So is France open from Monday.

"but i see no reason why i can't travel to France, there may be reasons that others wouldn't travel and i respect their position, but i consider it to be a viable option|"

I can think of a very good one; we 'the people' don't want you to come! We have gone through a fairly strict 'Lockdown', not as strict as some countries have had to endure but still a lot stricter than the UK. Our 'Day to Day' lives are still governed by Covid 19 restrictions and we don't want another 'dose' as a result of visitors coming from the UK or anywhere else where the virus is still rampant.

The UK's FCO and the French government both still advise against 'foreign' travel to their citizens which should be a clear enough message.

You might not like the 'message' and you might decide not to heed it, but like areas in the UK don't be surprised if you get a less than warm reception here.


Did you all not see the 00's if not 000's of british plated cars & vans queuing at both ferry teminals & Tunnel on sunday trying to get back in to the UK before the quarantine came in ? Most of these had only recently left the country with booked returns & complaining of being jogged off allocated times due to the companies giving preferential treatment to those they had scammed with 'pay on the day' Many said they 'd only gone to vist family & friends.
The tunnel was struggling as they were only allowing 200 vehicles on for 'social distancing'

"but i see no reason why i can't travel to France, there may be reasons that others wouldn't travel and i respect their position, but i consider it to be a viable option|"

I can think of a very good one; we 'the people' don't want you to come! We have gone through a fairly strict 'Lockdown', not as strict as some countries have had to endure but still a lot stricter than the UK. Our 'Day to Day' lives are still governed by Covid 19 restrictions and we don't want another 'dose' as a result of visitors coming from the UK or anywhere else where the virus is still rampant.

The UK's FCO and the French government both still advise against 'foreign' travel to their citizens which should be a clear enough message.

You might not like the 'message' and you might decide not to heed it, but like areas in the UK don't be surprised if you get a less than warm reception here.



were you elected to speak on behalf of those living in France as you appear to have just nominated yourself to be their spokesperson, or is this just a personal comment?
"but i see no reason why i can't travel to France, there may be reasons that others wouldn't travel and i respect their position, but i consider it to be a viable option|"

I can think of a very good one; we 'the people' don't want you to come! We have gone through a fairly strict 'Lockdown', not as strict as some countries have had to endure but still a lot stricter than the UK. Our 'Day to Day' lives are still governed by Covid 19 restrictions and we don't want another 'dose' as a result of visitors coming from the UK or anywhere else where the virus is still rampant.

The UK's FCO and the French government both still advise against 'foreign' travel to their citizens which should be a clear enough message.

You might not like the 'message' and you might decide not to heed it, but like areas in the UK don't be surprised if you get a less than warm reception here.



Pas Dans Mon Derriere Jardin

My apologies for not knowing the French equivalent for NIMBY
"but i see no reason why i can't travel to France, there may be reasons that others wouldn't travel and i respect their position, but i consider it to be a viable option|"

I can think of a very good one; we 'the people' don't want you to come! We have gone through a fairly strict 'Lockdown', not as strict as some countries have had to endure but still a lot stricter than the UK. Our 'Day to Day' lives are still governed by Covid 19 restrictions and we don't want another 'dose' as a result of visitors coming from the UK or anywhere else where the virus is still rampant.

The UK's FCO and the French government both still advise against 'foreign' travel to their citizens which should be a clear enough message.

You might not like the 'message' and you might decide not to heed it, but like areas in the UK don't be surprised if you get a less than warm reception here.


I read a personal invite from your tourism minister

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if I am legally allowed to travel to France on Monday then it will be because the elected French Government has deemed that it is safe for me to do so, both for the health of their citizens and for mine. If they do not deem it is safe for me to travel and keep the current border controls in place then I won't.
Thinking reasonably (I always think i think reasonably)
what possible evidence is there for the FCO to advise against travel in the EU on Monday if 27 countries disagree with them ?
were you elected to speak on behalf of those living in France as you appear to have just nominated yourself to be their spokesperson, or is this just a personal comment?

