Brittany Ferries reintroduce mask wearing on board

It definitely, totally and completely does NOT reduce the amount of oxygen. It's a social media BS story, like flat earth, sasquatch etc.

The amount of oxygen in the air is pretty constant and the weave on the mask does not prevent the oxygen allotrope, dioxygen (O2) from being breathed in. Its size is measured in nanometers and the weave of any mask will not restrict O2 from getting through.

Wearing a mask that is of a quality enough to reduce your chances of getting infected, requires the muscles that make your lungs expand and contract, to work slightly harder. The brain thinks OMG, there isn't enough air and so starts to worry. The need to work harder comes from water vapour being caught by the mask. The virus lives in water vapour or droplets, which is how the mask works (depending on the quality of the mask). Oxygen, Nitrogen, Argon & Carbon Dioxide molecules and allotropes are so small that they pass through a mask without issue.

The reason why some are exempt is that some people with more limited lung function, or restricted airways, might be advised to not make their lungs work harder, but for most people it's actually good to make your lungs work a little bit harder. That's why people go running or walking. You can buy things that force the issue as a type of fitness trainer. Swimmers use them a lot.

You seem to be contradicting yourself. Probably unintentionally. Your science is correct and the mask will not affect the proportion of oxygen to CO2 and yes it does make your heart and lungs work harder to drive air through the filter.

For people with asthma or other disorders, this is the last thing they need.

Imagine if you found flying stressful, have asthma and then are also forced to wear a mask. Not good. Can bring on an attack. My wife has real panic attacks in these situations and she is no snowflake.

Masks compulsory? Avoid ferry or planes
It doesn’t actually reduce the oxygen levels, it’s psychological so some people get anxious and then can have a panic attack which is why in exceptional cases people will get an exemption. They think they can’t breathe but they could really.
No they couldn't. The mask is a barrier and therefore you have to breath harder to get the oxygen you need. Filtration is a fairly simple science. One thing is common. All filters present a barrier. Of they didn't, they wouldn't work.
You seem to be contradicting yourself. Probably unintentionally. Your science is correct and the mask will not affect the proportion of oxygen to CO2 and yes it does make your heart and lungs work harder to drive air through the filter.

For people with asthma or other disorders, this is the last thing they need.

Imagine if you found flying stressful, have asthma and then are also forced to wear a mask. Not good. Can bring on an attack. My wife has real panic attacks in these situations and she is no snowflake.

Masks compulsory? Avoid ferry or planes

Oh come on, read the whole post. I SAY that in the final paragraph.
I think that you are disagreeing with me out of habit!!!!
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It means that if they really thought it was that deadly they wouldnt have even been in the same room as each other unless they are all completely stupid. But I suppose that is a possibility. Given what's going off at the minute lol

So you are using the behaviours of people you consider completely dishonest and lacking integrity, prove an argument that Covid isn't deadly?

I reckon you would be brilliant at the game Twister!

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So you are using the behaviours of people you consider completely dishonest and lacking integrity, prove an argument that Covid isn't deadly?

I reckon you would be brilliant at the game Twister!
Yeah covid is deadly certainly so is flu so is cancer so is mental health so is crossing the road. I just find it rather difficult to believe that every single person who attended those parties had no concern for there own health when there was all those shocking ads on the media ect about how not to kill people. Something doesn't add up there to me yes I agree we will agree to. Disagree
Not safe. Safer.
Nothing is 100% safe, but it has been abundantly evidenced that wearing a good one is better than not wearing anything.

I'd rather use one and reduce my chances of catching Covid.
Wonder why surgeons wear them? BUSBY.
We just got to live with it, just had/got it and its like a cold, if in winter I got a cold or flu I wouldn't wear a mask.
I don't wish to contract those either.
No need if you are that worried just dont go near us who want to live our lives, you know who we are we are not wearing a mask simples?
I'm not worried I just don't want germ ridden skunk bunnies with it out and about where I am. I never accepted them before so why should I now,?
No matter how many times this is made clear, some folk still believe they are safe with a face covering..
No,you are correct that's why I'm wearing it and if you aren't doing the same as far as I'm concerned you are takingthe piss out of me.
Not at all, if you're at high risk, ie the minority, you should be restricting your movements
And you should be assisting there movements by voluntarily wearing one.
Yes it's very unfortunate but why should the minority dictate rules for the majority
They did in 2016 ?
So do you breath in the same amount of oxygen wearing a mask?
Yes you just have to put onore effort. It strengthens the lungs.
then why is anybody exempt
They aren't unless they have a note from me.
Oh come on, read the whole post. I SAY that in the final paragraph.
I think that you are disagreeing with me out of habit!!!!
I'm sorry if I have given that impression. I am not. I credited you with the facts being right but was merely pointing out that there were other factors which are especially relevant to people with respiratory disorders or anxiety.

