So is France open from Monday.

vehicle insurance? Why would I ? They insure the van for being on the road & traffic accidents ,fire & theft. A virus is nothing to do with them,nor should it be .The scum will try anything to get out of paying.

Your final comment is what worries me and why I think it would be prudent to check before you travel.
Have you ever thought you worry a bit too much 😊
Have you ever thought you worry a bit too much 😊

I'm not much of a worrier actually, but I really don't trust insurance companies. They love taking your money but hate paying it back. :rolleyes:

"Firstly, why is there a "report" button in blue in your post. I thought long and hard about whether i should click it or not thinking it might relate to a report about UK vanlifers, and i did, but it invites me to report your post and think of a reason. The only reason i cold think of is the pathetic one of you dont agree with me !!!
Fair play to you for self reflection"

No idea how the 'Report' Button appeared, but I did need to use the 'Top Bar' to send the original message. Nothing sinister intended. Put it down to 'operator incompetence!

My reason for not returning to the UK is purely my personal view on the current situation globally. Quarentine in the UK would be no problem for us once there, but it is the travelling/contact whilst en - route and possible transmission to our family in the UK; which still happens to have the highest infection rate in europe for CV 19. Also, the negative reaction to a foreign registered motorhome/car 'Parked - on the - Drive' which prevents us from coming over. The 'B' word, from experience, has seemingly not made things any better!

I do not say what you or anybody else should do. I make my decision regarding travelling to the UK or anywhere else on the information I have and how I wish to interprete it, same as you. But living in a small rural but popular tourist area here in South West France, I know the feeling in the area towards 'outsiders' whether they be French, English or from Belgium. I have lived here fifteen years and will never be regarded as 'Local, but I understand their disquiet at the prospect of in-comers from outside threatening their elderly relatives. If my family turned - up now there would be repurcssions for me.

Trust that puts things straight

I'm not much of a worrier actually, but I really don't trust insurance companies. They love taking your money but hate paying it back. :rolleyes:
Well take their money and and no matter how they whine don’t pay them back...sorted
Firstly, why is there a "report" button in blue in your post. I thought long and hard about whether i should click it or not thinking it might relate to a report about UK vanlifers, and i did, but it invites me to report your post and think of a reason. The only reason i cold think of is the pathetic one of you dont agree with me !!!
Fair play to you for self reflection.
I genuinely have no idea of the problems experienced by UK vanlifers, but suspect they had a van and nowhere to be and are probably full timers and experienced some anti feeling where they parked. No idea of nationality of their vehicle.
All i can say to that is it wasnt me. Is there a link (not the report button!) to enlighten me.
Now if I were in your position and wanting to see the family in France under the same regulations I would be going. But you cant because we have a quarantine which is possibly/probably illegal.

I do understand the points you make, but i feel they are personal ones (which you are perfectly entitled to have). I (and i suspect others who are coming) will be fully respectful as anything less than that would be putting me in danger. In order for me to spread the disease, I have to get it. I have done quite well as a first responder dealing with all sorts of Covid related incidents over the past 3 months not to get it and control my team at incidents that only one of them got it (and he got it from his wife a Covid nurse) so the thought process of allowing all this hard work for 3 months to go out of the pan for a 10 or 20 day holiday (as i may have to abide by quarantine on the way back) on a campsite in the middle of nowhere, in the open air, and being treated like a leper by the Dutch, Germans and French for the first few days (I expect) is not going to increase my chances of getting it and therefore spreading it.

I am just enjoying the ethos of the EU (which we are currently members of) in freedom of movement. If the EU were to prevent it ..... well thats a whole different subject

If i were a European (ex pat or not) I would not be concerned about me in a motorhome going to france. If i were in Ibiza, I would be fairly concerned about an influx of younger, less socially desirable, less responsible, drinking culture youths.

Your democratically elected Government have deemed it safe, openly invited me, in fact encouraged me to attend and spend my hard earned money to help their country out.

