Petition: Amend PCSC Bill to withdraw power to seize vehicles used as mobile homes

I wonder how many wouldn't hesitate to use any methods to stop the vehicle being seized? I disagreed with seizure of vehicles from the outset, mainly due to the amount they seized illegally, then when you retrieve it half the stuff is missing /been stolen. Yes I would't allow any police , council official , etc; to attempt to seize my vehicle.I would have no problem dispensing with them at the side of the road-
Perhaps your right! Just pour petrol onto the vehicle and set fire to it would be easier than crushing it (y)
I haven't the interest in arguing the point ...ill simply say wait and see then complain about it later.

I find it increasingly annoying that the generation that is obsessed with the past wars and claims of fighting for rights and freedoms are the same generation thats now so keen to allow our own freedoms to be removed. Maybe they are just lucky enough to have not been on the wrong end of abuse of power or possibly just to self centred to care.

But like other bad decisions they've made of late its the younger generations that will suffer from their actions.

Interestingly (sorry for bold, can’t get it off), a quick google search brought up the below from Lincolnshire Police.

I would think from reading this that by the time a lone motorhomer parking anywhere was moved from routine to a more urgent response those parking for a cup of tea would be well gone. If in a public lay by or parking space then the complainant is probably going to have to wait a very long time. If they are stopped on someone’s garden, in the grassed area of a public park or similar then a quicker response might be judged necessary, but it will still not be immediate.

Anyone upping the anti and eliciting a more urgent response probably deserves it.

This is clearly, to anyone with a modicum of common sense, not going to to be practical to get resources to in anything like fast response mode, unless it is triggered by something more serious.

Two things have to happen, firstly the legislation has to be passed, and then the guidelines as always will need to be drawn up. It will be interesting to see what is in those guidelines in due course.

I can see no reason to sign this petition.

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How we grade incidents​

We grade incidents into the following categories:


An urgent response will be required where it is assessed that there is a heightened risk associated with the incident. It will qualify as an emergency
contact if any of the criteria set out below are satisfied:

- An emergency contact encompasses circumstances where an incident is reported to the Police which is taking place and in which there is, or is likely to be a risk of:

  • Danger to life
  • Use, or immediate threat of use, of violence
  • Serious injury to a person and/or
  • Serious damage to property
- Where the contact relates to an allegation of criminal conduct, it will be dealt with as an emergency if:

  • The crime is, or is likely to be serious and in progress
  • An offender has just been disturbed at the scene
  • An offender has been detained and poses, or is likely to pose a risk to other people
  • Important evidence may be lost
- Where the contact relates to a traffic collision it will be dealt with as an emergency if:

  • It involves or is likely to involve serious personal injury
  • The road is blocked or there is a dangerous or excessive build-up of traffic
- Where the above circumstances do not apply a contact will still be classified as an emergency if:

  • The circumstances are such that a police call taker has strong and objective reasons for believing that the incident should be classified as an emergency, the call handler will immediately refer the incident to a supervisor or FCR Inspector for assessment
  • An emergency contact will require immediate response in line with specific attendance policies, for example where a critical register marker dictates an urgent response


A priority response will be required where the Police call taker acknowledges that there is a degree of importance associated with the initial Police action, but where an urgent response is not required.

Guiding criteria for grading any incident as a Priority response is as follows:

  • There is a genuine concern for somebody’s safety, but no immediate danger to life
  • An offender has been detained and is compliant
  • A witness or other evidence is likely to be lost
  • At a road traffic collision which does not involve serious injury or dangerous or excessive build-up of traffic
  • A person involved is suffering extreme distress or is otherwise deemed to be extremely vulnerable
Such incidents require a prompt response but do not usually necessitate the use of emergency sound and light equipment.


