My trip just got worse , bike trashed , keys stolen and I have been attacked

Jul 13, 2023
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All over Europe now
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Adria 680ST Gold
Its all got worse and im feeling completely broken

All was going well got to Bordeaux , traffic awful ,,
Booked a site on the Dunes at Biscarosse , but before that a detour directed me into Biganos a tiny little place with some unpaved roads ,I was directed under a low bridge by the cops and a warning sign damaged my solar panel and then the trailer hit a bump ,? and 2 of the cargo straps broke , and the ducati fell off . now im blocking the road , The police are shouting , but then 2 nice locals come and help me move the bike and van to a safe place .. But a car full of young arabs appears and they chuck a rock and I get hit , one of them grabs my keys and hits me again as he tries to get in the van ,I hit him with a spanner . and then they drive of laughing ..but with my keys

Im in a bad state , advised to go to hospital , but im not leaving the van , police have now disspeared, ? the 2 locals help me resecure the bike to the trailer , and it now has 4 heavy duty 50mm straps instead of the30mm ones , but the trailer is not good , I have worries about it now I think its bent and the securing points are sharp and can damage the cargo straps ,even the metal hooks have been damaged one snapped , The bike is a sorry state ,, the lost keys a re a bigger problem , , now I have no keys for the bike ,, I do have spares for the van ..I got to the site last night in the forest by the dunes ,, I have applied a bandage to the head wound ...and will head to local hospital

went to the gendarmarie 20 mins ago, police know about the incident ,,but I dont think anything will happen

I really have come to the end of the line,, I just trying to summon up some energy to start returning home ,, this holiday has been a disaster , no bike , no faith in the trailer , i feel crushed ...may be I should go home and give up on Motorhoming
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OK been resting ,, clinic says im ok to go on ,,Its monday shops are re-opening going to head to Toulouse via Auch as i want to see the cathedral there and have lunch ,,, need to speak with a good trailer shop, several in Toulouse area , and find an auto locksmith who can make a key using my ducati Ignition lock.. getting my lovely daughter to send the spare key is not going to happen ...

Someone asked what the police were shouting at time of incident well they wanted my vehicle moved and they were not being helpful it was they who had made me detour in first place ,, while the robbery ? took place the police attention was elsewhere ,, they only came back again after the event ... So far no more info ,,lucky minor injury and I have spare van keys ,they may have been trying to steal the van or possessions ??? but I forced the guy off, its more shock and anger especially about the bike .. fortunately its mostly cosmetic and with replacement keys will be usable ,,, but i spent 3 years refurbing a 24 year old bike back to new ,, She will need some more refurbishment now and about £ 300 parts and £300 of paint work .. just hope I can get the keys cut if not its home , no point towing an ornament
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Toulouse hey!

That's Princess Yodeli country and I see she is being an helpful Froggy Funster once again!

My sources tell me that she is, as usual, very, very busy with stuff including trying to fend off the threat of another gypsy invasion and having to keep a close eye on the entrance gate... (she has the only key).

I am only surprised that President Macron hasn't asked her to help him with the election he has just called... (or maybe he has!)

I hope the OP gets his stuff all sorted soon.

JJ :cool:
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Just to let you know this is on Facebook
Looks reasonable


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Sorry wrong picture duplicate
View attachment 907328
TBH thats not much better than the Trigano I have now ,,,

But its irrelevant , just parked for the night at Guillac somewhere I always wanted to see,, and I see water under the van,, when it bumped along that crap road where the bike fell off and all the touble happened I did not realise that gray water tank was punctured as well ,, main water tank is OK , SO ITS MORE PROBLEMS ,THIS ONE IS NOW A SHOW STOPPER AND i am returning to UK . I really have had enough and its making me feel quite sick. Stopped at a couple of auto Locksmiths but none have the correct blank for the Ducati lock and without the bike working the trip is pointless,,,Gonna make for my mate Daves place near limogue's where I could dump the van and bike if It all gets too much he has a big barn and he makes regular trips to UK for business .
i have been driving never more than 50mph due to the trailer worries ,, especially near bumps and I have fitted 50mm ratchet straps all round at 6 points including the wheels so it cant bounce on the chassis

Also the FIAT Throttle actuator is playing up worse , sometimes drops into limp mode ,,mainly when auto engaged .so it defo needs fixing , but i can save loads of money doing it myself in UK ,,,

I just want to go home now despite the problems there with my daughter , dump the van and bike and walk away.

