Do you let your Dog run without a lead?

My dog likes all gods creatures
I agree with a lot of your points but do think that there should be DNA analysis of poo where necessary. There could be an option of either accepting the penalty or contesting it where the DNA sample cost is added to the guilty ones plus enough extra to pay for the unsuccessful ones.
DNA testing already a thing

And used to fine people

Ah how about it being the breeding season when most carnage to wildlife can happen

Cats yes I agree they are a problem too, they can be little b'tards unless they have responsible owners who place bells on their collars and keep then fed, that is as much a must do as placing a Dog on a lead.

A little thought on behalf of responsible owners goes a long long way to help protect other species and applies to Dogs and Cats

RSPB Cat recommendations

View attachment 729447
Yes cats can be a menace to wildlife, but after seeing cats being trapped in fences and in trees hanging by their collar, yes you can get stretchy collars, tried that, more than once the cat coming home with 1 leg jammed through the collar, also would you be happy with a bell clanking round your neck all day, if sombody did it to you they would be arrested for crulty.

There is a need to reduce the number of cats and dogs, the only way to do that is to tighten up the regulations on keeping pets, there used to be a dog licence, it got scrapped becouse it cost more than the licence fee to administer, personally I think that the fee should have gone up in stead.

These days there are already databases holding pet id's this should be made compulsory attached to a licence fee, I am sorry but if you can afford to keep a pet, easily £500+ for a cat and over £1000+ a year for a dog you can afford a licence fee.

This will also help stop the idiots who treat animals like toys that you get for xmas.

More so in the case of dogs you should also have to show that it will never get left for more than a couple of hours at any one time. I have known too many owners over the years who go to work and leave their dog barking in the house all day.
Yes cats can be a menace to wildlife, but after seeing cats being trapped in fences and in trees hanging by their collar, yes you can get stretchy collars, tried that, more than once the cat coming home with 1 leg jammed through the collar, also would you be happy with a bell clanking round your neck all day, if sombody did it to you they would be arrested for crulty.

There is a need to reduce the number of cats and dogs, the only way to do that is to tighten up the regulations on keeping pets, there used to be a dog licence, it got scrapped becouse it cost more than the licence fee to administer, personally I think that the fee should have gone up in stead.

These days there are already databases holding pet id's this should be made compulsory attached to a licence fee, I am sorry but if you can afford to keep a pet, easily £500+ for a cat and over £1000+ a year for a dog you can afford a licence fee.

This will also help stop the idiots who treat animals like toys that you get for xmas.

More so in the case of dogs you should also have to show that it will never get left for more than a couple of hours at any one time. I have known too many owners over the years who go to work and leave their dog barking in the house all day.
Cant agree more, and around pet ownership.

A Bell is essential and research shows a bell with a noise level less than 80db is ideal for a cat as they appear not to take any notice of it, sorry to hear your cat got its leg jammed in the collar.

New Rules for cats

The new rules mean cats must be implanted with a microchip before they reach the age of 20 weeks and their contact details stored and kept up to date in a pet microchipping database. All owners must have their cat microchipped by 10 June 2024 and owners found not to have microchipped their cat will have 21 days to have one implanted, or may face a fine of up to £500.
Cant agree more, and around pet ownership.

A Bell is essential and research shows a bell with a noise level less than 80db is ideal for a cat as they appear not to take any notice of it, sorry to hear your cat got its leg jammed in the collar.

New Rules for cats

The new rules mean cats must be implanted with a microchip before they reach the age of 20 weeks and their contact details stored and kept up to date in a pet microchipping database. All owners must have their cat microchipped by 10 June 2024 and owners found not to have microchipped their cat will have 21 days to have one implanted, or may face a fine of up to £500.
Unfortunately I think it will take a few years to catchup here in france.

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Only in my own enclosed fields.

sadly big male dog running loose would not be good for anyone or anything, or even himself. So no always on the lead…

however their is a reason they are called dog leads…..well that’s what he would say..
As most of our walks locally are in areas where there are ground nesting birds (some of which are quite rare) and very rare & protected sand lizards, our dog is therefore usually on a lead from 1st March to end July (or even September on one particular area with nesting curlews). She's also on a lead a lot of the time at other times as some dogs are nervous and/or reactive, and if she were to rush up to them to play or even just walk up to them it can create unnecessary stress to both them and their owners. Similarly ours can be very reactive to some dogs, even if the other dog's owner assures us that their's is friendly and just wants to play. When the time & place is right, often on a beach, ours does enjoy a really good run, but she's happy enough on lead at other times.
head above parapet ….

Is all this just another example of ‘woke’ culture? The pendulum swinging too far one way and will eventually swing back.

Never had a problem with our dogs off lead on the beach or in wide open spaces. Suddenly in the last three weeks I am seeing threads in numerous places about dog owners who don’t keep their dogs on a lead.

