Pitch Invasion

My take on this, make of it what you will.
If I wanted to be on my own with no one near, I wouldn't be going to a camp site, I would be going to somewhere where no one else was.
If on the other hand I wanted to see other people and talk to them and socialise I would pay an exorbitant fee to go to where there are maybe hundreds of folks all wanting to do their own thing.
You pays your money and takes your choice. (y) :Smile:
I want to visit sites occupied by grown-ups who behave in a responsible manner and look after their kids. Fortunately these people are in the majority. Being sociable doesn't require that your pitch becomes a footpath or a playground. A bit like your garden back home really.
Its bad manners to take a short cut across an occupied pitch, totally different scenario to stopping and chatting and socialising.
We had an annoying kid riding his bike around when at CCC Woodhall Spa, finally had enough when he decided to take a new route across our pitch, and riding over our hookup cable. OH gave him a mild ticking off, kids dad was all set for an argument until we pointed out what his kid had been doing. They stayed nearer their own pitch 100yds away on another section of the site after that.
Some years back we ventured along to a new site at Poolsbrook and after setting up everything a bunch of kids on bikes decided that our pitch was the most direct route to the amenities block where they all left their bikes right outside the toilet doors So I put up a windbreak at the back of our pitch and settled down that lasted about 10 minutes as the kids on the bikes returned down the grass bank over the flattened windbreak and continued on through our pitch ,I followed the kids and the ringleader back to their caravan where a large group of people where all drinking, and asked if they would tell the kids to not ride their bikes over our pitch .shall we say that I was not well received .iput my windbreak back up and we went for a stroll and when we returned the windbreak which was a light green one was covered in muddy footmarks .At that point I reported the matter to the site wardens whose response was we know but we can’t do anything .I was advised to complain To the club head office who investigated the complaint and redesigned the banking and fenced off the route ,planted some Spiky bushes so it was obviously not the first time this had happened.
If that's the case I and most others would be equally glad you're not on site.

It was probably done once as a mistake which I have done, no harm done at all. It's hardly a police job.

We used to have a neighbour when we were kids, Mrs Fleming, when the football went over her garden she used to go mad and wouldn't let us have it back, she used to take it inside and then mam used to bray on her door for our ball back.

We still talk about it all these years later, the kids were playing.

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As a new motorhome owner on the first long outing just after we were able to get off on the fourth.
We started in Kendal for two nights a different sites then over to Berwick and worked down the east coast finishing at Filey.
All the places I booked I opted for a large hand standing serviced pitch.
And then I parked in the middle so as to social distance.
But we booked one near Beamish museum not knowing beamish was closed.
But to be fair l did not check on the web site to see just assuming it to be open.
Gets there quite a small gravel hard standing both ways.
So when we got there had a look around the site as we where earlier than expected.
Had a walk in the woods came back and the sun was out so had a cold one and sat outside.
Then the cloud came out and looked like rain so put the chairs away went in and started to make tea.
Next to us was a caravan with a tent on the side taking up all the room.
It was a one way system as most are so I pulled past the turning and reversed into the standing.
When out exploring I remember thinking if he parks on the corner I mite struggle to get out.
But not a problem for him as he parked next to his tent giving me just enough room to open my door.
I was quite annoyed and did get up for a chat but the voice of reason charmed the situation down saying we are new to it and may be we should drove in with the hill to the habitation door.
So what is the etiquette do you sit in the middle if small do you have the area to the near side.
So what is the etiquette do you sit in the middle if small do you have the area to the near side.
Most sites will advise of position on the pitch if they have a rule.

C&MC sites have you park with either your near side front to the peg or offside rear to the peg. That way you have a choice of your front view/hab door side and your van still maintains the fire gap on the pitch to the next van.
It was probably done once as a mistake which I have done, no harm done at all. It's hardly a police job.


When on hols with my children (who BTW were never allowed to go on other people's pitch unless invited) I used to moan on my own when annoyed by people(no matter the age) who never minded their neighbours.
Now... this is what they can read on my door.... if coming too near
That's one thing we don't like about campsites, it's not always easy to move pitches, and nigh on impossible to get any refund if you decided you have had enough and want to leave. 🙄
We are on the aire at Stenay France, they have set the maximum 25 but there is not that many here, and those here are leaving plenty of room, 😉 very handy because it's washing day. 😁
And of course if you don't like your pitch you just move. 🙂 Bob.

20200802_132412.jpg 20200802_132439.jpg 20200802_132446.jpg €9 including electric.
Remember couple of years ago in Spain watching a Brit on a corner plot defending his little patch of Spain against the Spanish kids who kept cutting across "his plot". Guessing he had no idea just how foolish he looked/sounded shouting at Spanish kids in English, but then again, he was following the time honored rule of "if they don't understand ...... SHOUT"

Honest, I was laughing so much I nearly wee'd myself.