Did not take up Frankies offer in Balma seems she has enough problems and I dont want to add to them , plus with the Gypsies I might get a bit tempremental and do the wrong thing .
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Why don't you head to this place and buy a trailer- It's only 45mins from Guillac.

You should be able to repair a punctured grey water tank if you get creative- fibre glass kit, flashing they use on roofs, waterproof tape etc

As for your bike, get a new trailer sorted, then travel to a larger town where they will have better options for locksmiths or even a Ducati dealership.

I wouldn't rush home now you have got that far
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Why don't you head to this place and buy a trailer- It's only 45mins from Guillac.

You should be able to repair a punctured grey water tank if you get creative- fibre glass kit, flashing they use on roofs, waterproof tape etc

As for your bike, get a new trailer sorted, then travel to a larger town where they will have better options for locksmiths or even a Ducati dealership.

I wouldn't rush home now you have got that far
I probably would. It's a lot to sort out.

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sometimes drops into limp mode
Note that a lot of Fiats will do this if you inadvertently ride the brake at the same time as the throttle. You've only got to have a wide foot / large welt / wide sandkes and you can catch the edge of the brake easily.
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Why don't you head to this place and buy a trailer- It's only 45mins from Guillac.

You should be able to repair a punctured grey water tank if you get creative- fibre glass kit, flashing they use on roofs, waterproof tape etc

As for your bike, get a new trailer sorted, then travel to a larger town where they will have better options for locksmiths or even a Ducati dealership.

I wouldn't rush home now you have got that far
CT 1 , 3 seconds and it is waterproof
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Get to your mates and get sorted with a new Trailerand then…………..
Get yourself some of this Butyl sealant tape,once it’s on its on and it’s a doddle to put on,it will solve your leaks in a flash.

You will be able to buy it in France or online for delivery to your mate.
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TBH thats not much better than the Trigano I have now ,,,

But its irrelevant , just parked for the night at Guillac somewhere I always wanted to see,, and I see water under the van,, when it bumped along that crap road where the bike fell off and all the touble happened I did not realise that gray water tank was punctured as well ,, main water tank is OK , SO ITS MORE PROBLEMS ,THIS ONE IS NOW A SHOW STOPPER AND i am returning to UK . I really have had enough and its making me feel quite sick. Stopped at a couple of auto Locksmiths but none have the correct blank for the Ducati lock and without the bike working the trip is pointless,,,Gonna make for my mate Daves place near limogue's where I could dump the van and bike if It all gets too much he has a big barn and he makes regular trips to UK for business .
i have been driving never more than 50mph due to the trailer worries ,, especially near bumps and I have fitted 50mm ratchet straps all round at 6 points including the wheels so it cant bounce on the chassis

Also the FIAT Throttle actuator is playing up worse , sometimes drops into limp mode ,,mainly when auto engaged .so it defo needs fixing , but i can save loads of money doing it myself in UK ,,,

I just want to go home now despite the problems there with my daughter , dump the van and bike and walk away.

Did not take up Frankies offer in Balma seems she has enough problems and I dont want to add to them , plus with the Gypsies I might get a bit tempremental and do the wrong thing .
Your mates place isn’t at confolens is it?

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OK been resting ,, clinic says im ok to go on ,,Its monday shops are re-opening going to head to Toulouse via Auch as i want to see the cathedral there and have lunch ,,, need to speak with a good trailer shop, several in Toulouse area , and find an auto locksmith who can make a key using my ducati Ignition lock.. getting my lovely daughter to send the spare key is not going to happen ...