If I go to Bridlington dog beach it is jut last a matter of common sense. Nice day, lots of people (with picnics) dogs on lead. Crap weather, few people dogs can go bonkers.

Same in York On the knavesmire. Many dogs off lead because 90% of the people are
Dog owners who want their dog to meet other dogs, play and socialise.

Seems to me it is just about common sense and responsibility and I don’t need/want rules being set by a woke minority/majority


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head above parapet ….

Is all this just another example of ‘woke’ culture? The pendulum swinging too far one way and will eventually swing back.

Never had a problem with our dogs off lead on the beach or in wide open spaces. Suddenly in the last three weeks I am seeing threads in numerous places about dog owners who don’t keep their dogs on a lead.

If I go to Bridlington dog beach it is jut last a matter of common sense. Nice day, lots of people (with picnics) dogs on lead. Crap weather, few people dogs can go bonkers.

Same in York On the knavesmire. Many dogs off lead because 90% of the people are
Dog owners who want their dog to meet other dogs, play and socialise.

Seems to me it is just about common sense and responsibility and I don’t need/want rules being set by a woke minority/majority

Don’t know if I’m ‘woke’ or not, just find the volume of dogs everywhere these days a pain in the arse. If there was only half as many, I probably wouldn’t notice. As they say….familiarity breeds contempt. Don’t get me started on seagulls tho’.
I guess there are more about due to Covid lockdown madness and completely unsuitable people getting a dog as a pet as a result. No training etc
Just seen an ASDA advert - easter eggs and easter outfits for dogs! The world has gone mad!
People send dogs Valentine and Xmas cards,,My sister in law received a Valentine card from her dog!!! I kid you not..I feel as if I live in another world..BUSBY.
I guess there are more about due to Covid lockdown madness and completely unsuitable people getting a dog as a pet as a result. No training etc
Unfortunately 10% of owners dont give a s**t 90% of owners dont believe their dog is anything but perfect, of which half of those actualy bother to train and control their dogs, and the rest believe that they are not the problem, and that its just other people that just moan and hate dogs.

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People send dogs Valentine and Xmas cards,,My sister in law received a Valentine card from her dog!!! I kid you not..I feel as if I live in another world..BUSBY.
It’s normal every one knows their pets send them birthday and Xmas cards……
head above parapet ….

Is all this just another example of ‘woke’ culture? The pendulum swinging too far one way and will eventually swing back.

Never had a problem with our dogs off lead on the beach or in wide open spaces. Suddenly in the last three weeks I am seeing threads in numerous places about dog owners who don’t keep their dogs on a lead.

If I go to Bridlington dog beach it is jut last a matter of common sense. Nice day, lots of people (with picnics) dogs on lead. Crap weather, few people dogs can go bonkers.

Same in York On the knavesmire. Many dogs off lead because 90% of the people are
Dog owners who want their dog to meet other dogs, play and socialise.

Seems to me it is just about common sense and responsibility and I don’t need/want rules being set by a woke minority/majority

I can't see any link between a "woke" culture and restrictions on dogs off leads other than some think anything they don't agree with is "woke". The same see " woke" as some sort of insult I suppose the opposite of " gammon"
Personally I do not have any issues with well behaved dogs being off the lead in fields and on footpaths.
How ever on the national cycle network and shared paths it would be nice if they were aware of Highway code 56 and the possible consequences of ignorance being costly if like us you have 3rd party insurance with legal cover on your cycles leading to the possibility of a civil claim if their dog causes a accident.

What is Rule 56 Highway Code?
Rule 56. Dogs. Do not let a dog out on the road on its own. Keep it on a short lead when walking on the pavement, road or path shared with cyclists or horse riders.27 Jul 2022

What are the consequences of non respect of The Highway Code?
A failure to comply with the rules cannot lead to a fine, a prosecution or to a driving disqualification. However, failure to comply with the Code can be used to establish liability in a civil claim.28 Jan 2022
Unfortunately 10% of owners dont give a s**t 90% of owners dont believe their dog is anything but perfect, of which half of those actualy bother to train and control their dogs, and the rest believe that they are not the problem, and that its just other people that just moan and hate dogs.
And these very accurate statistics have been gathered from … where?

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Unfortunately 10% of owners dont give a s**t 90% of owners dont believe their dog is anything but perfect, of which half of those actualy bother to train and control their dogs, and the rest believe that they are not the problem, and that its just other people that just moan and hate dogs.
Can't agree with your split here.

I do care and my dog isn't perfect, he has absolutely no recall for me whatsoever therefore I keep him on the lead if I'm not with his master.

It's usually then that I come across the other 99% that you mention 😂
And these very accurate statistics have been gathered from … where?
That depends, if you ask me I think i have made a good estimate (well at least for the uk, here in france i would say that sadly about 30% dont give a s**t).
If I am right then at least 40% of dog owners you ask will think i am wrong.