A routine response is required when the call taker assesses that the needs of the caller can be met by use of the ‘Diary Appointment System’ under the following circumstances:

  • Any incident where a Police response is required but an Urgent or Priority response is not necessary
  • The response time is not critical in apprehending offenders
  • A more proportionate, better quality and more victim focussed response can be taken if it is dealt with by a pre-arranged appointment with an
    appropriate Police resource at a time suitable to the caller. This appointment will be at a police station. Where certain exemptions apply police will attend the home address but not within the diary system.
You must never have come accross a bored policeman. Lucky you
If you are "admiring the view" in the company of other, shall we say, non motorhomers and the Constable targets just you, there is redress under 'The Police Discipline Regs' for the offence of 'Abuse of Power'.
interesting if you go to many seaside resorts and one I went to recently (Southwold) notices were aimed at MoHo's No Cooking No camping etc Nipped in to the local fish and chip shop drove around to the general parking area where these signs were, can you imagine a nimby looking out of thier home seeing a MoHo with people in it eating OMG I can hear the sirens wailing and the traffic wardens now.

Now I know that is a far fetched scenario for the moment but once this law passes are you telling me that it will not be used by those who live by the sea who do not wish to have MoHo's parked up looking at the view and a spot of lunch, lets see what happens I could be wrong (hopefully) or I could be right.

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Every bit of land in the uk has been bought/stolen by someone . Whether its councils , trusts or private owners. This bill gets passed it brings an end to wildcamping in beach carparks etc with it . It simply means if one person phones the police because you are parked where he walks his dog and the police have to act on it . You will then be asked to move on whereas before the police would likely have not been interested unless you were doing harm.

Thats what this bill will bring with it. One complaint from anyone , justified or not.

Fine if you use campsites .... personally ive signed for it to be ammended and fortunately most of the vanlife groups etc have had the sense to do likewise.

There's a reason many of the papers etc running this story state it will bring an end to wildcamping ....because thats it aim .

It will mean basically any local authority carpark , beach carpark , even a supermarket carpark . If anyone at all takes objection to you parking there you will have to move. Its a power that will most certainly be abused.
You have greater faith in humanity than i have. That single van tucked away doing no harm just needs 1 obnoxious person to phone the police and report it and under the new bill it will be told to move because someone has complained.

The police notoriously love easy targets and fines. Moving one van is far easier than moving a group where they may encounter resistance.

This law will be abused no end
I disagree with you Tam, if a member of the public complains without a valid reason and just wants the vehicle moved then the Police do not have any requirement to act at all. The complainant has to be the owner of the land (or legal representative) that the offending vehicle is parked on and has to have already asked the the vehicle user to move, who has then refused, before the Police will be able to legitimately get involved.
I haven't the interest in arguing the point ...ill simply say wait and see then complain about it later.

I find it increasingly annoying that the generation that is obsessed with the past wars and claims of fighting for rights and freedoms are the same generation thats now so keen to allow our own freedoms to be removed. Maybe they are just lucky enough to have not been on the wrong end of abuse of power or possibly just to self centred to care.

But like other bad decisions they've made of late its the younger generations that will suffer from their actions.

Since time immemorial it's always been about prioritising rights of landowners, or lawful occupiers such as tenants. Every bit of land in England and Wales (with few exceptions) is owned by someone or a corporate body. There is no vacant or ownerless land for wild camping. The common law right to use reasonable force to evict trespassers who refused to leave when asked to do so has been all but lost. The Orwellian mis-named Protection of Freedoms Act in fact criminalised clamping or removing vehicles on private land. Just an example of what has been lost in recent years.

Removing trespassing vehicles is a freedom that is going to be partly reinstated, with the help of Cops. I don't see that as abuse of powers.

I'm not going to disagree with you about erosion of other very important freedoms especially freedom of speech.
interesting if you go to many seaside resorts and one I went to recently (Southwold) notices were aimed at MoHo's No Cooking No camping etc Nipped in to the local fish and chip shop drove around to the general parking area where these signs were, can you imagine a nimby looking out of thier home seeing a MoHo with people in it eating OMG I can hear the sirens wailing and the traffic wardens now.