He had all the usual stuff, flashing lights, streamers, Brit flags ... god luv us and save us eh

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Oh my GOD.
I can't believe some of the comments on this thread. Some of you must have had really sheltered childhoods.
I can't believe some of the 'stuck up pompous' comments I have just read.
Two children and a Mother walk a little close to your van, that you were inside not outside.
As pointed out they may have been new to all this, we all were once.
Yes I agree we need to social distance, but if you're that afraid you need to ask yourself if you should be out. You are going to make yourself ill worrying about people getting to close.
Reading some of these comments some of you would have shot these kids and their Mother at dawn.
Why didn't you try to educate them, point out the rules rather coming onto a forum and Bitching.
I'm sorry, I probably should not say any of this but really, read through this post and just stop and think for a moment. WE WERE ALL THERE ONCE.
If you wish to remove my comments I fully understand, I'm afraid that I stand by what I have said and have no intention of offending anyone. Like any good forum sometimes a post comes along that makes you stop and think, and comment on.
Oh my GOD.
I can't believe some of the comments on this thread. Some of you must have had really sheltered childhoods.
I can't believe some of the 'stuck up pompous' comments I have just read.
Two children and a Mother walk a little close to your van, that you were inside not outside.
As pointed out they may have been new to all this, we all were once.
Yes I agree we need to social distance, but if you're that afraid you need to ask yourself if you should be out. You are going to make yourself ill worrying about people getting to close.
Reading some of these comments some of you would have shot these kids and their Mother at dawn.
Why didn't you try to educate them, point out the rules rather coming onto a forum and Bitching.
I'm sorry, I probably should not say any of this but really, read through this post and just stop and think for a moment. WE WERE ALL THERE ONCE.
If you wish to remove my comments I fully understand, I'm afraid that I stand by what I have said and have no intention of offending anyone. Like any good forum sometimes a post comes along that makes you stop and think, and comment on.
And what about safety, as I have mentioned in several posts on this thread.
I have grandchildren, and my priority on site is their safety and education of what and where they can do, go and touch, and what they cannot.
Next is the safety of my fellow campers and ensuring I am not creating any hazards or dangers to them, or myself and wife .
It is a shame others cannot adhere to, or think about their conduct when on site before they even get to site.
Seems that for some, once on site, it's a free for all and all social manners are for when back home.
And heaven forbid you should be on a site with a lake or deep water.
Seen many small children, unaccompanied , very close to deep water and not an adult in sight, and despite the site having many warnings to parents not to leave children unsupervised due to the deep water danger.
Common sense, manners and a respect for other people's property cost nothing, but sadly today they seem forgotten in many areas, not just on camping/caravanning and motorhome sites.
And now we have social distancing, which for some it would seem, does not apply to them.
I wonder if those who believe "pitch etiquette" is a load of tosh would feel the same if Joe Public stated using their garden at home as a thoroughfare for walking \ cycling?:unsure:
When I had the US RV I lost count of the number of people who came right up to vehicle trying to look inside . even had a couple that opened the flywire door and stuck their head in ( French & Dutch ) , sarcastically asked them if they would like to come in and have a look , the French couple accepted ! :) Even came back to vehicle once to find couple from next vehicle sat under our awning , they were using their own chairs ( yes French) :)
Thank you all very much for the replies and views on this . I’ve really enjoyed reading back through this thread . We didn’t really have a problem with what happened , it just felt “ odd “ that the mum didn’t seem to understand about the basic rules of privacy . Normally set up a windbreak but I think next time I will just have a friendly chat and explain that some people might not like it if you walk on their pitch .
thanks again.
I love a good debate .

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Oh my GOD.
I can't believe some of the comments on this thread. Some of you must have had really sheltered childhoods.
I can't believe some of the 'stuck up pompous' comments I have just read.
Two children and a Mother walk a little close to your van, that you were inside not outside.
As pointed out they may have been new to all this, we all were once.
Yes I agree we need to social distance, but if you're that afraid you need to ask yourself if you should be out. You are going to make yourself ill worrying about people getting to close.
Reading some of these comments some of you would have shot these kids and their Mother at dawn.
Why didn't you try to educate them, point out the rules rather coming onto a forum and Bitching.
I'm sorry, I probably should not say any of this but really, read through this post and just stop and think for a moment. WE WERE ALL THERE ONCE.
If you wish to remove my comments I fully understand, I'm afraid that I stand by what I have said and have no intention of offending anyone. Like any good forum sometimes a post comes along that makes you stop and think, and comment on.


