Warning - Marizion, Cornwall

Well Well ! you jokers certainly got your Grundy's in a twist! Just for the record my Family on my mothers side, we have traced back to Edward the Third here in the Looe area, so I guess that makes me a Cornishman!

I left Cornwall in 56, lived and worked in various "rearends" of the Empire, arrived in NZ via Papua in 69. In 90 I was offered three months work in Oz, stayed 10 years. I returned to the UK in 2000 Guess you could say I've been around a bit!

If you can't hack my comments about wild camping, Tuf titty (see what that means now!, thought anyone with an elementary command of english could work that out!) This is a forum! all views can be expressed!

And! to pick up a spelling mitake is juvenille in itself. (how many theres instead of their can you count if you are such a nit picker)

It seems that Haganap is the only one that can see my point of view, that can understand, AND express himself without resorting to juvenille threats, "Won't go to Cornwall! someone has said nasty things about me!"

My view! Can't hack it? tuftitty!
"mitake" was deliberate!
well said hagnap, wasnt sure what could be said to comply with rules, pity people have not got the goolies to confront the people they are annoyed with insead of blowing their horns at night , maybe will start blowing mine when i go into marazion next time which is a long way from where the vans are, maybe by the motorhomes blocking this bit of road it will stop the dog excerement that is left on the beach by certain incorsiderate non motorhomers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
most of us pay ridiculous tax , vat and even corporation tax and choose where we want to stay and for me that is not in a feild with no friends and no sea also we still pay council tax, water rates etc while living away and support the local businesses while there , :RollEyes::cry::Rofl1::Cool:
All I can say is: People, here, are are getting really peed off with "Freedom Campers" leaving their rubbish, emptying their cassettes, blocking parking spaces for weeks!
So! the locals are driving by tooting their horns! T U F T T Y Kitty!

Although I personally draw the line at Criminal Damage, Yeh! I give a blast when I see someone "Freedom Camping"

Said it before! Will say it again! If you can afford to own and run a Moterhome! You can afford to stay at a Licenced Site! :Angry:

I see you brew your own beer, is that so you can afford to go on a licensed site :Smile:
I see you brew your own beer, is that so you can afford to go on a licensed site :Smile:

No! it's so that I can taste what real ale tastes like, not this insipid slop that most pubs serve to customers, we are lucky here, there is a pub that serves real ale just a few minutes away. Spect that will upset someone too!!!

"shant go there! they drink real ale!" yada! yada! yada!

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I wonder, if instead of a number of motorhomes in this spot, a few HGV drivers parked overnight, the ones without toilets aboard (many do have them I know). Would they get the same horn and criminal, yes, criminal damage offences committed against them?
I think anyone is allowed to speak thier mind.........but what he ( Rangitira ) says is hardly logical.

I could understand a viewpoint that says "some people should be more considerate ...and that locals are upset "

I deplore litter and would totally support that....quite reasonable.

But to adopt an attitude that its ok for ALL Motorhome users to be seen as the bad guys is illogical
and shows a lack of ability to think straight.

Then to adopt a personal method of dealing with this along with other locals
by sounding off his horn to people parked up seemingly without knowing whether they are considerate motorhome users or not
shows either a lack of discrimination or lack of awareness that he was shooting himself in the foot .

To do this on a motorhome forum where I suspect most of the members fall into the more considerate end of the spectrum would make me think
he was "trolling " enjoys a wind up or has the IQ of a rocking horse.

Can I remind Funsters that it is against the rules of this forum to insult another member. It does not matter how you feel about the poster, you comment on the post, without insulting the poster Calling others intelligence into question or calling them plonkers or similar names is absolutely not allowed.

This is Rule 1 of this forum, please adhere to it. Thanks
I have never been there, but, have looked at Google Maps and there appears to be a car park by Jordan's Cafe, is this the parking spot that we are talking about?

Mrs ShiftZZ and I tend not to use 'formal' campsites, as its not us, we love camping in sort of out of the way spots, Asda Car parks, Industrial areas, Factories etc, (only joking).

We love wild camping and it has been known for Mrs ShiftZZ to get out of Horace and pick up other peoples litter (and that was in France).

I can see both points of views, I can well understand capsite owners whose income is dependant on tourists, having spent a fortune and then not getting a return on that investment.
There is the other point of very short term 'wild camping' and I suspect this does not fit in with ant campsite owners long term vision, he or she is possibly more interested in 7 days or even longer.

