I slept and eat with open wounds with six other people no more then 6ft away… lots of people do it in commodes in there front room or lounge, some crap in a bag under their jumper… I’m sure most would like their own private porcelain throne every time but some have no choice….😎

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After building 2 sewage works then decommissioning a few and literally being up to my neck in 💩 for weeks a few 💩 don’t phase me.
I do laugh when people are all togged up with rubber gloves and bottle of bleach to empty the cassette but it’s their choice😁😁

But if I had to crap in a bag I would call it a day I think😬😬
Once again, I was obviously talking about the fellow forum members views on this site were.

Can you by the way back up your 'figures'?

I absolutely challenge you on the following question.

A. I believe that a camper van does not need a, in your words, 'toilet', In addition it is quite acceptable to have a potty under the cooker that can used to defecate and urinate in the lounge/diner/sleeping area.

B. Crapping into a plastic bag or adult plastic potty in the middle of the lounge/diner/sleeping area is absolutely disgusting as well as being as unsanitary and unhygienic as it is possible to be. Simply vile!

If asked you think 95% of people would answer A? If so, keep taking the pills.

I am very sorry if the responses from Forum members above don't agree with you. All I did as somebody who is interested in a camper van, was to raise the question. Sorry if you don't like the answers. As you would say, "so please stop quoting figures you've no idea off ".

Have a good evening and don't forget to wash your hands.

Oh now I understand. You are a member of the forum but only responses reflecting YOUR opinion are recognised by you as being relevant.
Got it.
I think you should keep taking the valium. You seem very easily upset at your own lack of diversity.

Once again YOUR opinion of other people's choices is not important or correct .

Please stop replying to me now I ain't interested.
After building 2 sewage works then decommissioning a few and literally being up to my neck in 💩 for weeks a few 💩 don’t phase me.
I do laugh when people are all togged up with rubber gloves and bottle of bleach to empty the cassette but it’s their choice😁😁

But if I had to crap in a bag I would call it a day I think😬😬
The benefit of crapping in a bag is simple . You tie it and bin it and never have to see it or smell it again .

Unlike a full cassette
I sometimes wish I were braver. Was camped next to a tent once in an orchard site and 'someone' had snaped the end off my grey waste pipe (washing water) and it dripped.

One morning, the big brave man in the tent next to me collared me and shouted, 'AND IT' S ALRIGHT DRIVING ROUND IN YOUR BIG, POSH VAN...... YOUR DRIPPING YOUR WASHING UP WATER...... THERE'S KIDS ON THIS SITE YOU KNOW WHO COULD WALK THROUGH THAT! '

I soooooo wanted to say,' that's rich coming from the guy who sticks his willie through the tent door to have a wee in the middle of the night.... I've seen it! '

.... but I didn' t cos he was bigger than me. :(
What were you doing spying on him in the middle of the night Joy ....and were binoculars involved? :oops: :LOL:

This forum has people with one thing in common.


And very little else , it is not somewhere to get an unbiased opinion.

The vast majority are over 70 which means their opinions on most things differ from a younger audience.
Unless you have asked Jim for the info you don't know that and I suspect most are in the 50-70 age range.:rolleyes:

Therfore a good portion of opinions I tend to ignore as they are far out of touch.
Wow ... I bet that's really endeared you to a lot of funsters! :LOL:

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Why are some people so hung up on having a crap…🤷🏼‍♂️

Everyone does it and does it matter where they do it in their own privacy… when I was in hospital I shat in a potty in a bed for months where I slept and eat with open wounds with six other people no more then 6ft away… lots of people do it in commodes in there front room or lounge, some crap in a bag under their jumper… I’m sure most would like their own private porcelain throne every time but some have no choice….😎

Not hung up on it, just my choice of how and where I do it. (y)
Most these days don't use sites . Or very rarely
The site we were on in the south of France recently was full every day, with a queue of hopeful arrivals every morning outside reception. you may very not use sites but I can assure you a good percentage of this sites inhabitants were in panel vans.
I am currently looking at VW T6.1 conversions, and yes, most don't have a loo, or just a porta-potty in a cupboard, but I have seen one or two, that have a thetford loo with a cassette, right at the back, one even had a sliding wall to give some privacy, Worx I think. My next van will be customised, hoping to go straight to the 'third van' (everyone seems to say the third van is the right one!) and cut out No. 2, if you will pardon the pun!

And yes, I do think its crazy!
I have a 5 metre van with a cassette loo, slide out door and side wall. Definitely wanted van with loo but not many at 5 meters.
The site we were on in the south of France recently was full every day, with a queue of hopeful arrivals every morning outside reception. you may very not use sites but I can assure you a good percentage of this sites inhabitants were in panel vans.
I don't doubt that some use sites sometimes. But I expect you will find they park off site most of the time and use sites when they need to .
One of the great things about a motorhome / camper is being self contained and a loo is an essential for that.

I suppose a portapotty would be acceptable if you were a solo but there are some things that need to be done in private.
Not a toilet thread - it's a portapotty thread!

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