No I know that is a far fetched scenario for the moment but once this law passes are you telling me that it will not be used by those who live by the sea who do not wish to have MoHo's parked up looking at the view and a spot of lunch, lets see what happens I could be wrong (hopefully) or I could be right.
Tough for the complainant as the Police have no reason to act on the 'say so' of a member of the public who doesn't own the land just because they don't like it being parked where it is. That's why it has to be the land owner/representative who has to have taken step to request the vehicle to be moved first and had a refusal before the Police can legitimately get involved.
Tough for the complainant as the Police have no reason to act on the 'say so' of a member of the public who doesn't own the land just because they don't like it being parked where it is. That's why it has to be the land owner/representative who has to have taken step to request the vehicle to be moved first and had a refusal before the Police can legitimately get involved.
True but then there is the hotline to the local residents association the local councillor etc etc. We have seen the double yellow lines go down in areas that have become popular in the recent lockdowns driven in the main by local resident associations so let’s see maybe Im wrong and would happy to be so.

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I haven't the interest in arguing the point ...ill simply say wait and see then complain about it later.

I find it increasingly annoying that the generation that is obsessed with the past wars and claims of fighting for rights and freedoms are the same generation thats now so keen to allow our own freedoms to be removed. Maybe they are just lucky enough to have not been on the wrong end of abuse of power or possibly just to self centred to care.

But like other bad decisions they've made of late its the younger generations that will suffer from their actions.
Mainly its our own fault!

I was 28 years old when we were lucky enough to be able to afford our first new motorhome. Lyn and I had three small children and we took ourselves all over Europe.

We overnighted parked alongside the Seine in Paris, in a 30' Gulf Stream in 1990, literally in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower, camped on the glorious beaches of the Mediterranean, woken up to the local baker ringing his hand bell to let us know that he's set up shop on the beach for the camping cars.

Parked at the Pont Du Gard and spent a couple of glorious days exploring the river, exploring the surrounding Countryside, overnighted at virtually every tourist attraction, historic building park, theme park our natural wonder.

Wild camping in the Alps over Christmas, in the snow, in a small area about a few hundred metres above Chamonix was something I will never for get

We started with a 20' Autohomes coach built and ended up touring with a 36' RV (we had another Baby) the people we met were amazing where ever we went, even if sometimes a little incredulous, Having to reverse off the ferry at Corsica as the tide was out and the angle too steep to drive off of the ferry

But, we have seen abuse, an increase of abuse. People leaving shit and crap when they go, breaking things to make fires. We've arrived at spots we know, only to move on, due to the mess left by others. Liberties taken, kindness abused, total disregard for other people that live in the area or, may follow in their footsteps, as they are following others.

We have a dog, I gag when I pick up his crap in a scented thick bag! but I have picked other people's dog shit up and thrown it at people who have let their dog crap and then refuse to pick it up. Lyn and I have argued and remonstrated and threatened people over the years that are acting like twats and potentially ruining it for everyone, as well as clearing up after other people.

But, year after year we have seen a decrease in freedom, more sign's more height barriers, more control, more rules and regulations, less welcome, less trust, less interest in trying to attract motorhomes

We should remember that we are guests when we stay in some ones area, we have no God given right to park on someone else's land, or set up camp on a beach, dumping our waste in someone else's bin or skip, getting water from a tap that someone else pays for, emptying our toilets in someone else's drain or Public Lavatories, we are there as guests and should act like such!

There would be no need for this legislation if there were no problem!
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Oh so the bill will stop me shopping in my van at Tescos now :doh: And parking in legal parking spaces :rolleyes:

I'm not worried by the bill at all. Though I do think it was better shaped at dealing with the issue when it mentioned that there had to be 2 or more vans to be an encampment, but the Bill has a way to go yet and I wouldn't be surprised to see this bit added back.
No one said shopping. But if you stayed overnight then who knows.

Thats the point are trusting that the power will not be abused.

Im not
Mainly its our own fault!