The last option is that those who abuse anything and they will continue to do so. No matter what is offered they will still cause problems and throw their litter and dump the poo poo.

We were some years ago in Nez Blanc (spelling suspect) and we were approched by a Brit who said that he was quite happy to dump in a farmers field.I was shocked and as we were more than happy to go to a campsite and pay to dump the poo poo.

No matter what is out there individuals will abuse it.

Lastly, I can understand their frustration,but, I dont see the logic of honking the horn. That will make very little difference, it will make things worse. and the end result will be that we all loose out.

rangitira- I was impressed with the family tree going back to Edward III who's father was Edward II (25 April 1284 – 1327, called Edward of Caernarfon. Born in Caernarvon....


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target figures

its a regular thing there???? they know it happens but cant be botherd or wont do any thing ,,, maybe this guy is the one doing it ,,

The Police may say they are not interested but they are interested in their crime clear up stats so always make sure you always report any and ALL crimes to the police so it's recorded.... after a while they will be forced to act, to bring the clear up rates down :thumb:

Acts of criminal damage must be reported.... terrible bahaviour! :Angry:
rangitira- I was impressed with the family tree going back to Edward III who's father was Edward II (25 April 1284 – 1327, called Edward of Caernarfon. Born in Caernarvon....

OMG I'm a bloody welshman:Rofl1::Rofl1:

How Logical is this Beach caster?

You are determined "Freedom Campers"
You come to the Southwest, you come to, let's say, The Lizard! with me so far? Spend the night on the grass triangle, yeh, still with me? empty your woopsies in the Public Toilets, still with me? Do you put a fiver in the honesty box? Lets face it , the devil will skate to work first! YEH?
Not too difficult so far eh?
Spend a couple of weeks here in Gods little Acre, do you wash? shower? do the dishes? Where do you get the water from? Bring it with you? Chance will be a fine thing!

South West Water has the highest charges in the UK! 3% of the population of the UK is paying for the clean up of one third of the Coastline!

Then you Bitch because the locals, who are paying for your stay! blow their horn (notice the correct spelling for their)
And yes it's Illegal to sound one's horn after x pm, BUT Hey Fella you are here in Gods Little Acre! the cops are the worst perfoming in the country! Phone 'em, spect you' ll grow old and grey before you see them!

As I 've said before, can't hack the truth? Tuf Titty Kitty!
don't make me laugh

No! it's so that I can taste what real ale tastes like, not this insipid slop that most pubs serve to customers, we are lucky here, there is a pub that serves real ale just a few minutes away. Spect that will upset someone too!!!

"shant go there! they drink real ale!" yada! yada! yada!

How would you know what real ale tastes like, you have been drinking foreign muck for almost 50yrs! :Rofl1::Rofl1::Rofl1:

On a serious note: none of us agree with leaving rubbish about and we certainly never do it :Angry: And we do not derserve to suffer at the hands of filthy criminals, just in case we might :Angry: Not even geriatric crims, that toot their horns illegally :Rofl1:

You may have crawled back to Cornwall to die but the rest of us would like to live and live in peace, free from criminal activity :Sad:
rangitira- I was impressed with the family tree going back to Edward III who's father was Edward II (25 April 1284 – 1327, called Edward of Caernarfon. Born in Caernarvon....

OMG I'm a bloody welshman:Rofl1::Rofl1:

How Logical is this Beach caster?

You are determined "Freedom Campers"
You come to the Southwest, you come to, let's say, The Lizard! with me so far? Spend the night on the grass triangle, yeh, still with me? empty your woopsies in the Public Toilets, still with me? Do you put a fiver in the honesty box? Lets face it , the devil will skate to work first! YEH?
Not too difficult so far eh?
Spend a couple of weeks here in Gods little Acre, do you wash? shower? do the dishes? Where do you get the water from? Bring it with you? Chance will be a fine thing!

South West Water has the highest charges in the UK! 3% of the population of the UK is paying for the clean up of one third of the Coastline!

Then you Bitch because the locals, who are paying for your stay! blow their horn (notice the correct spelling for their)
And yes it's Illegal to sound one's horn after x pm, BUT Hey Fella you are here in Gods Little Acre! the cops are the worst perfoming in the country! Phone 'em, spect you' ll grow old and grey before you see them!

As I 've said before, can't hack the truth? Tuf Titty Kitty![/QUOTE]

Explained with such charm..........ok now I understand
you were right all along :)

Wild dogs ?