I despise masks. They are not natural. Life needs to go on. I see old ladies with masks hanging off their faces, fear all over their faces. It's like a hideous sci fi movie. Yes we had a pandemic. We don't anymore. It's endemic. Let people make their own choices

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Don’t think so - FFP3 have always been around, but earlier in the pandemic were in very short supply for general use. It’s maybe misleading though - I’ve always used FFP2, which as MantheVan said are pretty comfortable for many people; in view of current levels I ordered some FFP3 from Amazon as well, but they appear identical to the FFP2 ones! I think some FFP3 come with respirator valves and can reportedly be difficult to wear .
If the regulations come back as before valved ones are illegal in some countries. The whole idea of mask wearing is you protect others the valved ones don't as they don't filter you're breath going out. I had quite a heated discussion with someone when I was volunteering on the car park at the vaccinations centre he was a team leader was telling others off for not wearing a mask outdoors in the pouring rain while he wore a valved mask that did nothing!
Yes we had a pandemic. We don't anymore. It's endemic. Let people make their own choices

I think the experts disagree with you...

But I don't disagree that people should make their own choices. With one proviso, That their choices do not impinge on the decisions taken by others. My wearing of a mask doesn't affect anyone. Your not wearing one, might do. My keeping 2m distance from you doesn't affect you. You standing too close to me in the checkout, might affect me.

I mean 'you' as in anyone, obv.
The 'experts' dont disagree with me, they disagree with the official government line. Yes its debatable if it's a pandemic still or a nasty disease that is amongst us and endemic and will be with us for ever.

I have no issues with others wearing masks at all. In fact I have said it's down to choice. If you want to protect yourself and you are prepared to wear a proper face fit mask that will filter out tiny water droplets then its everyone right to do that. I wouldn't myself but then what personal choice is.

However what we are being forced to do is wear masks for seemingly altruistic reasons. I was on the Pont Aven in May. On the way out it was compulsory to wear a mask, but even the staff were just paying lip service to it, with noses over topping and it was only compulsory at the bar or when going in and out of restaurants. Om the way back, it was gone. To our relief.
Nah it cause they know it. Makes very little difference in the scheme of things
Ahh, so tell us all what your qualifications are? Then perhaps we can either believe what you say or dismiss it as more Faceberk/Twatter/YouTube rubbish!

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At the moment I am still testing poss and feeling very wary about getting close to anyone that’s un masked. Had the moron that sneezed on me been wearing a mask I might have got away with catching covid.
When I go to Germany in September I will see what Stenna recommend on board.
Management is ex NHS she has no hesitation about wearing a mask to go food shopping today.
On the Point Aven back to Plymouth last week, I was advised to wear a mask (and did in public spaces), but I'd estimate only 20% passengers did.
I'm sorry if I have given that impression. I am not. I credited you with the facts being right but was merely pointing out that there were other factors which are especially relevant to people with respiratory disorders or anxiety.

I despise masks. They are not natural. Life needs to go on. I see old ladies with masks hanging off their faces, fear all over their faces. It's like a hideous sci fi movtie. Yes we had a pandemic. We don't anymore. It's endemic. Let people make their own choices
Totally agree I want live before I die not live waiting to die theres no pleasure in living life scared its better to die on your feet than on your knees.
Totally agree I want live before I die not live waiting to die theres no pleasure in living life scared its better to die on your feet than on your knees.


This really did make me laugh out loud! Felt like I was watching some American gung ho war movie!!

Couple of points Bob.

a) I'm not scared, because I am fully vaccinated and wear a mask where necessary
b) I am alive because I wore a mask, washed my hands, got vaccinated and kept my distance. 6,360,000 poor souls aren't
c) I am loving and living my best life, I would just like it to last as long as possible.
d) the "better to die on your feet, than live on your knees" is an allusion to slavery or at least, living under repressive regime. To apply it to this argument is melodramatic, to say the least!!

Do you think that we live in oxygen tents? Never going anywhere? Locked inside our houses, scared witless of our own shadow?!!
Sorry, that is hilarious!! We have had ten motorhome trips since Covid started. Two in 2020, four in 2021 and four so far this year and three more coming up, two of which are abroad again.