I was 28 years old when we were lucky enough to be able to afford our first new motorhome. Lyn and I had three small children and we took ourselves all over Europe.

We overnighted parked alongside the Seine in Paris, in a 30' Gulf Stream in 1990, literally in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower, camped on the glorious beaches of the Mediterranean, woken up to the local baker ringing his hand bell to let us know that he's set up shop on the beach for the camping cars.

Parked at the Pont Du Gard and spent a couple of glorious days exploring the river, exploring the surrounding Countryside, overnighted at virtually every tourist attraction, historic building park, theme park our natural wonder.

Wild camping in the Alps over Christmas, in the snow, in a small area about a few hundred metres above Chamonix was something I will never for get

We started with a 20' Autohomes coach built and ended up touring with a 36' RV (we had another Baby) the people we met were amazing where ever we went, even if sometimes a little incredulous, Having to reverse off the ferry at Corsica as the tide was out and the angle too steep to drive off of the ferry

But, we have seen abuse, an increase of abuse, people leaving shit and crap when they go, breaking things to make fires, we've arrived at spots we know, only to move on due to the mess left by others. Liberties taken, kindness abused total disregard for other people, either that live in the area or, that may follow in their footsteps as they are following others.

We have a dog, I gag when I pick up his crap in a scented think bag! but I have picked other people's dog shit up and thrown it at people who have let their dog crap and then refuse to pick it up. Lyn and I have argued and remonstrated and threatened people over the years that are acting like twats and potentially ruining it for everyone, as well as clearing up after other people.

But, year after year we have seen a decrease in freedom, more sign's more height barriers, more control, more rules and regulations, less welcome, less trust, less interest in trying to attract motorhomes

We should remember that we are guests when we stay in some ones area, we have no God given right to park on someone else's land, or set up camp on a beach, dumping our waste in someone else's bin or skip, getting water from a tap that someone else pays for, emptying our toilets in someone else's drain or Public Lavatories, we are there as guests and should act like such!

There would be no need for this legislation if there were no problem!
Problem is everyone knows there ‘rights’ not everyone knows there responsibilities.
Mainly its our own fault!

I was 28 years old when we were lucky enough to be able to afford our first new motorhome. Lyn and I had three small children and we took ourselves all over Europe.

We overnighted parked alongside the Seine in Paris, in a 30' Gulf Stream in 1990, literally in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower, camped on the glorious beaches of the Mediterranean, woken up to the local baker ringing his hand bell to let us know that he's set up shop on the beach for the camping cars.

Parked at the Pont Du Gard and spent a couple of glorious days exploring the river, exploring the surrounding Countryside, overnighted at virtually every tourist attraction, historic building park, theme park our natural wonder.

Wild camping in the Alps over Christmas, in the snow, in a small area about a few hundred metres above Chamonix was something I will never for get

We started with a 20' Autohomes coach built and ended up touring with a 36' RV (we had another Baby) the people we met were amazing where ever we went, even if sometimes a little incredulous, Having to reverse off the ferry at Corsica as the tide was out and the angle too steep to drive off of the ferry

But, we have seen abuse, an increase of abuse, people leaving shit and crap when they go, breaking things to make fires, we've arrived at spots we know, only to move on due to the mess left by others. Liberties taken, kindness abused total disregard for other people, either that live in the area or, that may follow in their footsteps as they are following others.

We have a dog, I gag when I pick up his crap in a scented think bag! but I have picked other people's dog shit up and thrown it at people who have let their dog crap and then refuse to pick it up. Lyn and I have argued and remonstrated and threatened people over the years that are acting like twats and potentially ruining it for everyone, as well as clearing up after other people.

But, year after year we have seen a decrease in freedom, more sign's more height barriers, more control, more rules and regulations, less welcome, less trust, less interest in trying to attract motorhomes

We should remember that we are guests when we stay in some ones area, we have no God given right to park on someone else's land, or set up camp on a beach, dumping our waste in someone else's bin or skip, getting water from a tap that someone else pays for, emptying our toilets in someone else's drain or Public Lavatories, we are there as guests and should act like such!