I'll echo Charente16's comments. I live in an area popular with tourists and, so far, we have been relatively untouched by the virus. The firm measures taken here seem to have worked until now. I have to admit to being a little uneasy about the prospect of a sudden influx of visitors from elsewhere, particularly countries which are still having a significant problem, not only with the virus, but with self-control by some of the natives.

When one visits a foreign country, one is a guest and and in the overwhelming majority of cases visitors receive a courteous welcome. That courtesy should be returned by complying with the host country's requests - in this case, the requirement to self-isolate for 14 days. I may be being over-sensitive, or hopefully wrong, but I detect a tacit 'once we're over the water, we'll do what we like' attitude in some of the posts here.

I have English friends building a house along the lane from me. They'd planned to come out to continue the build in February but the impending pandemic made them unable to do so. They are now planning to come out in a fortnight's time if the changes are implemented, accepting that they will have to self-isolate as requested. We have already made arrangements for me to do their shopping and any other errands for them whilst they remain within their property - about 3 ha, so plenty of space for them. They won't be setting foot in my house, or anyone ele's here, before the fortnight is up as I don't know whether they are carrying the virus or not.

If anyone can explain to me how a motorhomer can fulfill the request to self-isolate for 14 days upon arrival, I'm happy to be enlightened 🙂

Having said all that, I'm waiting to hear from the horse's mouth exactly what the situation will be next week - we'll learn in the next couple of days.
When one visits a foreign country, one is a guest and and in the overwhelming majority of cases visitors receive a courteous welcome. That courtesy should be returned by complying with the host country's requests - in this case, the requirement to self-isolate for 14 days. I may be being over-sensitive, or hopefully wrong, but I detect a tacit 'once we're over the water, we'll do what we like' attitude in some of the posts here.
When one visits a foreign country, one is a guest, having been actively invited, and in the overwhelming majority of cases visitors receive a courteous welcome. That courtesy should be returned by complying with the host country's requests - in this case, the requirement (request to voluntarily )to self-isolate for 14 days. I may be being over-sensitive, or hopefully wrong, but I detect a tacit 'once we're over the water, we'll do what we like' attitude in some of the posts here. Nope, I suspect that others, like me, will be SDing in order to negate the possibility of catching the virus in your lovely new abode.

I get why you dont want us there. It makes no sense. Apart from getting your economy running faster. I think i might be in the same boat as you if the situation were reversed. But I dont recall the shouting from the rooftops about the expats who were allowed back into GB over the past couple of months. We are, after all, Europeans at this moment in time. Do you not want Germans ? Austrians ? or is it just the British that shouldnt be allowed ?
Charente16 comments are relevant, thoughI don’t know why people want to come to France, they complain it’s expensive, too many speed limits, too many roundabouts, too many speeding tickets because people think limits shouldn’t apply to them and no one seems to like the ( expensive) food, not to mention the constant insults about expats living here.
Of course, you’ll be ( mostly) welcome when restrictions are fully lifted between the two countries when UK infection rates are as low as ours, but don’t underestimate the feelings of those who have had a proper lockdown here and are concerned that opening borders will undermine all the hardship we have gone through.

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What about travel insurance then? As I understand it the FO has told UK rsidents not to travel "abroad" UFN, which then negates your travel insurance.

Or, of course, you may not bother with travel insurance.............................. :wondering:
Possibly vehicle insurance also?
france was talking about opening borders to schengen countries which the uk is not a member .
we haven’t seen the last of COVID yet why then do want to go and spread it to another country as you dont know if your a carrier or not some people must be desperate and have nothing else to do, sorry if I have upset some people but that’s how I feel to many people want to run before we have got of our knees.
If the French govt is set to impose a 14 day voluntary quarantine on uk citizens, it is ONLY because the UK is imposing one, and for NO other reason. It's not based on science, its not based on medical fact, it's a tit for tat political decision. If the UK govt removed their requirement then the French would remove theirs, so much for it being an absolute necessity!

If no such quarantine requirements are imposed on any other nationalities, then it clearly is a political decision.

