Morelo For Beginners

After the Phoenix I saw in Portugal last year, it was a brand new one on a Man chassis, I have posted a picture before but here it is again, I think I could spend more time reviewing them if there was a next time!


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I really like them Michael, we got very close at Reimers a couple of years ago, picked the upholstery and everything, there were a few little niggles though so walked away but I do still look at them ;)

The niggles, compressor fridge although technically very good the boss thought it looked horrible and she had fallen in love with the 10 series in the M, we could get the bathroom we wanted without going to 8.9m and lastly the standard IVECO dash does look a bit old fashioned against the M and C.

The furniture in the PhoeniX is bombproof, talking about our options to the sales boss at Niesmann camping who are big C dealers when I said I liked the P furniture his comment was "you can open the drawers and sit out them, but not in a C or M"

If you can get a liner home ( How I wish I could) there are some secondhand bargains to be had atm, 2x 890L's on there both with the MAN 240hp 6 Cylinder mated to the 12 speed. I drove a Charisma last year with that driveline and loved it, looking back should have bought it - heyho.

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But would you get it down your lane ?
I really like them Michael, we got very close at Reimers a couple of years ago, picked the upholstery and everything, there were a few little niggles though so walked away but I do still look at them ;)

The niggles, compressor fridge although technically very good the boss thought it looked horrible and she had fallen in love with the 10 series in the M, we could get the bathroom we wanted without going to 8.9m and lastly the standard IVECO dash does look a bit old fashioned against the M and C.

The furniture in the PhoeniX is bombproof, talking about our options to the sales boss at Niesmann camping who are big C dealers when I said I liked the P furniture his comment was "you can open the drawers and sit out them, but not in a C or M"

It was the simplistic approach to the electronics and the Victron kit of course, that grabbed me, and you too Martin if I recall. That "sit on the draw" test was demonstrated to me at Stuttgart! I just felt a bit underwhelmed at the time, and the MAN had issues with the heat transmission due to the catalytic converter position, which is why I was told Morelo parted company with MAN. Also I never actually saw any slide out options, were there any?
Actually I was convinced on the compressor fridge, probably because I had just had a new cooling unit fitted to the Dometic, and was fed up struggling with the 8 series, but the 10 is in a different league so no longer an issue.
I did get right down to a quote at the time, January 2018, with the same dealer and salesman that I did the deal on the Morelo finally and was able to carry over my PX offer from the Flair. I think you and I exchanged some thoughts at the time as another issue was the height of the garage floor, which was just too much. They take the raw chassis and plonk 2 RSJ's on it. Having said that with the Veloslide I have now would have negated some of that.

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It was the simplistic approach to the electronics and the Victron kit of course, that grabbed me, and you too Martin if I recall. That "sit on the draw" test was demonstrated to me at Stuttgart! I just felt a bit underwhelmed at the time, and the MAN had issues with the heat transmission due to the catalytic converter position, which is why I was told Morelo parted company with MAN. Also I never actually saw any slide out options, were there any?
Actually I was convinced on the compressor fridge, probably because I had just had a new cooling unit fitted to the Dometic, and was fed up struggling with the 8 series, but the 10 is in a different league so no longer an issue.
I did get right down to a quote at the time, January 2018, with the same dealer and salesman that I did the deal on the Morelo finally and was able to carry over my PX offer from the Flair. I think you and I exchanged some thoughts at the time as another issue was the height of the garage floor, which was just too much. They take the raw chassis and plonk 2 RSJ's on it. Having said that with the Veloslide I have now would have negated some of that.

You are right I did like their approach to the electrics, as a mechanical rather than electronics engineer I could appreciate their wiring cupboard in the wardrobe as a thing of beauty, I think Jen and I both liked the technical and build side better than the living space which I guess is why we dropped the idea.

You are right about the garage height, I tried to ask why they put those big steels on top of the chassis and didn't really understand the answer, it might be that they have always done that and are not going to change now, as a lot of their vans are Alkovens and the body is so good that it lasts years and years it allows them to just unbolt the steel cross beams and drop the whole body onto a new chassis. If they had done away with the steels under the garage I could have stood up in it.

