Thanks, not being nosey, but looking at average spend per day per unit for when i meet with our council about providing more overnight parking with sleeping, no camping activities, wheels only on ground,
On our recent trip as a couple we spent on average about £40 each day on eating out, drinks, and food shopping, at local pubs and coffee shops etc within walking distance of the campsite we stayed on.
As for those who prefer not to use campsites - each to their own, live and let live, feel free to disagree, as long as you have express or implied permission from whoever owns the land you are using and not contravening a myriad of TROs etc. (in England) to give Councils and the media the excuse they are looking for to have a go at the rest of us.
I sense that the lockdown has increased the hostility from a section of the public who would rather not see MHs and campervans parked up at beauty spots, and this is being stirred up by typical "knocking" stories that the media loves to embellish.