I will abide by the law and will be travelling to our static caravan, where we will be spending our 2 weeks setting it up along with 3 other statics, before returning home.
I will also be practicing social distancing and wearing ppe where necessary.
It's unfair to 'suggest' that anyone legally travelling through France doesn't care and will completely disregard any safety measures in place. As has been evidenced in the UK, it's often the countries own citizens that are the issue.

I understand your concerns but if the French govt say it's ok to travel around France in a Motorhome then I am sure people from France's hardest hit regions will be doing so. Does that mean it is ok to 'potentially' spread Covid if you are French? Or does it mean that the French govt have decided it is unlikely to happen. The numbers of those entering France in a Motorhome from the UK will be far less than those entering France in cars from all other land borders.

I was watching France24 the other day where it showed lots of French people travelling unrestricted into Italy and the Italians welcoming them as they were keen to get tourism started again. The border into France however was still closed to all but French citizens. Why? I assume it was because the French govt dont deem it safe enough yet ..... The same report then showed French citizens entering Germany and being met by hostile police and the reporter stated how unfair it was that French citizens were not welcome in Germany.

If the govt deem it is safe for UK citizens to travel to France then I will accept their position. If they impose a statutory quarantine then I have a choice to make.

Comments such as people moaning about speeding tickets, expensive food etc dont add anything substantive to the discussion and detract from the genuine concerns that some people have.

It might be seen as bizarre that some of those who choose to live in France wont accept the government's decision ( if in fact Mr Macron confirms it on Sunday as is expected, as part of his statement to the nation) if they advise that it is safe to open the borders and allow freedom of movement from citizens all EU countries, which currently I am.

Liberty, Equality and Fraternity is not just for Christmas ....
I find it amazing that Motorhome owners on a Motorhome forum don't see the advantages of having a Motorhome holiday. What other method of travel is there that allows such complete control over what you do or do not use? You only need to use a little common sense.

Landing plane loads of people is much more likely to cause spread.
Bit bizarre, but lets see.
Why would anyone want to travel to France just now. The UK weather forecast is just fantastic, our gardens look wonderful, the shops will be open. All this without the stress of living with and being alone in a van with someone that you have just spent the last six months locked down with.:cool:(y)

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Why would anyone want to travel to France just now. The UK weather forecast is just fantastic, our gardens look wonderful, the shops will be open. All this without the stress of living with and being alone in a van with someone that you have just spent the last six months of quarantine together.:cool:(y)
I wouldn’t trust too much the Connection as they have often got things wrong including guide on filling out your tax form ! Wait for announcement from Macron on Sunday or Edouard Phillipe.
But don’t come to my area as we have no new cases or deaths !!
Why would anyone want to travel to France just now. The UK weather forecast is just fantastic, our gardens look wonderful, the shops will be open. All this without the stress of living with and being alone in a van with someone that you have just spent the last six months locked down with.:cool:(y)

Your bait is getting stale Buttons.
suavecarve, your post #34 was a very succinct and accurate response to my posting.

Yes, I can be classed as a 'NIMBY' but the difference is I have postponed my foreign trips indefinately, including a planned trip to the UK to see family. Reading various posts on this Forum, I don't think my presence in the UK driving around in a foreign registered ' motorhome' would be appreciated by the majority of the population. Just look at the problems experienced by UK vanlifers.


Broken Link Removed
There are some Italians on the camp site we’re on at the moment. I have no idea how they come to be here, but their money is apparently as good as anyone else’s, and they are treated warmly by the staff and the French people here. No indication that anyone will be turning up with pitchforks and torches any time soon.

Assuming that France opens its borders for tourism on Monday (and it will) why would it do that if it didn’t want tourists to come? Almost everything is open, and people are being very sensible about taking precautions.

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Charente16 comments are relevant, thoughI don’t know why people want to come to France, they complain it’s expensive, too many speed limits, too many roundabouts, too many speeding tickets because people think limits shouldn’t apply to them and no one seems to like the ( expensive) food, not to mention the constant insults about expats living here.
Of course, you’ll be ( mostly) welcome when restrictions are fully lifted between the two countries when UK infection rates are as low as ours, but don’t underestimate the feelings of those who have had a proper lockdown here and are concerned that opening borders will undermine all the hardship we have gone through.
I think you should stop all who say its expensive, too many speed limits, too many roundabouts, too many speeding tickets because people think limits shouldn’t apply to them and no one seems to like the ( expensive) food, not to mention the constant insults about expats living here.