All we do is put on a mask when requested to do so, or when I feel it is safer to do so. Choose to keep a little bit away from people. That Bob, isn't exactly living on my knees!!
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This really did make me laugh out loud! Felt like I was watching some American gung ho war movie!!

Couple of points Bob.

a) I'm not scared, because I am fully vaccinated and wear a mask where necessary
b) I am alive because I wore a mask, washed my hands, got vaccinated and kept my distance. 6,360,000 poor souls aren't
c) I am loving and living my best life, I would just like it to last as long as possible.
d) the "better to die on your feet, than live on your knees" is an allusion to slavery or at least, living under repressive regime. To apply it to this argument is melodramatic, to say the least!!

Do you think that we live in oxygen tents? Never going anywhere? Locked inside our houses, scared witless of our own shadow?!!
Sorry, that is hilarious!! We have had ten motorhome trips since Covid started. Two in 2020, four in 2021 and four so far this year and three more coming up, two of which are abroad again.

All we do is put on a mask when requested to do so, or when I feel it is safer to do so. Choose to keep a little bit away from people. That Bob, isn't exactly living on my knees!!
Lol your alive because you wore a mask. In that case I must be speaking to you from the other side

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Quick question do masks stop viruses or bacteria or both or neither?
Quick question do masks stop viruses or bacteria or both or neither?
They can stop the droplets of moisture in your breath from escaping into the air and the viruses and/or bacteria are found in the droplets. Of course, the masks are not 100% effective but stopping say 99% is a big help.
Wow that's more effective than the vaccine thanks 👍
Masks don't do a huge lot to stop you catching the virus. What they do is reduce your chance of infecting others, especially if you cough or sneeze and of course assuming the mask is being worn correctly.

But where have you been for the last couple of years not to know this? :)

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At the end of the day they own the ferry's and if they want to impose wearing masks on board ship its their business and right irrespective of whether they stop the virus or not. In total we wore a mask for 5 minutes from the car deck to the cabin. If you ate sat down you do not need them I cannot seen an issue.
Had the moron that sneezed on me been wearing a mask I might have got away with catching covid.
Nothing to do withcovidbot sneezing eithout attempting to prevent /cover it makes me explode. Someone sneezing on me won't be seeing home again.🤬
At the end of the day they own the ferry's and if they want to impose wearing masks on board ship its their business and right irrespective of whether they stop the virus or not. In total we wore a mask for 5 minutes from the car deck to the cabin. If you ate sat down you do not need them I cannot seen an issue.
Exactly. But yet here we are 2 years + after the start of the pandemic arguing over the damn things.

It's a mask. It's a slight inconvenience but it helps slow down the spread of an infectious disease. I'm fine with that.
Quick question do masks stop viruses or bacteria or both or neither?

To some degree, yes, both, but it depends entirely on the mask.

Covid (and Flu and VHF) are viruses, that travel in tiny water droplets. Masks should offer some protection against Aerosol Generating Procedures, such as coughing, sneezing, even talking, laughing and breathing. Good masks (see FFP2 & 3 below) will offer protection against viruses and bacteria.

1. Cloth and Home made
Better than nothing, but not by much. Like breathing through a colander.

2. Medical Disposable Masks
EN 14683 2019 specifies the performance for medical masks. Offers time-limited protection for those around you, if you are infected and a small amount of protection for the wearer.

3. FFP (Filtering Face Piece)
EN 149 is a European standard. Has three levels.
"Aerosol filtration percentage" is an indicator of how well the mask stops the virus getting in.
"Internal leak rate" is an indication of how much protection it offers those around you.

Aerosol filtration percentage: 80% minimum.
Internal leak rate: maximum 22%.
Used mainly as a dust mask, but for Covid, offers more protection to the wearer and those around them than the EN14683 surgical mask

FFP2 with and without exhalation valve
Aerosol filtration percentage: 94% minimum.
Internal leak rate: maximum 8%
Protection in light industry. Stops powdered chemicals and dust. Protection against avian influenza or severe acute respiratory syndrome from Coronavirus and the bacteria of pneumonic plague and tuberculosis

Aerosol filtration percentage: 99% minimum.
Internal leak rate: maximum 2%
The FFP3 mask is the most filtering of the FFP masks. It protects against very fine particles and offers the highest level of protection from Covid. However, they work best when fit tested by an expert.

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