There would be no need for this legislation if there were no problem!
Yes and i agree with you ... popularity , youtubers ,instagram even my own travel threads showing nice park up spots encourouge more folk to do it aware its a victim of its own success . But few people want the bill scrapped the petition is to have it ammended so there is a bit more leeway between the odd van here and there and an encampment of travellers.

Ive wildcamped in Scotland for 30 years and its now becoming a joke to find a place to park ...but if this bill gets passed in its current state it will be abused i can guarantee it.
Yes and i agree with you ... popularity , youtubers ,instagram even my own travel threads showing nice park up spots encourouge more folk to do it aware its a victim of its own success . But few people want the bill scrapped the petition is to have it ammended so there is a bit more leeway between the odd van here and there and an encampment of travellers.

Ive wildcamped in Scotland for 30 years and its now becoming a joke to find a place to park ...but if this bill gets passed in its current state it will be abused i can guarantee it.
I guarantee it won't

And if it does, I will give you a week's free camping on our campsite (y)

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This must be similar to the situation with live aboard narrowboats in and around London and many other boats on their waterways
In about 2000 the Canals and River Trust were granted power to seize any narrowboat they thought was not obeying their mooring laws.
They threatened to seize many live aboard NB but always failed because there could not provide alternative living accommodation.
They approached the various local councils who refused to house people who already had a home.

As far as I'm aware it still goes on.
Every bit of land in the uk has been bought/stolen by someone . Whether its councils , trusts or private owners. This bill gets passed it brings an end to wildcamping in beach carparks etc with it . It simply means if one person phones the police because you are parked where he walks his dog and the police have to act on it . You will then be asked to move on whereas before the police would likely have not been interested unless you were doing harm.

Thats what this bill will bring with it. One complaint from anyone , justified or not.

Fine if you use campsites .... personally ive signed for it to be ammended and fortunately most of the vanlife groups etc have had the sense to do likewise.

There's a reason many of the papers etc running this story state it will bring an end to wildcamping ....because thats it aim .

both right and wrong in this post!
I both agree and disagree with parts of your post!

Unfortunately somebody who wildcamps in a beach car park for a night and leaves in the morning is not the target or in the spirit of the proposed legislation. It is aimed at those who refuse to move from areas and who cause damage or cause distress etc by their actions. The spirit of the legislation is largely groups who camp up and dump rubbish, commit anti social behaviour and so on.

The group who will come under fire are those who now choose to live a life which they call wild camping and end up living for days or weeks in the same beach car park. I don’t see this as wild camping (ie camping in a wild place) but essentially they have become an itinerant traveller (some temporarily so for a period of months) and will become the focus of attention under the aspect of causing disruption or distress by taking up places in a busy/popular car park for prolonged periods of time. In this case there is the danger that authorities ie councils, who operate the car park, will seek to use the legislation to move them due to demands from the public for them to do so. This in turn will lead to blanket enforcement to all such use, however temporary.

The proposed legislation is fine by me to tackle those who it is aimed at. If people don’t want the focus of it turned on them then they need to understand that extended periods in popular parking places in prime locations will attract unwanted attention due to those who abuse it. Unfortunately public opinion of wild campers has turned and most authorities are now either using legislation to enforce a no overnight type of policy or adapting and offering limited services to cater for demand. Hopefully a balance will be achieved but I fear more and more wild camping areas will be subject to enforceable legislation due to those who abuse it and continue to live in them rather than simply visit.
I both agree and disagree with parts of your post!

Unfortunately somebody who wildcamps in a beach car park for a night and leaves in the morning is not the target or in the spirit of the proposed legislation. It is aimed at those who refuse to move from areas and who cause damage or cause distress etc by their actions. The spirit of the legislation is largely groups who camp up and dump rubbish, commit anti social behaviour and so on.

