No you cannot (should not) get the rabies jab done before you go abroad expecting it to be transferred to an EU passport. You must get it done by the vet issuing the EU passport, no vet should just transfer the information (and the sticker from the vaccine) over, at least you should not rely on them doing so. If your dog has recently had a rabies booster in the UK to travel I would not want them to have another too soon. You need to plan all this. *BTW with the first rabies vaccination you wait 21 days before travel.Can anyone tell me how long it takes to get a French Passport for the dogs? is it 3 weeks for the blood test, or can we have the rabies vaccination here before we go and have the blood test done over there as soon as we arrive?
If you state your dogs circumstances it's easier to advise.
Your dog doesn't need a blood test. You can have the rabies jabs done here and an EU vet may be happy to transfer the info into an EU passport. There's a lot of info on the forum about what's needed so have a shuftie and then let us know if there's anything that's not clear.
Minxy, all I do not agree with is the expectation that an EU vet might transfer details of the rabies vaccination over. This is highly unlikely, even before all this Brexit stuff they generally didn't enter vaccinations unless they did them. Izzy's Spanish passport was blank for vaccinations until they were administered. The first rabies was actually added in Portugal, 3 year jab.A UK issued PP is no longer a recognised document in the EU however it's a useful thing to have so that if you have the rabies jabs done in the UK it can still be entered into it by the vet so is all kept together in one document just as previously, this info then can be used by an EU vet to do an EU PP for your dog. It doesn't matter what PP you have as it's totally irrelevant to what you do for your dog.
Lastly. These vets that are advising people that their pets need an AHC to travel when they have valid EU passports want educating.
Really lastly. How many times do people with valid EU pet passports need telling they can travel without an AHC?

Footnote. If your holiday is longer than 4 months and you haven't got your pet issued with an EU pet passport while you are away you would need to see a vet (actually more of a special export department) in the country you are in and get an EHC, an Export Health Certificate. This is all EU stuff. I have no idea about outside of EU.
Oh, funny this, some vets, in Spain at least, are telling owners of valued EU pet passported dogs that they need to get an EHC to travel to UK and back. Yeah, also wrong, I have triple checked this. Janie