Tam &Toby do Europe ...Take two

There will be two french femme up in that village saying to each other


Tam who said this lol

I could literally throttle them ...the town is dead apart from these 2 old wimmen planting flowers on the entrance to the town. They stopped me and made signs about being too high and wide etc
Aye but to be fair they did say "village petit and narrow " and then that junction I stopped at was after the village ...the first time I took the road to the left and tgats where the very low very narrow tunnel was about 5 km down that road. The one straight ahead that I took on second attempt was ok.

So why they didn't try to explain that I don't know.

But you would think there would be a sign at that junction saying low bridge ahead or something. If there had been a line of cars behind me there would have been chaos
Anyway on another note .....the last few days have been better as in more scenic etc ...but.

I'm still not sure here.

It's obviously still out of season for France , I'm still pretty much the only person in these towns they are dead , the roads are dead , the aires and parking spots are dead, which makes meeting other travellers etc really bloody hard. It's also not the warmest etc. Is Italy going to be any different?
Because these places are all new to me and I guess I just thought it would be similar to last year in Spain and Portugal where I met various people both other travellers and the odd locals I got chatting too etc.
While many in Spain didn't speak English many of the younger folk did and I could speak some Spanish ( enough to get by )

Do they speak much English in Italy? Or any of the other countries I had planned to visit?

To be honest as much as I like scenery and exploring new places the thought of being pretty much isolated and bored of my own company for the next 6 -9 months is doing nothing for me.

So I need some advice and tips because I haven't done this before and solo travelling is different from being a couple etc.
Tam,great pics and great story,thanks. Those wimmins was just after your body,haha.
You have to remember that you are now in a very low density population area of France,which is anyway much less densely populated than GB.
I don’t know exactly where they speak more English,but I imagine the nearer you get to the touristy places,the more they speak it. So,if that’s your thing,head towards the hot spots. And of course the younger ones are more likely to be able to converse. So,head for the bright lights for a while..........then you’ll appreciate the wide open spaces all the more when you get back into the countryside!
Good luck!
Sorry, I can't help you with your questions and doubts Tam. I know where you're coming from, I find/found travelling solo hard, I wanted to be able to share my excitement, pleasure pissed-offness etc with someone.
Travelling seems to highlight the solitaryness. I am still solitary but in one place which I find much easier.
I tend to be an "I've started so I'll finish " type of person -that is not a good way to be.
There is no shame in changing your mind, or breaking things into numerous shorter trips.
Think deeply Tam, you have many years in front of you and your health and happiness to consider. Good luck.
Anyway on another note .....the last few days have been better as in more scenic etc ...but.

I'm still not sure here.

It's obviously still out of season for France , I'm still pretty much the only person in these towns they are dead , the roads are dead , the aires and parking spots are dead, which makes meeting other travellers etc really bloody hard. It's also not the warmest etc. Is Italy going to be any different?
Because these places are all new to me and I guess I just thought it would be similar to last year in Spain and Portugal where I met various people both other travellers and the odd locals I got chatting too etc.
While many in Spain didn't speak English many of the younger folk did and I could speak some Spanish ( enough to get by )

Do they speak much English in Italy? Or any of the other countries I had planned to visit?

To be honest as much as I like scenery and exploring new places the thought of being pretty much isolated and bored of my own company for the next 6 -9 months is doing nothing for me.

So I need some advice and tips because I haven't done this before and solo travelling is different from being a couple etc.
I think France will be getting busier towards the end of next week with Easter, you will start getting families (in France it will be french grandparents with grandchildren) and the weekends will start getting busier. They tend to spend their days at lakes then go to aires to eat and then they disappear at 2300 hrs and god knows where they go. Or they disappear at paying time and come back in a bit. Provence in particular is not well inhabited by the anglaisies (which i dont mind) and maybe only bump into a couple every week, but i parlez le frog un peu, so it helps. I found Italy (only done from Milan to Trieste and the Fruilli region and a bit of Como, and its nice if you stay off the beaten track and away from teh coast but i strongly suspect you will meet less Brits than regions like Gard, Herault, Ardeche, Cevennes and maybe north Provence and the mountains towards Annecy. You are in teh back and beyond at the moment. Grasse and Puget les thenier/Entrevaux might be worth a try, but around Ventoux at Bedoin, Sault and some place beginning with M (Malaucene) you will find loads of Brits but all keen cyclists trying to get up that bloody mountain.
I know i am a bit of a francophile, but if you were to give France a couple or 3 more weeks heading for the beautiful villages and more used aires you will start meeting the dutch and belgians who are fluent in anglaisey.
We will be around Geneva at the start of the May. Nantua, Vouglans, Cascades du herrison (now there s a place to look up that your dogs would love) ot around Leman to thonon or maybe in to the Juras or perhaps even Annecy. Things are very fluid. I have 7 days to get to Geneva from 28th and spending that in the Alsace which is outstanding. I would also consider the Moselle (when it gets warmer) as that will be full of Brits, and last year there was a fella stayed there for ages by himself meeting different funsters each and every day. and German Bavaria as that has an amount of Brits. I just think you are in the wrong time of year, and perhaps in hindsight sending you into a stunningly beautiful yet empty at the moment area was an unintended error.
Let us know what your thoughts are in relation to May onwards when it starts getting hot. Maybe shooting up to Milan and doing the lakes with an intention of heading to German/France border then moselle so you can tip your toes into Italy Switzerland Austria Germany and see what you like. (Austria and Germany are cheap in comparison)