Slide out? not sure on that one as I don't see the option on their configurator and thinking about their production line I am not even sure that it is wide enough to open a slide ;)

How about a PhoeniX Jon? touch shorter and narrower than the C liner, Nice Charisma 890 on MAN 4 cyl at Reimers here

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How about a PhoeniX Jon? touch shorter and narrower than the C liner, Nice Charisma 890 on MAN 4 cyl at Reimers here

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Thanks Martin but don't really want an island bed.

The Phoenix is lovely but Sue won't have a low fridge
Howdy guys, Ive just popped back to the forum to post-up my sales advert for our van - but no Morelo dream for us!

We've gone for the overseas option instead with the possibility of a canal boat on the Trent.

I hope you fine fellows are all keeping well.

Very best,

I thoroughly enjoyed your informative posts. Glad you have your future leisure time sorted, enjoy(y)
Great to hear from you Andrew (Blue Knight) and very pleased to hear you know have a plan.

I wish yourself and Nicky well on your future endeavours and please don't be a stranger (y)
Nice one Andrew(y) it's been quiet around here without you, so where is the property? and is there room for a Palace on the drive;) I can provide the Palace if you don't get your own.


I saw your pics Martin and your van looks truly out of this world. It's what Nicky would call "a proper posh motorhome". I bet Jen is chuffed too albeit she looks so wee when standing next to it.

I noticed the other week that Mike has disposed of his in-stock Palace, Loft and RHD Home so that's good news - well done him; some nice s/h Concordes on his forecourt now.

I'll PM you (tonight) the other details etc.

All the best,

I saw your pics Martin and your van looks truly out of this world. It's what Nicky would call "a proper posh motorhome". I bet Jen is chuffed too albeit she looks so wee when standing next to it.

I noticed the other week that Mike has disposed of his in-stock Palace, Loft and RHD Home so that's good news - well done him; some nice s/h Concordes on his forecourt now.

I'll PM you (tonight) the other details etc.

All the best,

I think like a lot of dealers he has been quite busy, 😏

Lots of canal boat forums to "trawl" ;) So what have you bought?

Went to see a few nice sewer tubes the other day on the Trent (57' x 6'10" for the non boaters) but all were a bit older style for my liking. The conventional TRAD style would be ideal for accessing the whole C&RT network so that's our first choice for now Michael. We would go down the 'Continuous Crusing' licence for sure.

That said, we are passing Wincham Wharf next week on our annual trip to Cornwall so we'll pop in as Nicky wants to check out the widebeams for sale.

IMO the widebeam boats are like a Morelo in terms of what areas of the network it can access whereas the NB's are like a PVC..... it'll probably be a PVC again for me ;)

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I thoroughly enjoyed your informative posts. Glad you have your future leisure time sorted, enjoy(y)

You're a star, thank you.

.......but make sure that you read between the lines of all my posts and threads.

If you do disect them carefully then it'll show a guy who retired far too early and who is now in a state of catastrophic meltdown, AKA a big mid-life crisis. :p:p:p
Great to hear from you Andrew (Blue Knight) and very pleased to hear you know have a plan.

I wish yourself and Nicky well on your future endeavours and please don't be a stranger (y)

Nice one Christian, you've definitely guaranteed yourself a slot by our pool with comments like that.

All the best,

OK, enough of my waffle guys so "why did we not proceed with the Morelo"?

In no particular order:

1. The hugely difficult trawl for insurance, with multiple referrals, via the recommended brokers, indicated to me that any future insurance requirements could well prove to be a pain in the arse.

2. This is a silly one to some: Nicky and I are just far to precious with our things. I found a small stone chip on one of the BMWs the other day and almost had a heart attack. If we then up the game to the size and cost of a Minty Morelo then I just wouldn't be comfortable using it. Yep, it sounds sad but that's just how it is with me.

3. OK, I'll mention it now - CV19 and this whole pandemic-thing. Our Globecar has sat on the drive for near on 5-months doing absolutely nothing. The Globie is a fifth of the value of the Morelo and, with the constantly deteriating global situation, I honestly thought "would/can we ever use the Morelo properly in the post pandemic world"? It may be OK for those who already have them sitting on their driveways but as a 'fresh order' it just didn't make any form of financial sense to me.