I have a dog and never leave it's poo in the street ... and if you ask ANY dog owner they ALL say the same... they pick it up .... so why is there dog poo on the streets?
Maybe it's WILD dogs .. ? I don't think so.. :RollEyes:

So what has this to do with off site campers...well, they ALL say they never leave a mess and take their rubbish home and dispose of the poo responsibly .. yet there are plenty of places where it's evident they don't .. and it does get up the noses of locals ..literally.

I have no problem with off site camping provided it is done responsibly, not annoying anyone or being selfish.. sadly though, as with the dog owners, plenty do not act responsibly and get all a bad name..

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Not a very pleasant thread. I cant believe the story though. How could someone go along and slash 7 sets of motorhome tyres without someone noticing. Wouldn't they go bang? I suspect its all a scare story that the originator hoped would work its way onto here or one of the other forums to deter wild campers.

I have to add I'm not in favour of groups of vans hogging wild spots. I wont stop anywhere where there is more than one or two vans in England. Its just asking for this kind of trouble and the reason I wild camp is to find solitude and relaxation not to be worried about blaring horns, criminal damage or upsetting the locals.

It is no wonder however why we all flock to Scotland and Europe where this sort of thing doesn't happen. At the end of the day the problem with this country is people cant stand somebody else getting something for nothing and thats what it all boils down to. I pick my spots carefully in this country because of this simple minded and jealous attitude.

What I have found on my last two visits to Cornwall and Devon however is an abundance of superb CL sites, many at £4 or £5 that offered superb almost wild camping with nobody else around half the time. Unless the wild spot is special (and I never found any) you might as well take advantage of the CL sites especially when even the fellow motorhomers in Cornwall seem to think it acceptable to blare their horns at you in the middle of the night. Or you could just go to France!
Terribly sorry if my post seemed childish to you..
I rarely go where I am not wanted nor where I do not feel I can relax.
Perhaps the safe and welcoming walls of a prison cell might suit the person who ( may or may not have ) slashed about £1400 worth of tyres ?

I for one would not go to prison of my own accord either.. perhaps that would be deemed childish too?
I personally have no idea...
My house is named after one of my favorite places in Cornwall, Lamorna.

Now childish would be to take the name plate down and chuck it , not merely state I will no longer visit an area due to the possible criminal damage I may suffer

I am sure Cornwall will not miss my few shillings anyway, same as Ratner never missed the few hundred quid I was about to pay for a pair of diamond drops for woman.. But then Ratner did fold quite soon after making that rash statement .. perhaps my lolly was missed after all ( or was it the hundreds' nay thousands of people that voted with their feet ?
rangitira- I was impressed with the family tree going back to Edward III who's father was Edward II (25 April 1284 – 1327, called Edward of Caernarfon. Born in Caernarvon....

OMG I'm a bloody welshman:Rofl1::Rofl1:

How Logical is this Beach caster?

You are determined "Freedom Campers"
You come to the Southwest, you come to, let's say, The Lizard! with me so far? Spend the night on the grass triangle, yeh, still with me? empty your woopsies in the Public Toilets, still with me? Do you put a fiver in the honesty box? Lets face it , the devil will skate to work first! YEH?
Not too difficult so far eh?
Spend a couple of weeks here in Gods little Acre, do you wash? shower? do the dishes? Where do you get the water from? Bring it with you? Chance will be a fine thing!

South West Water has the highest charges in the UK! 3% of the population of the UK is paying for the clean up of one third of the Coastline!

Then you Bitch because the locals, who are paying for your stay! blow their horn (notice the correct spelling for their)
And yes it's Illegal to sound one's horn after x pm, BUT Hey Fella you are here in Gods Little Acre! the cops are the worst perfoming in the country! Phone 'em, spect you' ll grow old and grey before you see them!

As I 've said before, can't hack the truth? Tuf Titty Kitty!

You certainly have a way with words. Thanks for the explanation though - you're obviously completely right. And thanks for the autobiography. I suppose being such a man of the world means that your assumptions about who can afford what must be right as well. I reckon there's a bit of defensiveness creeping into your posts. Maybe you've had another look at what you've written and twigged that,apart from the stuff about litter (which most of us share), you sound a bit silly. 'Tuff Titty Kitty'? Hey Fella, come on, surely you can do better than that.
How very sad !!!

