I think you ll find that everybody has to wait it out. Until at least 17th May, when it may or may not be legal to go, we may or may not be allowed in, and we may or may not have to Q10 upon returnCOVID-19, like leprosy and the bubonic plague was, is highly contagious!
Why on earth would you travel overseas when the infection and death rates are so high?
Just because YOU have had your "jabs" does not mean that you are not a carrier and acting as a mobile petri dish.
Also, many hospitals in Europe are at breaking point - what do you do if you have a medical emergency?
Not trying to be a killjoy but I simply do not understand why you can't just wait it out!
All of those things will determine whether we can go or not, with each person making their own risk assessment.
I strongly suspect the infection and deaths rates will not be so high in order to determine whether the respective powers that be allow us to go and the hospitals will be emptier before they allow us over.
In response to your last question, HMG determine our exit and return and EU/Country determine our entry to them. If they allow us to go and return, why should I not lawfully go ?