This is why the locals don’t like motorhomes… (4 Viewers)

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Visiting Coventry
Jan 21, 2014
Middle-Of-Nowhere, Scotland
Funster No
That’s fine but with respect you are not the norm most use their motorhomes occasionally and load them up before traveling.
No respect due or expected ..... I've been told by many throughout my life that I'm abnormal ... and my soulmate is definitely Abby-Normal (= kudos & thanks to Marty Feldman & Young Fronkensteen) ! :LOL:
Feb 14, 2021
Milton Keynes, UK
Funster No
Burstner Lyseo 727G
3 years 30,000 miles UK and Europe.. Campsites and off Grid.
how many times do you realistically go out in a day and purchase locally ? Probably less than a tourist in a car.

We always purchase locally when away in the van. We occasionally have breakfast out, we have every lunch out and some dinners. Food for the van is purchased locally and we spend time in the local shops.

To be honest - when travelling we will probably eat out once or maybe twice a week max. The whole point for us is that motorhome travelling is cheaper. We do shop locally and actually when travelling in Europe our monthly shopping bill is much bigger than in the UK. Partly because Europe super markets are more expensive but also because we are on 'holiday' so splash out a bit more.

But on the whole we obviously spend less locally than if we were in a car on road trip, staying in hotels, eating out for lunch/dinner/tea/coffee.
Oct 6, 2019
Funster No
Since 2017
Oh the complete arrogance et al of a certain fulltimer on here, as he talks about both his and his dogs ‘rights’ etc etc ……
Oct 5, 2023
Sutherland Scotland
Funster No
Toyota hiace
I’m a newbie
The daily nc500 whinge in the sun 🙄
Lot of locals complaining again .

The NC500 are having lots of issues. I live on the route and last week I had to travel 144 miles from my home to Skye and I couldn’t stop in one lay-by as MH and campervan in everyone. At home I’ve been blocked in from leaving my home and as couldn’t find the owners had to call in to work and explain why I’ll be late and as a nurse this isn’t fair. I am beginning to hate going out in my camper, I’m embarrassed as all campervan owners being tarred with same brush as these entitled drivers
Nov 6, 2019
Lancaster and Morecambe area
Funster No
Swift Voyager 540
Since 2020
To be honest - when travelling we will probably eat out once or maybe twice a week max. The whole point for us is that motorhome travelling is cheaper. We do shop locally and actually when travelling in Europe our monthly shopping bill is much bigger than in the UK. Partly because Europe super markets are more expensive but also because we are on 'holiday' so splash out a bit more.

But on the whole we obviously spend less locally than if we were in a car on road trip, staying in hotels, eating out for lunch/dinner/tea/coffee.
The argument about Motorhomers spending money locally is at best very weak and probably irrrelevant.

There are about 50 motorhomes parked at various places overnight on the promenade at Morecambe in the summer, less in the winter. There are about 22,000 homes in Morecambe. Even if the motorhomes contribute the same amount to the local economy as the average home, their contribution will be less than 0.3%. An amount that is insignificant. And it's almost certainly less than 0.1% at real spend levels and taking into account other household costs such as council tax, water etc.

So, if you ask the locals whether they would forego this minor economic contribution to not have motorhomes parked on the promenade I'm sure you'll get a large majority saying yes. And that is what I think will happen over the next few years. Motorhomes will be prohibited from parking overnight, and worse still, may be prohibited from parking at all. It's happened in other seaside towns in Lancashire already.

Yes, motorhomers are unfairly singled out in some cases. But it's a small minority of motorhome users 'exercising their rights' without consideration for the wishes of locals, who are spoiling it for the majority. And it's only going one way.

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May 26, 2023
East Midlands
Funster No
Swift c404
The argument about Motorhomers spending money locally is at best very weak and probably irrrelevant.

There are about 50 motorhomes parked at various places overnight on the promenade at Morecambe in the summer, less in the winter. There are about 22,000 homes in Morecambe. Even if the motorhomes contribute the same amount to the local economy as the average home, their contribution will be less than 0.3%. An amount that is insignificant. And it's almost certainly less than 0.1% at real spend levels and taking into account other household costs such as council tax, water etc.

