Travelling to France and Belgium is for essential travel only,I do find it incredible that so many people are leaving now to go.The quarantine when they get back is in case they have Covid-19.Why risk their own health and the health of any nhs workers should they get sick?
I am happy to stick my neck out and say its unbelievably ignorant.
I see your point, however I’ve also seen the alternatives of holidays in the UK. Beaches packed, people fighting. We walked through Hereford yesterday where people are supposed to follow arrows of where to walk Etc. No one paid any attention to this. We’ve stayed in since March, bar an excursion to Devon in July. When we were on the beach, which was relatively empty we had a family set up for the day right next to us. We got up and left. We’ve looked forward to our break since when we booked it in Feb. We will be in our car, then in to cabins on the ferry, then to my Dads house. We won’t be doing city tours or crowded beaches. we will wear masks, and follow all guidelines as we have done since this thing started. Sensible is as sensible does. Mental well-being counts for a lot these days and I’m damned if I’m locking my family up until this thing ever blows over.