Someone asked what the police were shouting at time of incident well they wanted my vehicle moved and they were not being helpful it was they who had made me detour in first place ,, while the robbery ? took place the police attention was elsewhere ,, they only came back again after the event ... So far no more info ,,lucky minor injury and I have spare van keys ,they may have been trying to steal the van or possessions ??? but I forced the guy off, its more shock and anger especially about the bike .. fortunately its mostly cosmetic and with replacement keys will be usable ,,, but i spent 3 years refurbing a 24 year old bike back to new ,, She will need some more refurbishment now and about £ 300 parts and £300 of paint work .. just hope I can get the keys cut if not its home , no point towing an ornament
Did you manage to speak to yodeli she is French and I think she tried to ring the police station to find out what was happening for you.
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So sorry to her of your bad experiences it you could post photos of the trailer.
Maybe someone could advise on alternative means of securing the load without using the flimsy tie down rings.
If it just them that’s the problem
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Gonna make for my mate Daves place near limogue's where I could dump the van and bike if It all gets too much he has a big barn and he makes regular trips to UK for business .
Hopefully, after a good meal, a beer or two and a sleep....and a good chat with a friend, things won't look as bad and you can perhaps sort stuff out, one issue at a time. Sometimes things appear insurmountable and it needs a step back and a valued buddys advice to help clear the vision. Hope that makes sense

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Tried getting key blank enroute at 2 Ducati dealers buy it would have to be ordered and thats at least a week , no no go ,and even then finding a lcksmith with the skill to cut a blind key is not easy

The trailer is holding up but im very careful now and paranoid , when I get it to uk a rebuild and improvemnts are in order

The van Throttle actuator keeps playing up jumping between limp mode and OK in limp there is lots of black smoke as the egr fails, then when it comes back the engine is clean and powerful.....Stopped at main Fiat dealer near Albi they were not very helpful , but they wanted to do a diagnostic for 120 euroes ... and thats after one of their guys fiddled with someting under the bonnet and promptly said that was 20Euro ???? WTF for a Jubillee clip he had removed and replaced as it ''broke'' to look in The EGR , they then addmitted had 3 olders Ducatos all waiting for same part I need. I asked how long ,,, gallic shrugs , did not even ask how much ....Hmmmm ,,,,,so Only way to get this all sorted properly and economically is to go home and do it myself
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Thought I would reach Daves today built falling short due to delays and stops .. maybe tommorow if no more problems , have not had a decent meal for 2 days everything seems shut or i can parks the 10m beasty I dont want to eat junk food all the decent restauranst with good food are not on the big highways ...
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Thought I would reach Daves today built falling short due to delays and stops .. maybe tommorow if no more problems , have not had a decent meal for 2 days everything seems shut or i can parks the 10m beasty I dont want to eat junk food all the decent restauranst with good food are not on the big highways ...
Going without food will not be helpful to your mindset. Try to pick up some basics from the supermarket a few potatoes a precooked chicken and some salad is quick and easy

I cannot belive I have suggested salad
We are all rooting for you ❤️
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JerryZ - you spin up some great stories fella! 🤣

I’ve had a look back on all your posts. There are some unlucky people in this world, but if all of your tales are true, you’d definately win the world wide award for bad luck! 🤷‍♂️🏆

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JerryZ - you spin up some great stories fella! 🤣

I’ve had a look back on all your posts. There are some unlucky people in this world, but if all of your tales are true, you’d definately win the world wide award for bad luck! 🤷‍♂️🏆

Does 636 or whatever it was come to mind.

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Tried getting key blank enroute at 2 Ducati dealers buy it would have to be ordered and thats at least a week , no no go ,and even then finding a lcksmith with the skill to cut a blind key is not easy

The trailer is holding up but im very careful now and paranoid , when I get it to uk a rebuild and improvemnts are in order

The van Throttle actuator keeps playing up jumping between limp mode and OK in limp there is lots of black smoke as the egr fails, then when it comes back the engine is clean and powerful.....Stopped at main Fiat dealer near Albi they were not very helpful , but they wanted to do a diagnostic for 120 euroes ... and thats after one of their guys fiddled with someting under the bonnet and promptly said that was 20Euro ???? WTF for a Jubillee clip he had removed and replaced as it ''broke'' to look in The EGR , they then addmitted had 3 olders Ducatos all waiting for same part I need. I asked how long ,,, gallic shrugs , did not even ask how much ....Hmmmm ,,,,,so Only way to get this all sorted properly and economically is to go home and do it myself

'Thieving heartless bastards' springs to mind.
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