What is it you would do if you were in my circs. I have had to take my months annual leave. I have had my tunnel booked since January. No campsites open here (I dont agree with that but accept it). My choices are to go on holiday (not illegal) or stay at home like i have done (apart from work).

I wish you well.
I don’t know how you do it ! Long precise erudite calm education of those who have a completely different risk/reward thought process. Me personally, I would like to rant and rave and be FAR less diplomatic in language...unfortunately I don’t have the skill or temperate language and besides our lord and master Jim will make me apologise again and I can’t stand apologising ☹️ you deserve a medal. Keep it up...I’m with you in heart if not in words....don’t let the moralising, risk averse, wallowers of lockdown get you down...

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I'm not much of a worrier actually, but I really don't trust insurance companies. They love taking your money but hate paying it back. :rolleyes:

A bit of balance : last year my eriba was written off - hit by a 3rd party. Aviva gave me an agreed amount and my van within weeks. Recovered my excess from 3rd party and confirmed no loss of no claims.
A bit of balance : last year my eriba was written off - hit by a 3rd party. Aviva gave me an agreed amount and my van within weeks. Recovered my excess from 3rd party and confirmed no loss of no claims. van was burnt to the ground back in August last year 😥....AXA paid for replacement in a matter of weeks...very fair settlement amount as well. I put my house insurance with them on the basis of it. Don’t normally praise corporates but they’re not ALL bad...
I must've been dozing as I seem to have missed that France is open so I've been online...…...
There's space on the ferry for next week at Newhaven, my local port and I've checked just two of my regular sites in France and they are open with space. Obviously I can't check aires but I assume they'll also be available.
On y va!
I realise that I'll have to self-iso upon return but I'll have plenty of wine and cheese to occupy me and the 2 weeks self-iso is nothing compared with my current 101 days at home.
I must've been dozing as I seem to have missed that France is open so I've been online...…...
There's space on the ferry for next week at Newhaven, my local port and I've checked just two of my regular sites in France and they are open with space.
On y va!
I realise that I'll have to self-iso upon return but I'll have plenty of wine and cheese to occupy me and the 2 weeks self-iso is nothing compared with my current 101 days at home.
Hold yer’s a want by France isn’t it....nothing actually confirmed...could be wrong...

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I don’t know how you do it ! Long precise erudite calm education of those who have a completely different risk/reward thought process. Me personally, I would like to rant and rave and be FAR less diplomatic in language...unfortunately I don’t have the skill or temperate language and besides our lord and master Jim will make me apologise again and I can’t stand apologising ☹ you deserve a medal. Keep it up...I’m with you in heart if not in words....don’t let the moralising, risk averse, wallowers of lockdown get you down...
Thank you for your kind words.
I got a ban about 2 years ago in the heat of a B***** disagreement. Funny thing was we actually got on. I think i said something like "Dont be an idiot" and his crime was somewhat less than mine but we were both a bit antagonistic so although it was fairly minor infringement we thoroughly deserved it.

Point out holes in the point of view and not the person. If you cant point out holes in their point of view they are probably right. If that is the case, change your mind cos you will be wrong if they are right. (On the assumption there is a right and wrong) Try hard to not make it personal and wish people good luck. Disagreeing is healthy (imv) as long as it is done the right way, which hopefully I do.

I also appreciate I can be an "argumentative sod" which probably comes from being married previous and current employment of enforcing rules, but tend to only disagree when I firmly believe I am correct. I would be a fool to do it if i didnt.
Well that's why I was surprised/confused that I could book a ferry and sites. :unsure:
The fat lady has walked over to the cupboard, she has selected her TCP, opened it up, gargled, Done ten tongue twisters, bowed to the audience, and is standing at the podium and just taken a rather large intake of breath whilst looking at the first song which is "Summer Holiday" but the first note has not been struck
My understanding is that the reciprocal rules apply. We need to self isolate on entering France. So quarantine for the first two weeks.
My understanding is that the reciprocal rules apply. We need to self isolate on entering France. So quarantine for the first two weeks.
Correct. We are to requested to voluntarily self isolate

Sort of like we had to carry a breathaliser with us

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I don’t know how you do it ! Long precise erudite calm education of those who have a completely different risk/reward thought process.