The group who will come under fire are those who now choose to live a life which they call wild camping and end up living for days or weeks in the same beach car park. I don’t see this as wild camping (ie camping in a wild place) but essentially they have become an itinerant traveller (some temporarily so for a period of months) and will become the focus of attention under the aspect of causing disruption or distress by taking up places in a busy/popular car park for prolonged periods of time. In this case there is the danger that authorities ie councils, who operate the car park, will seek to use the legislation to move them due to demands from the public for them to do so. This in turn will lead to blanket enforcement to all such use, however temporary.

The proposed legislation is fine by me to tackle those who it is aimed at. If people don’t want the focus of it turned on them then they need to understand that extended periods in popular parking places in prime locations will attract unwanted attention due to those who abuse it. Unfortunately public opinion of wild campers has turned and most authorities are now either using legislation to enforce a no overnight type of policy or adapting and offering limited services to cater for demand. Hopefully a balance will be achieved but I fear more and more wild camping areas will be subject to enforceable legislation due to those who abuse it and continue to live in them rather than simply visit.
Well all we can do is hope that you are correct ....but once it has passed the opportunity to ensure it doesnt stop all wildcamping has gone.
And these bloody idiots i could honestly throttle. ....they do more harm than good with their stupid articles.

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It’s the same old thing none of us can live somewhere for free and expect somebody else to pick up the bill, unless your itinerants and we all know how that works🤬
Oh so the bill will stop me shopping in my van at Tescos now :doh: And parking in legal parking spaces :rolleyes:

I'm not worried by the bill at all. Though I do think it was better shaped at dealing with the issue when it mentioned that there had to be 2 or more vans to be an encampment, but the Bill has a way to go yet and I wouldn't be surprised to see this bit added back.
I didnt realise that the 2 vehicles plus part of the bill had been removed . To me that is the pivotal point regarding the meaning of "encampments", ie the 2 plus definition of encampment cannot be misunderstood or misconstrued by anyone .Not even by those who sometimes by force ,take over any particular privately owned/publicly owned piece of land , then proceed to cause fear alarm and general mayhem in the area.

That part of the bill should be reinstated , so as to give unambiguous, clear definition .
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And these bloody idiots i could honestly throttle. ....they do more harm than good with their stupid articles.

Although the second part about the van life couple who got jobs as wardens shows better role models than the first one who seemed a typical "ooh look at me, my friends are so jealous of my new perfect lifestyle" instagrammer type.
Although the second part about the van life couple who got jobs as wardens shows better role models than the first one who seemed a typical "ooh look at me, my friends are so jealous of my new perfect lifestyle" instagrammer type.
Yes but unfortunately not everyone can get jobs as wardens ...i just dont know why they feel the need to go bragging and boasting in newspapers. These articles appear almost weekly now.

Theres a wee poem thing i cant remember the name of but is about a bird that falls in a pile of shit then starts singing and gets eaten

The moral of the story being if youre getting a way with something keep quiet

Ill keep trying to find it

Edit ...i found it

It simply means if one person phones the police because you are parked where he walks his dog and the police have to act on it .
No it doesn't. It doesn't mention members of the public being able to complain. Only the land owner or their agent etc can.

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Seizure of assets is a good tool in the armoury against crime. Esp, when people have no fixed abodes and fake names etc. Don't want anything nicked out of your van when its been seized, move on when asked.
Seizure of vehicles is what concens me. So you have no problem it being extended to your house then? when the bank forgets to pay your council tax, returning home to find the locks changed & you can't get back in till Monday as they don't work weekends? It is no different to my vehicles same as the wife, daughters, dogs , = untouchable.
And here is the bit where they can crush your van……