Much as I can understand any communities anger when people leave a mess and dont clean up after themselves, it has to be remembered that just because a particular group have left a mess doesnt mean others will. I do take my own water with me, I correctly dispose of all waste and I dont park anywhere for weeks on end. I do use campsites and I do wildcamping as well and will continue to do so.

There are laws to deal with all the infringements Rangitira has mentioned in postings and if the enforcement officers, waste authority and police are not doing their jobs properly then the locals should complain until they do. It is however not down to locals to go out slashing tyres and tooting and harrassing people who may not be the culprits.

Rangitira - if you have ever attended a motorhome fun event either on fields or at motorhome shows you would know that members of this forum leave the venue in a clean condition - in fact sometimes cleaner than it was before funsters attended.

Much as I can understand the anger vented, it is unfair stereotype or to tar everyone who owns a motorhome with the same brush.
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I have a dog and never leave it's poo in the street ... and if you ask ANY dog owner they ALL say the same... they pick it up .... so why is there dog poo on the streets?
Maybe it's WILD dogs .. ? I don't think so..

So what has this to do with off site campers...well, they ALL say they never leave a mess and take their rubbish home and dispose of the poo responsibly .. yet there are plenty of places where it's evident they don't .. and it does get up the noses of locals ..literally.

I have no problem with off site camping provided it is done responsibly, not annoying anyone or being selfish.. sadly though, as with the dog owners, plenty do not act responsibly and get all a bad name..

Jim I would just like to say...We as dog owners (and we had three labs at one time, now only one) We have always picked up our own dog's poo and would never dream of not doing so (and that is not just in the streets! we pick up everywhere town or in the countryside they are our responsibility).........You have been to France and many times.... we find France can one of the worse countries in places for dog's poo and it is normally the French themselves that are the culprits ??? why it is a simple thing to do, pick up the dog poo in a bag!, they would much rather let the dog roam around itself loose or walk it around other vans or homes....here's my point, in France when we see somebody picking up dog poo....we say "I bet they are English"......and 99.9% of the time they are, it is a way of life for Brit's (motorhomers)........so maybe they should look a little closer to home - village - town as it is over here ...you may find it is the locals walking the dogs on purpose to put the motorhomers off parking there!!:Wink:

But things are changing in France we have seen a couple of shops with dog poo dispensers the ones you attach to the dog lead and refills ( that saves us buying them from the UK) and some villages now put out poo bag dispensers, just got to get the people to use them:Doh::Wink:...this beautiful country and is spoilt at times sadly with dog droppings....

I do not think it is the Motorhomers.....same with the rubbish...Maybe they are a different set of Brits we meet in France, to what you meet or see...

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OMG I'm a bloody welshman:Rofl1::Rofl1:

Not so fast tonto, he may have technically been born there and that does not make him Welsh, anyhow, Edward the II was (allegedly)
"Widely rumoured to have been either homosexual or bisexual, Edward fathered at least five children by two women. His inability to deny even the most grandiose favours to his male favourites (first a Gascon knight named Piers Gaveston, later a young English lord named Hugh Despenser) led to constant political unrest and his eventual deposition."


The red-hot poker story..

So there you go,,, M'lud
Jim I would just like to say...We as dog owners (and we had three labs at one time, now only one) We have always picked up our own dog's poo and would never dream of not doing so (and that is not just in the streets! we pick up everywhere town or in the countryside they are our responsibility).........You have been to France and many times.... we find France can one of the worse countries in places for dog's poo and it is normally the French themselves that are the culprits ??? why it is a simple thing to do, pick up the dog poo in a bag!, they would much rather let the dog roam around itself loose or walk it around other vans or homes....here's my point, in France when we see somebody picking up dog poo....we say "I bet they are English"......and 99.9% of the time they are, it is a way of life for Brit's (motorhomers)........so maybe they should look a little closer to home - village - town as it is over here ...you may find it is the locals walking the dogs on purpose to put the motorhomers off parking there!!:Wink:

But things are changing in France we have seen a couple of shops with dog poo dispensers the ones you attach to the dog lead and refills ( that saves us buying them from the UK) and some villages now put out poo bag dispensers, just got to get the people to use them:Doh::Wink:...this beautiful country and is spoilt at times sadly with dog droppings....

I do not think it is the Motorhomers.....same with the rubbish...Maybe they are a different set of Brits we meet in France, to what you meet or see...