The fat lady has walked over to the cupboard, she has selected her TCP, opened it up, gargled, Done ten tongue twisters, bowed to the audience, and is standing at the podium and just taken a rather large intake of breath whilst looking at the first song which is "Summer Holiday" but the first note has not been struck

Don't get carried away, suavecarve - I'm not sure Hymerbell was asking for a trip through your repertoire!::bigsmile:::bigsmile:::bigsmile:
Cette possible L'Hareng Rouge. In other words a Red Herring. Vehicle Insurance is not connected in any way to FCO advice.
Can you qualify why not?

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The nonsensical part of it all is that if I leave here & enter France there is no requirement to quarantine. Entering the UK theoretically I have to quarantine for 14 days whilst my wife, travelling in the same vehicle, is exempt. Upon leaving we both have to 'voluntary' quarantine, in France for 14 day even though I hopefully won't be there more than 2.
Can you qualify why not?
If one has motor vehicle Insurance it covers the vehicle for use in the EU regardless of whether one has third party, third party fire and theft, or comprehensive cover.

It may be that, under the current political circumstances, your vehicle may not have the same comprehensive cover when in Europe but, at the very least, one's vehicle will have Insurance cover for the whole of the EU that complies with the relevant legislation for each country.
The Foreign Office 'advice' (please note that word 'advice' Not Law) is simply that, ie. ADVICE.
The travel Insurance industry, have included that 'ADVICE' into their policies making it an exclusion to a claim under their 'TRAVEL' policies if one travels into a country to which the F. O. have excluded as a safe place to travel.
On the contrary, as far as I am aware, (and I'm prepared to be contradicted on this), there is no similar exclusion to travel in a country to which ones Motor vehicle policy applies where one is excluded from using the motor vehicle in that country, should the F. O. decide to state that travel in that country should only be undertaken for essential reasons.

For the above reasons, one is free to drive one's properly assured vehicle on the Continent without worrying about what the FO have declared.

I hope you have been assuaged.
If not, please feel free to come back.
If one has motor vehicle Insurance it covers the vehicle for use in the EU regardless of whether one has third party, third party fire and theft, or comprehensive cover.

It may be that, under the current political circumstances, your vehicle may not have the same comprehensive cover when in Europe but, at the very least, one's vehicle will have Insurance cover for the whole of the EU that complies with the relevant legislation for each country.
The Foreign Office 'advice' (please note that word 'advice' Not Law) is simply that, ie. ADVICE.
The travel Insurance industry, have included that 'ADVICE' into their policies making it an exclusion to a claim under their 'TRAVEL' policies if one travels into a country to which the F. O. have excluded as a safe place to travel.
On the contrary, as far as I am aware, (and I'm prepared to be contradicted on this), there is no similar exclusion to travel in a country to which ones Motor vehicle policy applies where one is excluded from using the motor vehicle in that country, should the F. O. decide to state that travel in that country should only be undertaken for essential reasons.

For the above reasons, one is free to drive one's properly assured vehicle on the Continent without worrying about what the FO have declared.

I hope you have been assuaged.
If not, please feel free to come back.

that makes perfect sense and just to ad to that, if a Brit who has chosen to stay in the country they were in prior to lockdown, drives their UK registered and insured vehicle in that country, does that mean their vehicle insurance is invalid. What about 'delivery' drivers travelling in a UK registered and insured vehicle ... the various scenarios are endless ....
that makes perfect sense and just to ad to that, if a Brit who has chosen to stay in the country they were in prior to lockdown, drives their UK registered and insured vehicle in that country, does that mean their vehicle insurance is invalid. What about 'delivery' drivers travelling in a UK registered and insured vehicle ... the various scenarios are endless ....