I m trying to put my boot on the other foot and thinking that if i were french, living in the UK as an expat, and the UK invited my countrymen over, under the same circumstances, in order help the economy recover (because that is the main reason) then I think i would be thankful, but certainly respectful of the decision made by my new home.

I strongly suspect the French who live in France to be their normal, most welcoming and engaging and be pleased to see us in la nouvelle normalité. If we go to restaurant, when i go to a boulangerie, if we go out for a beer, if we stop for a cafe, I believe i would see owners being thankful for our custom.
Yep sadly the pandemic has brought out the worst in some people and they tend to be over represented on social media when in reality most people in real life are either lovely or just keep their thoughts and opinions to themselves. As a full timer i had been worried reading about the apparent vitriol towards motorhomers but I've experienced exactly zero in real life. I have a mountain bike trip booked with a company in July in France and they are very much looking forward to our arrival so i will try to ignore the negativity from some on here.
france was talking about opening borders to schengen countries which the uk is not a member .
we haven’t seen the last of COVID yet why then do want to go and spread it to another country as you dont know if your a carrier or not some people must be desperate and have nothing else to do, sorry if I have upset some people but that’s how I feel to many people want to run before we have got of our knees.
What about the Germans spreading it in France, or the French spreading it in Italy, or the Geordies spreading it in the Home Counties ? or Londoners spreading it in castle barnard Forget the last one !!

At some stage, we have to start living with the disease. If i were a carrier, if i remained at home I am highly likely to pass it to my wife and my in laws and would have a semi reasonable chance of infecting 8 other blokes i work with and an amount of people who i deal with as a first responder. If I go to France with it, I am highly likely to infect the wife.
All other possible infections would be equated out (shopping etc)

God knows what people are going to think when France (and Eu) opens up to the world in 3 weeks time (with probably a few countries not allowed which doesnt appear to be the USA)
suavecarve, your post #34 was a very succinct and accurate response to my posting.

Yes, I can be classed as a 'NIMBY' but the difference is I have postponed my foreign trips indefinately, including a planned trip to the UK to see family. Reading various posts on this Forum, I don't think my presence in the UK driving around in a foreign registered ' motorhome' would be appreciated by the majority of the population. Just look at the problems experienced by UK vanlifers.


Broken Link Removed

you are confusing the discussion, van lifers problems were caused when people wrongly believed they were abusing the lockdown imposed by the UK govt. They thought the van lifers were ignoring lockdown imposed by the govt and it wasnt just vanlifers, those who live on canal boats were also wrongly criticised.

anyone entering France on Monday from anywhere in the EU - if the French govt endorse the opening - will be doing so with full permission,

as a footnote, i am watching France 24 and the numbers of vehicles travelling from France to Spain (and returning later) is probably far more excessive than the number of motorhomes likely to be entering from the UK, seems like a lot of French people who live in France have a different view than some on this forum ...

PS for those who didnt know. France24 is available as a free news channel app on a firestick and i assume smart tv's.
Has anyone actually called their insurance company? I am really interested to know where you stand if you travel, even though the FO has told you not to.

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Has anyone actually called their insurance company? I am really interested to know where you stand if you travel, even though the FO has told you not to.

why dont you ask yours ...

what would happen if someone in Wales drove for 6 miles ....
Have you asked yours, as you want to travel? Surely, if you intend going you need to check whether you’re covered.
How does an FCO warning affect my travel insurance?
It is important to be aware that if the Foreign and Commonwealth Office warns against all travel or all but essential travel to your holiday destination before you get there, you will not covered by your travel insurance, which means that any claims you make will not be paid, if you choose to travel against their advice.

This is because travel insurance is designed to provide protection against unexpected and unforeseen risks and travelling to a country or area that the FCO has advised against going to because it is dangerous, is a very different risk from taking a holiday in a country that is considered to be generally safe.
ok, so you wont be covered for your travel insurance.

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