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We were in France last May / June in the Dordogne then Provence and were surprised by how few British people we bumped into compared to previous years. This changed as we move further north but we certainly saw a drop in numbers compared to previous years. We've also done Italy and Croatia out of the main season in October and i think you're unlikely to find too many Brits there either..

Cetainly they are very different to Spain and Portugal and it might be that they just Don't suit you as well.... if you aren't enjoying it and are getting lonely you can always Change your plans......that's the joy of motorhoming! You might be better to head back into Spain or Portugal for a few months and then plan an interesting route when it's warmer and there will be more people around..
Hmm... even in the summer we have mainly socialised with French families ... seen very few Brits, lots of French, Dutch, German. In Italy too, even in the summer. That’s ok with me as my degree was French. Spanish and Italian. I’ll be sing8ng a different song this year, heading to Germany/Austria where I have a handful of lyrics from David Bowie’s Helden (Heroes) ... if the conversation doesn’t centre round kings, queens and swimming dolphins I’ll be lost .....
Dinnae get me wrong ...I'm not fussed about meeting Brits. .... most of the folk I met last year weren't Brits...all different nationalities but they spoke English etc

I just don't find the French particulary friendly and that's all that's around in France at the minute it would seem and if you can't speak French you're buggerred it would seem
Dinnae get me wrong ...I'm not fussed about meeting Brits. .... most of the folk I met last year weren't Brits...all different nationalities but they spoke English etc

I just don't find the French particulary friendly and that's all that's around in France at the minute it would seem and if you can't speak French you're buggerred it would seem
Maybe when the weather improves and you get to sit outside of your van in an evening with your frozen grapes, and especially with your mutts, the conversation starters occur.
A few complimenatary phrases always go down well.
If they are eating "Bon Apetit", Bonjour, bon soir, for G'day and Evening all. They tend to always respond.
I ve always found them very reasonable and the Dutch extremely chatty, hardly come across Germans in France.
I dont think a lot of the french motorhomers speak english but those that do tend to make an effort. I know a lot of my conversations have been me speaking in french to them and them speaking in english to me. The wife survives with sign language and the occasional word she understands. I remember using some sign language when i saw this attractive young lady who was the same size as my daughter in a shop and we wanted to buy the right size vest, and the comedy from my o level french and use of sign language to point out that "she had huge tits and a slim waist and could she possibly try this top on for me" took a minute or so to translate, but we got there just before the gendarmes attended !
It's true that the French are about as bad as we are at speaking other nation's languages ;)

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Never found France as quiet as you seem to find it, perhaps it's because we like quite and don't notice it.

Italy outside of July & August it's totally dead will make France appearances really exciting and not many speak English.

West side of Germany loads of people speak English. The old eastern side is really interesting but their second language is Russian.

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I’m using this free app to learn a little french , I found the quickest way to socialise with the french is to learn a little of their language (a few words breaks the ice) or Tell them your Scottish not English , it’s always amazed me how the french who can’t speak English when you meet them try much harder to make conversation once they find out your Scottish
View attachment 296021 I’m using this free app to learn a little french , I found the quickest way to socialise with the french is to learn a little of their language (a few words breaks the ice) or Tell them your Scottish not English , it’s always amazed me how the french who can’t speak English when you meet them try much harder to make conversation once they find out your Scottish
Yeah I used duolingo for Spanish ...it's just laziness really that I haven't used it for France

Probably as I never intended to stay in France very long.
I do say bonjour merci au revoir etc but that's about the extent of it at the minute.