I'm struggling with your term 'Delivery' driver.
However, should a UK driver (and Insured in the UK), find himself in a country other than the UK and, lets say, He/She was insured to be in that country for a certain number of days, and because of the pandemic, find himself 'out of time,' He/She would still be insured to drive in that foreign country but, should a claim arise, He/She would not have the same cover as before and might find themselves without recourse to the repair of their vehicle.
The Insurance would still cover Third Party risks however.

I hope this is of use.

PS I'm off to bed but will answer any further questions tomorrow.

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If one has motor vehicle Insurance it covers the vehicle for use in the EU regardless of whether one has third party, third party fire and theft, or comprehensive cover.

It may be that, under the current political circumstances, your vehicle may not have the same comprehensive cover when in Europe but, at the very least, one's vehicle will have Insurance cover for the whole of the EU that complies with the relevant legislation for each country.
The Foreign Office 'advice' (please note that word 'advice' Not Law) is simply that, ie. ADVICE.
The travel Insurance industry, have included that 'ADVICE' into their policies making it an exclusion to a claim under their 'TRAVEL' policies if one travels into a country to which the F. O. have excluded as a safe place to travel.
On the contrary, as far as I am aware, (and I'm prepared to be contradicted on this), there is no similar exclusion to travel in a country to which ones Motor vehicle policy applies where one is excluded from using the motor vehicle in that country, should the F. O. decide to state that travel in that country should only be undertaken for essential reasons.

For the above reasons, one is free to drive one's properly assured vehicle on the Continent without worrying about what the FO have declared.

I hope you have been assuaged.
If not, please feel free to come back.
Thank you for coming back and I am inclined to agree. However my counsel would be for anybody travelling to a country where the FO has provided an ‘advice’ not to travel they should check with their own insurance company that their vehicle insurance is in place, if it were is it just 3rd party? (Not sure why they would want to unless they fit the criteria).
There are lots that offer advise here which is well intended but unqualified and unfortunately some hear what that want to hear.
A chum flew into South Africa recently, the day after the FO advised against travel, he immediately curtailed his months travel plans and got the next available flight back. A long story but they (insurance) are claiming as he was actually in the county at the time of the announcement he is not covered! Illogical. Bike insurance must be locked to an immovable object so with two bikes piggy backing one bike to another where one is fixed to an immovable object the one that isn’t is not covered - and soon. Thank you again for your explanation.
A vehicle Insurance policy is a contract between holder and provider giving specific assurances over clearly defined territorial limits. If this covers where you are going then any insurance company is going to have a really hard time defending its withdrawal based on vague FCO advice.

and yes a region at war would be different.
A vehicle Insurance policy is a contract between holder and provider giving specific assurances over clearly defined territorial limits. If this covers where you are going then any insurance company is going to have a really hard time defending its withdrawal based on vague FCO advice.

and yes a region at war would be different.
I agree Jon, entirely! One simile however. Quite a few businesses considered they had business interruption insurance, that's not going too well for them.
where the FO has provided an ‘advice’ not to travel they should check with their own insurance company that their vehicle insurance is in place,
I ve just taken a look at FCO advice and can see nothing that says you should check with vehicle insurance company. Could you point me in the right direction.

On Monday, basically the whole of the EU determines the whole of the EU is a "safe" place to travel. Now the FCO doesnt have to change its advice, but they have to justify their advice. If we take France as the main country and make a presumption that it opens on Monday, then 27 (or thereabouts) countries will have made a decision that it is safe to travel to that country from Belgium, Germany, Austria etc . Should they decline to change the advice, the countries that have deemed themselves safe will be asking questions as to why they are advising it is unsafe. Some smart Alec somewhere (probably michael o leary) will then question the legality and justification of the advice. Germany (and i expect all the others) changes on Monday to allow travellers from EU but does not change to that until monday.

From my point of view, I cant see how they can justify the advice of not travelling TO another european country that has less CV than here.
Announcements apparently been made according to BBC radio news. Border open on Monday.

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