Portugal would take a lot of beating, mainly to the street dogs that seem to roam every where you go.

When we were camped up in Etaples, the council had provided dog poo bags for free. that as far as I can see is progress...
Not so fast tonto, he may have technically been born there and that does not make him Welsh, anyhow, Edward the II was (allegedly)
"Widely rumoured to have been either homosexual or bisexual, Edward fathered at least five children by two women. His inability to deny even the most grandiose favours to his male favourites (first a Gascon knight named Piers Gaveston, later a young English lord named Hugh Despenser) led to constant political unrest and his eventual deposition."


The red-hot poker story..

So there you go,,, M'lud

What would i do without you Dave , you always teach me something:thumb::Smile::Smile:


Sorry for going out of topic!
so interesting that all motorhomes are judged the same but mention of a dog poo and arms all up , i know that fun members are responsible with both motorhomes and dogs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but cannot vouch for anyone else :Rofl1:
a few years ago i met a guy in a panel van at marazion who i misjudged and will appologise publicly , his appearence and van left a bit to be desired but on speaking to him it turned out he had lost everything and was fighting his way back into the world , his daughter had 2 weeks holiday with him in the van at marazion and he could not afford a camp site , both him and his daughter were very nice people and i really felt for them :thumb:

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But things are changing in France we have seen a couple of shops with dog poo dispensers the ones you attach to the dog lead and refills ( that saves us buying them from the UK) and

:Eeek::Eeek: :Rofl1::Rofl1::Rofl1::Rofl1:

Thought that came automatically with the dog
Let's be honest here,
Has anyone, apart from the Originator of this thread, seen any thing at all about this incident?
I have searched the local Media, Zilch!
As someone has already mentioned before, what Dill would sleep through, not only his Tyres getting slashed, but seven (?) other vehicles?
And where did this £1400 suddenly appear from?

Did I slash the tyres? NO!
Has anyone of you talked to an Owner it happened too? Proberly not!
Has anyone that lives or works around there, and I know some of you do, talked to the local bobby Again proberly not!
Was it me giving "a blast" at 1 20 am? NO!

Are the locals fed up with the over filled litter bins? Yes!
Wadeing thro Toilet Blueo to get to use the public urinals? Yes!
Have several of them banded together to write to the Council to get the, what they see as abuse, stopped? Yes!

Whether you like it or not, whether you are ready to admit the truth,

SOME M/Homers (note the upper case!) ARE irresponsible!
SOME DO empty their cassettes behind Walls, in Hedges et al!
SOME DO leave their litter in laybys (fly tipping if you don't put it in a bin)
and SOME DO abuse public facilitys! Recent threads on this Forum moaning about the closure of a couple of Council Overnight areas thro abuse of those same Public facilitys prove that!

CLs and CSs are cheap enough!

Apart from the horns, I think this whole thing is a piece of malicious gossip, and a lot of you were defending the undefencable.
£1400.. Easy. average call out and fit of a tyre ( esp a motorhome one ) is £200.

Whilst it is reasonable to accept you did not cause any damage or blow a horn we only have your word on that, and judging by other bits and bobs gleaned from posts it would certainly not be an alien concept to you

It would appear from your posts that you still have little or no idea WHY people wild camp.
It has nothing to do with the money ... it has an awful lot to do with freedom .. Something horn blowers would possibly deem anti social and perhaps not quite nice ? ( where as blowing horns and waking folk up is of course perfectly acceptable, adult behaviour ! :Rofl1: )

Might I suggest you try and get to one or two meets to see how 99% of motorhome owners behave ?
I will even put my hand in the pocket and buy a beer for you if you do !
Cripes... How did I miss this thread for so long?

We are all allowed an opinion right?


The fact that some Funsters criticise "off site" camping, non real ale beer, poo dropping doggies and don't mind hooting their horns at "sleeping" motorhomers at night time does not alter the undeniable fact that.....

Man City smashed up Man Utd and dumped them out of the FA Cup...:Rofl1: :Rofl1: :Rofl1: :Rofl1: :Rofl1: :Rofl1: :Rofl1: :Rofl1: :Rofl1:

...and one of the Utd players was so upset, he kicked the dressing room wall so hard it broke a bit of it... :BigGrin: :BigGrin: :BigGrin: :BigGrin: :BigGrin:

JJ :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

PS. People blow their horns as they pass the Wagon... most times it is one of my mates saying "hello"...

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