The reality of fulltiming at the moment.

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The guy is now pitching up at friends smallholding be interesting to see how long he stays there

I happen to like travelers down to earth salt of the earth people, dont like the mess they leave behind but the council clear it up, and when you consider it 87 pounds a ton to tip you can understand them leaving it behind it would be cheaper to let them tip free as with the fly-tippers.

First you complain about where this guy might dump his rubbish then you say you really don't mind it being left behind.

Totally incoherent
As I keep posting over and over again, I have lived in my van for over 30 years, often parking in (non residential) streets in towns and ALWAYS staying where I don't cause any bother to anyone.

This guy hasn't done that. He has parked where he does bother locals (even if some of those locals aren't very nice).

But what makes it worse in my eyes, and makes it impossible for him ever to be on my Christmas Card list, is that he posts videos of his lifestyle online.

He must think he is so special or something to keep going "Look at me... Look at me".

Do me a favour please and keep your head down and live your life with consideration for others... even if they are narrow minded, ill educated, willy heads.

JJ :cool:
i see the lovies always revert to type (name calling).
I will bow to your higher level of education, i know my place JJ.:(

First you complain about where this guy might dump his rubbish then you say you really don't mind it being left behind.

Totally incoherent
I was being PC as its a hate crime to criticize the travelers. and also doing a bit of :reel:
i see the lovies always revert to type (name calling).
I will bow to your higher level of education, i know my place JJ.:(


Mr chrisgreen ... you misunderstand my post... I did not have you in mind when referring to the "ill educated" willy heads. I was referring to the passers by with their rock throwing etc.

I know you are an educated man as I believe my ex father-in-law (Spud Murphy) played his part in it!

Sorry for the misunderstanding.

JJ :cool:

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Mr chrisgreen ... you misunderstand my post... I did not have you in mind when referring to the "ill educated" willy heads. I was referring to the passers by with their rock throwing etc.

I know you are an educated man as I believe my ex father-in-law (Spud Murphy) played his part in it!

JJ :cool:
Then i apologize JJ, Yes spud was one of my teachers.
Just to inform you my daughter is now head housekeeper at your old school in Chesterton. (y)
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This guy does some great videos. He is usually so full of fun and silliness. The Lockdown has brought out the idiots and it has pulled him down...

This is what he is currently having to deal with :(

The guy is now pitching up at friends smallholding be interesting to see how long he stays there

I happen to like travelers down to earth salt of the earth people, dont like the mess they leave behind but the council clear it up, and when you consider it 87 pounds a ton to tip you can understand them leaving it behind it would be cheaper to let them tip free as with the fly-tippers.
Why am I not surprised ? :)
when you lot criticize travelers that local authorities are bound by law to supply facilities for them.
Because they are an ethnic minority, the guy in the vid is not, he is just FLT nothing else.
I would be grateful if you did indeed go fishing - get some fresh air and perhaps a more balanced view of life - so off you go :giggle:
If you mean to have the same view on life as you, no thanks I'm fine as I am.

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I don’t see why the police are there moving them on...? If they were gypsies it would have been down to the local council to get them moving after weeks of court orders...🤔
Please do not confuse gypsies with travelers, a gypsy will knock your door and try to sell you pegs or lucky heather, a traveler will knock your door and ask if you want your driveway tarmacked and if you say no they will steal your pushbike on the way out.
sadly there are very few proper gypsies about now. as they are the people that used to do a lot of the fruit and veg picking.
As I keep posting over and over again, I have lived in my van for over 30 years, often parking in (non residential) streets in towns and ALWAYS staying where I don't cause any bother to anyone.

This guy hasn't done that. He has parked where he does bother locals (even if some of those locals aren't very nice).

But what makes it worse in my eyes, and makes it impossible for him ever to be on my Christmas Card list, is that he posts videos of his lifestyle online.

He must think he is so special or something to keep going "Look at me... Look at me".

Do me a favour please and keep your head down and live your life with consideration for others... even if they are narrow minded, ill educated, willy heads.

JJ :cool:
Absolutely spot on
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when you lot criticize travelers that local authorities are bound by law to supply facilities for them.
Because they are an ethnic minority, the guy in the vid is not, he is just FLT nothing else.
Just to correct you , local authorities were supplied with money to provide facilities for full time van dwellers and were not supposed to move them on during the CV lockdown period. this did happen in some areas but unfortunately not in all . The guy in question is a ginger white disabled lesbian , I was told , but that may not be correct as I haven't had time to verify that . :)
Reading the responses on this thread, I have to agree, and strongly disagree with with them, everyone has their view on life, and can cast aspersions on anyone they chose with or without proof or knowledge of their persons circumstances.
I personally like the idea that these mostly youngsters, have chosen to live in their self build vans, live independently from state funding, and are prepared to earn a living doing what ever it is they do to fund it.
Many do it, so they can travel far & wide and experience living/travelling across Europe & beyond.
Lets face it guys, if we had our chance again, wouldn't we jump at the chance of taking a year or three out to travel in our vans and experience life as they do?