4. Lastly and perhaps the funniest of them all - I don't actually think I enjoy motorhoming that much. I love the modifying & maintenance bit of the hobby but as to the actual usage of the vehicle I'm really not that bothered.

Conclusion: This is a bit of a cheat but I can still live the Morelo dream without owning one; i.e. Nicky and I will simply pop over to Martin and Jen's house with a few bottles of red and sit outside their Morelo in the comfy chairs and a few light pastry snacks. ::bigsmile:

What an interesting journey eh.

Now own up, who bought those lovely vans from Premium last month.

Regards to all,

Wishing you and Nicky all the best Andrew ... I’ve always enjoyed your posts, loved what you did with your van. I hope you find happiness though, in reality, the pleasure is in the journey rather than the destination 😉
Liz and Tim

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Nice one Christian, you've definitely guaranteed yourself a slot by our pool with comments like that.

All the best,

Thank you Andrew that's a very kind offer; I do hope your driveway is big enough to accommodate visiting motorhomes :giggle:
OK, enough of my waffle guys so "why did we not proceed with the Morelo"?

In no particular order:

1. The hugely difficult trawl for insurance, with multiple referrals, via the recommended brokers, indicated to me that any future insurance requirements could well prove to be a pain in the arse.

2. This is a silly one to some: Nicky and I are just far to precious with our things. I found a small stone chip on one of the BMWs the other day and almost had a heart attack. If we then up the game to the size and cost of a Minty Morelo then I just wouldn't be comfortable using it. Yep, it sounds sad but that's just how it is with me.

3. OK, I'll mention it now - CV19 and this whole pandemic-thing. Our Globecar has sat on the drive for near on 5-months doing absolutely nothing. The Globie is a fifth of the value of the Morelo and, with the constantly deteriating global situation, I honestly thought "would/can we ever use the Morelo properly in the post pandemic world"? It may be OK for those who already have them sitting on their driveways but as a 'fresh order' it just didn't make any form of financial sense to me.

4. Lastly and perhaps the funniest of them all - I don't actually think I enjoy motorhoming that much. I love the modifying & maintenance bit of the hobby but as to the actual usage of the vehicle I'm really not that bothered.

Conclusion: This is a bit of a cheat but I can still live the Morelo dream without owning one; i.e. Nicky and I will simply pop over to Martin and Jen's house with a few bottles of red and sit outside their Morelo in the comfy chairs and a few light pastry snacks. ::bigsmile:

What an interesting journey eh.

Now own up, who bought those lovely vans from Premium last month.

Regards to all,

I was going to say "give me a shout and when it's on the drive you can come and sit under the awning" :wine: might even let Nicky have a look inside ;) then you will be in proper trouble:Grin:

1/ Insurance we got sorted dead easy (y)

2/ Too precious to use? well I do get where you are coming from and I could be that way quite easily, when we got ours home I found a small dent in the alloy, I just shrugged and "shit happens" so maybe I am getting better.

3/ CV19 has changed the face of motor homing for a while for sure, it meant that ours sat on the drive with me doing little jobs, which with hindsight has been a great way of getting to know the van and bonding with it.

4/ :LOL: I understand that as well but we enjoy getting away and meeting old and new friends, as well as the bigger trips to explore.

EDIT and Jen says also "I am glad we have the MH as we can go away in our own little bubble" OK big bubble;)

Be careful Martin, once Nicky inspects your Morelo Palace then you may find that you have a squatter-style situation on your hands.

I'm really not sure why but she seems to favour the sheer opulence of a Morelo over a small tin box. :smiley:
Wishing you and Nicky all the best Andrew ... I’ve always enjoyed your posts, loved what you did with your van. I hope you find happiness though, in reality, the pleasure is in the journey rather than the destination 😉
Liz and Tim

Thanks Liz, you're a star.

.....but you're right about the journey being the pleasurable bit. Can you imagine crusing the canals at two or three miles an hour with a cuppa in hand and the fresh breeze in your hair.

Sounds good to me:cool:

You don't get that on the A1.
Be careful Martin, once Nicky inspects your Morelo Palace then you may find that you have a squatter-style situation on your hands.

I'm really not sure why but she seems to favour the sheer opulence of a Morelo over a small tin box. :smiley:
That’s because she is the one with good taste :giggle:


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