So, if you ask the locals whether they would forego this minor economic contribution to not have motorhomes parked on the promenade I'm sure you'll get a large majority saying yes. And that is what I think will happen over the next few years. Motorhomes will be prohibited from parking overnight, and worse still, may be prohibited from parking at all. It's happened in other seaside towns in Lancashire already.

Yes, motorhomers are unfairly singled out in some cases. But it's a small minority of motorhome users 'exercising their rights' without consideration for the wishes of locals, who are spoiling it for the majority. And it's only going one way.
I visit Morecambe a lot, to see family, and I hate to see the large number of motorhomes along the prom, especially when they store their equipment and junk outside the van and obvious signs of emptying tanks whilst they sit there in the sun blocking the pavement, looks more and more like a traveller settlement each year, even though I am a Motorhome owner I would ban the lot of them, however, the council allow it and so folks are going to use it to their own advantage. I couldn't care less how much they contribute to the economy it will only be a small amount in total vs the huge space and disruption they take in return. I know the council have discussed it many times and cannot agree what to do so they will remain there and carry on doing what they want without a second thought for anyone else, human nature I guess. Never thought I would be on the side of a council curbing motorhome activity, would be pleased to see action taken here.
Jan 3, 2008
Pakefield, Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK
Funster No
Autosleeper Warwick
I cannot read the detail on the signs. Do any of them have reference to a TRO or ByLaw?

If not I assume they are unenforceable.

That may also answer the next poster Q as to why authorities do not send one of the 'wardens(who they have sitting around on pay + pension).
I can red them and they don't so therefore unenforceable. However I wouldn't park there simply because the council don't want me to and I doubt other users of the car park do either.
Feb 20, 2023
Funster No
I can red them and they don't so therefore unenforceable. However I wouldn't park there simply because the council don't want me to and I doubt other users of the car park do either.
Or , even more likely [?] , campsite owner is pissed off at us ?

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Jul 26, 2018
Funster No
Or , even more likely [?] , campsite owner is pissed off at us ?
Nothing to do with campsite owner. It was a documented decision by council at covid times in an effort to stop people from outwith area travelling to Dumfries and Galloway in breach of conditions at that time. It was subsequently introduced into every parking area throughout the region to make it consistent after complaints re a number of vehicles taking up spaces for long periods of time.
Oct 12, 2009
SW London, Poland and all Europe
Funster No
A Class N+B Arto 69GL
Since 2009
I can red them and they don't so therefore unenforceable. However I wouldn't park there simply because the council don't want me to and I doubt other users of the car park do either.
Or they have been put up to placate a minority pressure group. It is difficult to know without being privy to the inner workings of the Council.

However I would have thought that, if there were a majority of the voters and the Councillors wanting a ban, the Council would have gone through the full legal procedures for a TRO or By-law, which they could enforce and prove they had solved the problem.

As it is the Council can be accused of having done nothing effectual, other than maybe deter a few MHs, easily replaced by itinerants. Or just proven to the agitating minority that they have done 'something'.
Feb 20, 2023
Funster No
Nothing to do with campsite owner. It was a documented decision by council at covid times in an effort to stop people from outwith area travelling to Dumfries and Galloway in breach of conditions at that time. It was subsequently introduced into every parking area throughout the region to make it consistent after complaints re a number of vehicles taking up spaces for long periods of time.
Sorry I was talking in general. Didn't realise the comments were on notices in D&G only
Jul 4, 2013
South Lincolnshire
Funster No
IH 600RD
Since 2017
Saw this today on my travels, I can understand staying for the night as it’s a beautiful area but there’s lots of out the way places for that, looks like they’ve been there for a while….

