hi was the wine any good seen that while i there a couple of years back ,,but never tried it ,,Weve stay at at Kiko Park Campsite at Oliva, south of Valencia. There is a shop onsite and they have 3 dispensing wine barrels front and centre!
I 'borrowed' (much to Margaret's disgust) an empty 2 litre water bottle from the recycling bin, gave it a wash out and presented it to the shopkeeper and pointed at the €2.20/litre barrel.
Duly filled, took it back to the MH and tried it with our 'long lunch'.
About 3 hours later, it was decided it was my turn to do the washing up! So put all the tableware in the bucket, went to wash up area, washed the dishes whilst having a natter and then walked back to MH leaving the dishes on the draining board!
The wine had nothing to do with my absent mindedness!