But I do make sure I say I'm Scottish lol .....regardless of folks opinions the English Brits have pissed off the French and Spanish for decades lol ....every little helps
Dinnae get me wrong ...I'm not fussed about meeting Brits. .... most of the folk I met last year weren't Brits...all different nationalities but they spoke English etc

I just don't find the French particulary friendly and that's all that's around in France at the minute it would seem and if you can't speak French you're buggerred it would seem
Bit like visiting UK,if you don't speak English your buggered,,Its much to early for France,,season for some campsites doesn't start until end of April and finishes mid September. BUSBY(y)(y)
Most French don’t see why they should learn your language, I think (they’re probably right) that you are in their country you should speak their language!
It won’t help with conversation but if you can learn some basics and try you will find they will try to help you, they are very gregarious by nature & love to natter. Compliment them on anything you can think of.
We’ve found most Brits don’t want to know you in France but we’ve had some weird conversations with French people in spite of not being able to speak the language!
Tam, if you can get to Entrevaux, it’s in your ‘sort of’ area it’s a lovely place, Google it.
There is a rural campsite down river from it with a nice walk up to the Ville which has (or had) a motorbike etc. museum, looks like a home on the outside and used to just take a donation for entry, inside there are all sorts of bikes!
Would be worth a visit if you are no too far away from it.

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Tam, if you can get to Entrevaux, it’s in your ‘sort of’ area it’s a lovely place, Google it.
There is a rural campsite down river from it with a nice walk up to the Ville which has (or had) a motorbike etc. museum, looks like a home on the outside and used to just take a donation for entry, inside there are all sorts of bikes!
Would be worth a visit if you are no too far away from it.
Entrevaux has a free stopover next to the train station and you have the view of the hill top and great village to walk through. If you use the car park go furthest away from the train station for a tad more P and Q but I suspect there will be others there as well. I m sure there was a beautiful 13th century bridge over a lake nearby somewhere around there and i am thinking pugets but cant quite put my finger on it. I ll try getting my bible of beautiful spots out later rather trusting my memory
Well I'm actually in Nice. I tried a couple of spots that were on park4night but were absolute hell. Satnav got me in trouble again right in the centre of the old town but luckily a guy came over and helped out so I got out unscathed.
The old town looks nice. I'm stopped just past the port where I think it's a euro an hour to park ( not checked machine yet ) so if that's the case we can park a couple of hours and have a look around the town.
St Laurent du Var is a reasonable free stop with free water for overnight from there, unless youre carrying on into Italy. Its next to the road but no overnight traffic and a little trek into town, but it is just a town. Eze is a great walk out and another "beautiful village" with numerous photo opportunities just the other side of Nice but before Monaco.
Not sure what the score is with dogs on the train from Nice to Monaco, as Monaco is not over friendly for Motorhomes but has to be on the list of things to do around there. If going in by train be aware the french and italian train services dont accept each others tickets and they have ticket collectors (personal experience that cost me money)
Nice old town was alright for a visit...very busy...lot of money sat in the marina some stunning big yachts ...haven't a lot of pics though as not a lot worth taking pics of.

I then drove up the hill to chemin du fort albon and gonna stay here tonight.
Cracking views from here
Quite frankly the standard of driving and more so parking in this bloody country is appalling ....parked here for only a few hours and so far I've seen half a dozen near misses, two actual bumps and some asshole park his Astra right against the side of Toby and then hit it with his bloody door.

I of course opened the door on hearing the bang and there's Pierre scarlet faced saying it's no problem I just hit it with my door.

I'm like yeah I heard that and I'll decide if it's a problem or not....bugger has scuffed one of the decals but fortunately not caused any real damage.

Even in cars they have to park as close as they can the idiots ...loads of space

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I hate driving in France... or, to be more accurate, I hate the way the French drive... We had a guy overtake us on a motorway and pull back in so tightly he nearly collided with our front bumper. The road was totally empty - absolutely nothing whatsoever on it! What's all that about??? Imagine the insurance claim and trying to explain how the damage to our vehicle was to the front yet caused by someone overtaking. Bloody idiots!

I don't care what country you're from it's just common sense that you don't cut into someone you've just overtaken... aaaannnnddd breathe !!! :D
I hate driving in France... or, to be more accurate, I hate the way the French drive... We had a guy overtake us on a motorway and pull back in so tightly he nearly collided with our front bumper. The road was totally empty - absolutely nothing whatsoever on it! What's all that about??? Imagine the insurance claim and trying to explain how the damage to our vehicle was to the front yet caused by someone overtaking. Bloody idiots!

I don't care what country you're from it's just common sense that you don't cut into someone you've just overtaken... aaaannnnddd breathe !!! :D
Yep I've had that a few times too I've also had scooters overtake me on the left at roundabouts to then take the first right ....crossing right in front of me.
But boys you are both still here to tell the tale and it breaks up the monotony of all the driving! :eek: and you haven't mentioned whether or not they were women drivers ;)
Yep I've had that a few times too I've also had scooters overtake me on the left at roundabouts to then take the first right ....crossing right in front of me.

I think kids as young as 14 can drive 49cc scooters in France , 14 year old on bored out mopeds , I’m sure you’ll see worse driving before your tour ends , lol
I think kids as young as 14 can drive 49cc scooters in France , 14 year old on bored out mopeds , I’m sure you’ll see worse driving before your tour ends , lol
wait till you get to italy, total idiots

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