The relevant chief officer of police may retain any property that has 10 been seized under subsection (1) until the end of the period of three months beginning with the day of the seizure (“the relevant period”).
(5) But the relevant chief officer of police ceases to be entitled to retain the property if before the end of the relevant period a custody officer gives written notice to P that P is not to be prosecuted for the offence under 15 section 60C in relation to which the property was seized.
(And see subsection (10)).
(6) Subsection (7) applies where before the end of the relevant period proceedings for an offence under section 60C are commenced against P.
(7) Where this subsection applies the relevant chief officer of police may 20 retain the property seized until the conclusion of proceedings relating
to the offence (including any appeal) (but see subsection (10)).
(8) Where a chief officer of police ceases to be entitled to retain property
under this section the chief officer must, subject to any order for forfeiture under section 60E, return it to the person whom the chief officer believes to be its owner.
But I wouldn't be bothered by then as I wold probably have topped at least the first 2 attempting to seize it.
Perhaps your right! Just pour petrol onto the vehicle and set fire to it would be easier than crushing it (y)
It would be my first course of action should they even make the threat.
I see no reason to sign this as it is about time land owners had some help with removing illegally parked vehicles.
Very true but it needs to be worded better , as it was at one point, to prevent usage on single veicle seiezure.
I guarantee it won't

And if it does, I will give you a week's free camping on our campsite (y)
You can't guarantee anything. There is always someone in authority who will take the piss.They have been & done it to all and any laws already.
I didnt realise that the 2 vehicles plus part of the bill had been removed . To me that is the pivotal point regarding the meaning of "encampments", ie the 2 plus definition of encampment cannot be misunderstood or misconstrued by anyone .Not even by those who sometimes by force ,take over any particular privately owned/publicly owned piece of land , then proceed to cause fear alarm and general mayhem in the area.

That part of the bill should be reinstated , so as to give unambiguous, clear definition .
Seizure of vehicles is what concens me. So you have no problem it being extended to your house then? when the bank forgets to pay your council tax, returning home to find the locks changed & you can't get back in till Monday as they don't work weekends? It is no different to my vehicles same as the wife, daughters, dogs , = untouchable.

But I wouldn't be bothered by then as I wold probably have topped at least the first 2 attempting to seize it.

It would be my first course of action should they even make the threat.

Very true but it needs to be worded better , as it was at one point, to prevent usage on single veicle seiezure.

You can't guarantee anything. There is always someone in authority who will take the piss.They have been & done it to all and any laws already.

I would have a problem with it being extended to my house if that's how it worked. But it doesn't. People run into problems over Council Tax because they ignore the many warning letters and don't engage with the Council, not because they miss one payment. Enforcement Agents are employed as a last resort to get the occupants to face up to their responsibilities and take some action. In most cases the Enforcement Agents find that there are no goods of value worth seizing.

Yes, there may well be someone in authority who will take the piss. Unfortunately it is the small minority of motorhome owners who have been taking the piss that has led to the current situation. The legislation may well have been targeted initially at encampments of two or more vehicles. Perhaps with postbags full of complaints from constituents asking when their representative is going to do something about the motorhomes that are blighting their area (whether you agree or not), it's only going to push the MPs towards taking the once in decades opportunity to be seen to be doing something about it.

Sometimes members of the motorhome community do its cause no good by arguing about finding loopholes in the law so that they can exercise their rights. All that it is leading to is organizations taking other steps to exclude motorhomes (height barriers, boulders, parking restrictions etc.) to the detriment of all motorhomers, or, as is the case here, legislation being introduced to plug some of the loopholes.
It will mean basically any local authority carpark , beach carpark , even a supermarket carpark . If anyone at all takes objection to you parking there you will have to move. Its a power that will most certainly be abused.
The majority of local authority and beach car parks are governed by TROs which prohibit camping. The majority of cupermarket car parks are governed by terms which ptohibit camping.
The abuse is committed already by those who ignore those orders/terms.
Rather ironic that existing abusers complain about abuse then :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
It is aimed at everyone but was instigated due to gypsy/traveller eviction problems.
That is certainly one of the main factors. No doubt many of the people of Stockton on Tees borough will welcome it as they have just seen two well kept playing fields trashed by travellers in the past week.

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