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Vehicles already on the main carriageway should not have to alter their speed or direction for vehicles joining. I was taught this is the case for all junctions.Lorries manage lane changing without difficulty. It is not down to the individual, good slip road etiquette involves all drivers in all lanes. All 1-2-3-4 lanes should be aware of the vehicles joining the motorway. All lanes should adjust speed and lane changes to allow for vehicles joining and changing lanes. This common sense is of course destroyed by uninformed inexperienced selfish drivers of BMWs and Audi's doing 80+mph in the outside lane who are probably not even aware of the slip road or anything else that is going on in the other three lanes...
Many drivers are absolute thick selfish josser's.![]()
Maybe the Highway Code has changed since then but I doubt it.
I really struggle to understand what is difficult for some so called experienced drivers to understand. The rule is simple, give way to vehicles already on the main carriageway.