Its all got worse and im feeling completely broken
All was going well got to Bordeaux , traffic awful ,,
Booked a site on the Dunes at Biscarosse , but before that a detour directed me into Biganos a tiny little place with some unpaved roads ,I was directed under a low bridge by the cops and a warning sign damaged my solar panel and then the trailer hit a bump ,? and 2 of the cargo straps broke , and the ducati fell off . now im blocking the road , The police are shouting , but then 2 nice locals come and help me move the bike and van to a safe place .. But a car full of young arabs appears and they chuck a rock and I get hit , one of them grabs my keys and hits me again as he tries to get in the van ,I hit him with a spanner . and then they drive of laughing ..but with my keys
Im in a bad state , advised to go to hospital , but im not leaving the van , police have now disspeared, ? the 2 locals help me resecure the bike to the trailer , and it now has 4 heavy duty 50mm straps instead of the30mm ones , but the trailer is not good , I have worries about it now I think its bent and the securing points are sharp and can damage the cargo straps ,even the metal hooks have been damaged one snapped , The bike is a sorry state ,, the lost keys a re a bigger problem , , now I have no keys for the bike ,, I do have spares for the van ..I got to the site last night in the forest by the dunes ,, I have applied a bandage to the head wound ...and will head to local hospital
went to the gendarmarie 20 mins ago, police know about the incident ,,but I dont think anything will happen
I really have come to the end of the line,, I just trying to summon up some energy to start returning home ,, this holiday has been a disaster , no bike , no faith in the trailer , i feel crushed ...may be I should go home and give up on Motorhoming
All was going well got to Bordeaux , traffic awful ,,
Booked a site on the Dunes at Biscarosse , but before that a detour directed me into Biganos a tiny little place with some unpaved roads ,I was directed under a low bridge by the cops and a warning sign damaged my solar panel and then the trailer hit a bump ,? and 2 of the cargo straps broke , and the ducati fell off . now im blocking the road , The police are shouting , but then 2 nice locals come and help me move the bike and van to a safe place .. But a car full of young arabs appears and they chuck a rock and I get hit , one of them grabs my keys and hits me again as he tries to get in the van ,I hit him with a spanner . and then they drive of laughing ..but with my keys
Im in a bad state , advised to go to hospital , but im not leaving the van , police have now disspeared, ? the 2 locals help me resecure the bike to the trailer , and it now has 4 heavy duty 50mm straps instead of the30mm ones , but the trailer is not good , I have worries about it now I think its bent and the securing points are sharp and can damage the cargo straps ,even the metal hooks have been damaged one snapped , The bike is a sorry state ,, the lost keys a re a bigger problem , , now I have no keys for the bike ,, I do have spares for the van ..I got to the site last night in the forest by the dunes ,, I have applied a bandage to the head wound ...and will head to local hospital
went to the gendarmarie 20 mins ago, police know about the incident ,,but I dont think anything will happen
I really have come to the end of the line,, I just trying to summon up some energy to start returning home ,, this holiday has been a disaster , no bike , no faith in the trailer , i feel crushed ...may be I should go home and give up on Motorhoming
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