The problem as far as I can see is that they are too heavily reliant on posting is some cases Daily updates of their life experiences on social media. To do this they spend half each day editing the days video, pictures, and audio to upload to You Tube.
They try and build up a large following of subscribers and daily hits from people viewing their content, some of which is very good in terms of production quality.

I have always abstained from all social media, with the exception of Fun. We have all seen the negative affects that social media platforms have caused, which in my view outweigh the positive ones, like child suicides, bullying,fake news,and cyber attacks.

I have heard that the revenue stream from You Tube has drastically reduced in recent times, you only get paid a pittance per thousand hits on your uploaded vlog, so why do so many do it?, I dont know, why has it become such a responsibility to keep all their followers in the picture, every day?, why not quality over quantity? If you have nothing of interest to post, then dont do it.

I agree with JJ and others, in that if you want to live the independent lifestyle in a van, keep your head down, stay off Faceache, Twatter & Instagram, WhatsApp,etc,dont tell anyone where you are day to day.

The successful vloggers I follow on MH touring, know this, they value their privacy, they never tell any of their "Loyal" subscribers where they are until after the event. Some are looking for sponsorship from suppliers in many cases, by giving quality reviews on just about anything they know is of interest to their followers, and if Bob Earnshaw can do it, then the bar must be fairly low.
Some are boring as mud, others try and post help & advice on how to improve or repair things, (take with a pinch of salt in some cases) some are brilliant presenters & producers, that are maybe looking to build a carrier in journalism & have started their own production companies.(y)

I know its a generational thing but social media, across so many platforms is spreading too much personal info, that can be used against you at anytime, now or in the future. I have been told that one negative comment, can outweigh a hundred positive ones, which is true in all aspects of life, personal & business.

I envolve myself enough here on Fun, but I get some great ideas, help when I can to support others, get help when I need it, and a sense of being in a MH community, with common interests that helps us make more informed decisions on travel.
Thanks & best wishes to all that help us make the best of what we call motor homing.(y)
Reading the responses on this thread, I have to agree, and strongly disagree with with them, everyone has their view on life, and can cast aspersions on anyone they chose with or without proof or knowledge of their persons circumstances.
Everyone can have their own view on life YES

Everyone can cast aspersions without proof. NO

That simply cannot be right in any civilised society - it is why stop and search targets certain sections of society - false assumptions whether based on sone statistical fact or not does not give anyone the right to simply assume and then cast a slur.

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Everyone can have their own view on life YES

Everyone can cast aspersions without proof. NO

That simply cannot be right in any civilised society - it is why stop and search targets certain sections of society - false assumptions whether based on sone statistical fact or not does not give anyone the right to simply assume and then cast a slur.
I hope thats the way my message was perceived by all as, and on that we agree, trouble is too many dont think that way, in casting aspersions that is, especially on keyboards.
I've known Chris Green for nigh on 60 years. He does like to fish in water where he knows he'll get a bite. He certainly got a few in this thread, maybe I ought to charge for fishing licences '\
I've known Chris Green for nigh on 60 years. He does like to fish in water where he knows he'll get a bite. He certainly got a few in this thread, maybe I ought to charge for fishing licences :D
So, the god news is, I have formed my opinion (which I am entitled to do) and I can keep it to myself Having not known him for 60 years, because that is the polite thing to do 😀
I have followed this guy and many others on you tube for quite a while. I joined this forum because of the generally happy and sometimes amusing comments. I also liked the fact that most always seemed ready and willing to help out with bits of advice etc.
I was a bit disappointed to read some of the quite nasty comments made in this thread.
As much as ?I can be envious of those living full time in the van, when the world turns upside down there is absolutely nothing like having your own bricks and mortar. A stable home. I really feel for full timers like him and his lovely dog. I cannot imagine th3 stress and the duress they have been under.

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Everyone can have their own view on life YES

Everyone can cast aspersions without proof. NO

That simply cannot be right in any civilised society - it is why stop and search targets certain sections of society - false assumptions whether based on sone statistical fact or not does not give anyone the right to simply assume and then cast a slur.
It’s been going on for years. They would pull a tipper for weight as more chance they are over then a bread van as paid by the ton, more chance of catching someone running on red outside a scrap yard then Tesco, more chance catching a drink driver outside a pub then a church. It’s how it is and always will be.
Some fishermen like pulling the legs off spiders as well , says a lot about their psyche.
I think that statement says more about you than any fisherman that I know.:rolleyes:
To quote from Hamlet "Hoist with his own petard" :LOL:

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