View attachment 927068
View attachment 927069
Your photograph shows a pair of lesser spotted FLTs . Sighting of these were comparatively rare until recently as they tended to prefer remote secluded or wooded areas where they were less visible however recently they have moved to more public spaces . If you can get close enough you may hear their distinctive call best described as a moaning ''How much , I'm not paying that ''. If you wish to attract some FLTs to your area arrange for the local authority to provide free parking , free water, free waste bins and free toilet emptying facilities and in a short space of time some are likely to arrive . They may not stay however as many migrate to warmer climates over winter but in the Spring are likely to return to the same spot provided no payment is required . :LOL::giggle:

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Jun 12, 2023
Funster No
Carthago C-Tourer
Yep, that sort of thing is exactly why lots of Lincolnshire coastal areas now don't allow any MH / large vehicle parking at all now, and also why some south coast areas now have barriers and restrictions. Because people can't obey signs, and treat it as some kind of badge of honour to park despite them, and then get all uptight when the restrictions are tightened up or increased.

I mean, this particular lot are carefully positioned to mean that absolutely NO ONE else gets any view, except of them. Sheesh.
This sort of stuff really pisses me off because ultimately it just makes life harder for all those of us who want to use and enjoy our vans without getting hostile reactions, caused by the totally selfish behaviour of a very large minority. (This is not 'a few vans', this is a problem which LOTS of vans/MH owners are making worse.) :madder:
That’s we fled to Portugal and use Ryanair to fly back to the UK. Our Carthago stays there.


Jul 2, 2022
Wiltshire, UK
Funster No
Since 2009
Just smiffy That looks like Ardwell. 😥 😥 😥

Which used to be the most gorgeous parking spot where you could quietly sit all day, have a walk, have a swim, have time to just "be" and relax, and then leave at the end of the day.

Last time I went past there it had turned into an encampment: despite multiple signs saying "No overnight" almost every inch of the place was taken up with vans, awnings, windbreaks, fires. Quite horrible, impossible for anyone to stop just for an hour or more, felt quite threatening for a single traveller.

I drove away with sadness, suspecting I would never be able to return.
Bloody selfish bar-stewards ruining a place where I had previously found much peace and solace.
That is so very sad to hear. How much harder it has got to find special places to chill for a while and leave it as you find it.
Dec 2, 2019
South Lincolnshire
Funster No
Rapido 7065+
Broken most bits now
Your photograph shows a pair of lesser spotted FLTs . Sighting of these were comparatively rare until recently as they tended to prefer remote secluded or wooded areas where they were less visible however recently they have moved to more public spaces . If you can get close enough you may hear their distinctive call best described as a moaning ''How much , I'm not paying that ''. If you wish to attract some FLTs to your area arrange for the local authority to provide free parking , free water, free waste bins and free toilet emptying facilities and in a short space of time some are likely to arrive . They may not stay however as many migrate to warmer climates over winter but in the Spring are likely to return to the same spot provided no payment is required . :LOL::giggle:
Hello Mr Shopkeeper I'd like to buy a bottle of wine please.
Certainly sir which brand of cigarettes would you like?
No I think you misunderstand - I just want a bottle of wine.
I can't just sell you wine I have to make a certain profit from you.
But I don't smoke.
No problem Sir. I can still sell you the ciggys anyway.

Happy camping ..
Jan 3, 2008
Pakefield, Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK
Funster No
Autosleeper Warwick
Or , even more likely [?] , campsite owner is pissed off at us ?
I wonder how difficult it would be for a campsite owner or even local resident to have such a sign made up. Probably wouldn’t cost much and someone with a real issue would happily spend the money to get their own way. Just a suggestion

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Feb 20, 2023
Funster No
I wonder how difficult it would be for a campsite owner or even local resident to have such a sign made up. Probably wouldn’t cost much and someone with a real issue would happily spend the money to get their own way. Just a suggestion
It has happened previously
Feb 18, 2022
Bedfordshire, UK
Funster No
RT Pergaso 740
Saw this today on my travels, I can understand staying for the night as it’s a beautiful area but there’s lots of out the way places for that, looks like they’ve been there for a while….

View attachment 927068
View attachment 927069
Shame I am not near, I would drive up there at two in the morning and put on the siren, and keep it going for half an hour, or better still go up with a load of friends and have a party with a load of boom box's right next to them.

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