If you ask a disabled person that has to regualy scrape dog muck from his wheels and hands, he will also say i am wrong and that i have grossly overestimated the amount of considerate owners, so realy who knows,

I would imagine that a much higher percentage of people on this group are the more considerate ones, due to ths nature of using a camper, a non obedient badly trained dog would be a nightmare, also i would imagine that they would also have a lifestyle that is more suited to dog ownership, unlike some of the younger owners who are at work all the time leaving their dogs locked in the house, then too knackered to do more than take it for a quick 5 minutes round the block.
Personally I quite like dogs but I know that I do not have the time to properly look after one, and I am retired.
Is all this just another example of ‘woke’ culture? The pendulum swinging too far one way and will eventually swing back.

Never had a problem with our dogs off lead on the beach or in wide open spaces.
In terms of the OP, then I'm afraid that it isn't an example of 'woke' culture (unless trying to create safe space for wildlife in a landscape of pretty anti-wildlife pressures is 'woke') ;).

There is a lot of research emerging which shows that the wildlife on many of our nature reserves (or indeed in some areas of the wider countryside - eg seal haul-outs on some beaches, golden plovers in the wide-open upland moorlands spaces, etc.) is being adversely affected by the presence of dogs. There are lots of different pressures on wildlife, of course, and conservationists by and large try to address the most important/impactful ones (it's not worth doing otherwise!), and unfortunately it's now getting to the point where something has to be done about the problem of disturbance by dogs in some dog may or may not be an issue, but in some places it is now a constant procession across the day and there is no freedom from disturbance for the wildlife which is negatively affected that way (and some of these nature reserves are the last places left in their locality for some of those species).

Of course, if the numbers of dog disturbance instances declines, or if other pressures in the same place decline, then the need to 'control' the numbers/effects of dogs will probably be relaxed....('swing back' as you say) can imagine that the 'issue' of dogs is so tricky to deal with for the conservation organisations because of the wide variety and strength of public opinion (and indeed many subscription-paying members are dog owners) that conservationists have tried to stay away from it for as long as possible.

Of course, there are plenty of (unfortunately) relatively-wildlife-free, or less sensitive areas, where disturbance by dogs is not an issue to worry about. (y)
That depends, if you ask me I think i have made a good estimate (well at least for the uk, here in france i would say that sadly about 30% dont give a s**t).
If I am right then at least 40% of dog owners you ask will think i am wrong.

If you ask a disabled person that has to regualy scrape dog muck from his wheels and hands, he will also say i am wrong and that i have grossly overestimated the amount of considerate owners, so realy who knows,

I would imagine that a much higher percentage of people on this group are the more considerate ones, due to ths nature of using a camper, a non obedient badly trained dog would be a nightmare, also i would imagine that they would also have a lifestyle that is more suited to dog ownership, unlike some of the younger owners who are at work all the time leaving their dogs locked in the house, then too knackered to do more than take it for a quick 5 minutes round the block.
Personally I quite like dogs but I know that I do not have the time to properly look after one, and I am retired.
Thanks the explanation but your original quoted stats are from your viewpoint only.

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In terms of the OP, then I'm afraid that it isn't an example of 'woke' culture (unless trying to create safe space for wildlife in a landscape of pretty anti-wildlife pressures is 'woke') ;).

There is a lot of research emerging which shows that the wildlife on many of our nature reserves (or indeed in some areas of the wider countryside - eg seal haul-outs on some beaches, golden plovers in the wide-open upland moorlands spaces, etc.) is being adversely affected by the presence of dogs. There are lots of different pressures on wildlife, of course, and conservationists by and large try to address the most important/impactful ones (it's not worth doing otherwise!), and unfortunately it's now getting to the point where something has to be done about the problem of disturbance by dogs in some dog may or may not be an issue, but in some places it is now a constant procession across the day and there is no freedom from disturbance for the wildlife which is negatively affected that way (and some of these nature reserves are the last places left in their locality for some of those species).

Of course, if the numbers of dog disturbance instances declines, or if other pressures in the same place decline, then the need to 'control' the numbers/effects of dogs will probably be relaxed....('swing back' as you say) can imagine that the 'issue' of dogs is so tricky to deal with for the conservation organisations because of the wide variety and strength of public opinion (and indeed many subscription-paying members are dog owners) that conservationists have tried to stay away from it for as long as possible.

Of course, there are plenty of (unfortunately) relatively-wildlife-free, or less sensitive areas, where disturbance by dogs is not an issue to worry about. (y)
Well said.
We took our black lab Max to Spain last year when he was about 3 months old.

There was a dog beach there with all the dogs running loose so we let him go.

He humiliated me by stealing a young girls beach towel bag thing and running off with it, only to stop and wait for me to catch up and then run off again. It was a great game.

The whole beach were really laughing at this hapless British chap trying to exercise control over his dog.

It was great fun really (y)

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