- Jan 17, 2014
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Appreciate hearing the different approach being taken by various health trusts.I am 67 and was diagnosed with intermediate PC last February, Gleason 3+4 with 15% of the samples taken being grade 4. I didn't/don't really find the examinations or the biopsy problematic. It's better to know the score than carry on wondering what might be.
I saw the surgeon fairly quickly. He suggested I give serious consideration to active surveillance but that seems to be a ticking time bomb to me. I do not want the operation to remove the prostate.
I only got to see the Oncologist in October (one cancelled appointment in September).
I also have Ulcerative Colitis which is well managed with medication. I wanted radiotherapy after having spacer gel inserted. That doesn't come free on the NHS though. £6k or £7k for the operation. I am thinking that should provide at least some protection to my rectum area.
I wanted brachytherapy but they can't do it if the spacer gel is used so I am back to normal radiotherapy (whatever normal is).
Seeing Oncologist again next week.
My old man had PC and it spread and got him. I don't fancy the same outcome personally.
UHL (University Hospitals Leicester)
I'm 75 in ten days time and am waiting for progression through the radiotherapy procedure, now seven weeks into HT. PSA was 10 last Spring, Gleeson (which my Trust don't quote unless asked) was 3-4, I don't know the details of the biopsy except that they found cancerous cells.
An interesting thought to perhaps combine the knowledge of others on here. Perhaps we could create a check list of the questions we should ask (and maybe insist on answers to) when meeting the various medical professionals.