Actually, many of us weren't ... you're assuming we all needed to be confronted by a grumpy Motorhomer before we realised that it is simply bad manners to take a shortcut across someone else's pitch. It's not so much about the need to educate campers and their kids about rules or pitch etiquette (call it what you will), it's about basic consideration and respect for others, instead of treating others as if they are site ornaments you can stroll past while you take a shortcut.

As for "stuck up pompous" might I point out with all due respect that is an opinion you should keep to yourself.
When I had the US RV I lost count of the number of people who came right up to vehicle trying to look inside . even had a couple that opened the flywire door and stuck their head in ( French & Dutch ) , sarcastically asked them if they would like to come in and have a look , the French couple accepted ! :) Even came back to vehicle once to find couple from next vehicle sat under our awning , they were using their own chairs ( yes French) :)
We once returned to a site and found the people on a pitch two along from us had “borrowed” our chairs for their visitors. They didn’t even offer to return them or apologise for taking them, just continued to sit on them until I went to claim them back.

When I remonstrated with them they pretend not to speak English, so I repeated my comments in French. They still pretended not to understand. Since they were Dutch I am sure they knew that exactly what I was saying.

Camp site etiquette my a#&e!

Having had footballs kicked against the side of the van, and other people's kids leaning their bikes against the van; once a Dutch couple put up a gazebo on our pitch while we were out; a French caravanner decided to park his car on our pitch; dogs peeing against the wheels; the list of disrespectful, selfish, or inconsiderate behaviour is long. Taking shortcuts across your pitch is only the thin end of the unacceptable wedge that disrupts your rightful enjoyment.
In my view that is normal camp life and what should be expected, that is precisely why we don't use them.
When I say that we were all there once I mean that we all had to learn that the area surrounding a pitch is basically private, a bit like your own garden. For someone on a site for the first time they may not know of this rule and may not have been aware of doing anything wrong.
As for my other comment, surely that's what sites like this are for, good old fashioned debate so long as it doesn't get personal.
If you think my comment was personal then I apologise, it was never my intention to offend anyone.
In my view that is normal camp life and what should be expected, that is precisely why we don't use them.
And it doesn't happen in aires?

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I wouldn't see anything amiss here at all, I would probably have done the same if it was closer, but used to Aires and just walking where you like, not having used sites in a few years, I wasn't even aware you had your own piece of ground that others couldn't use.
My take on this, make of it what you will.
If I wanted to be on my own with no one near, I wouldn't be going to a camp site, I would be going to somewhere where no one else was.
If on the other hand I wanted to see other people and talk to them and socialise I would pay an exorbitant fee to go to where there are maybe hundreds of folks all wanting to do their own thing.
You pays your money and takes your choice. (y) :Smile:
Not really no , not generally any kids, and no marked parking spaces, so as long as you can open your door everything's fine.
This is what I'm struggling to get my head around.
"but used to Aires and just walking where you like"
"If on the other hand I wanted to see other people and talk to them and socialise I would pay an exorbitant fee to go to where there are maybe hundreds of folks all wanting to do their own thing."
"so as long as you can open your door everything's fine."
From what I'm reading in the posts in this (and other threads) it seems to me that on aires everyone just does what they want but on sites it's the exception (as I think most folk that stay regularly on sites would agree with) that do what they want.
Maybe I've got it all wrong though?:unsure:
Still trying to understand how aires deliver the same level of privacy, safety, security(?), etc that a site normally does.:unsure:
I can understand the flexibility and cost benefits they deliver though.:unsure:
This is what I'm struggling to get my head around.
"but used to Aires and just walking where you like"
"If on the other hand I wanted to see other people and talk to them and socialise I would pay an exorbitant fee to go to where there are maybe hundreds of folks all wanting to do their own thing."
"so as long as you can open your door everything's fine."
From what I'm reading in the posts in this (and other threads) it seems to me that on aires everyone just does what they want but on sites it's the exception (as I think most folk that stay regularly on sites would agree with) that do what they want.
Maybe I've got it all wrong though?:unsure:
Still trying to understand how aires deliver the same level of privacy, safety, security(?), etc that a site normally does.:unsure:
I can understand the flexibility and cost benefits they deliver though.:unsure:
Nothing to understand really mate, you have got it sussed.
Live and let live (y) :giggle:
Best Bet, but don't forget the pipe and slippers 😂
Nah, crocs and socks. :LOL:
As the op is only new to MotorHoming as I am as well, and that a lot of sites are booked up including cls etc. One has to go where they can get in, kids or no kids, give the guy a break rather than appearing to make it his fault that kids and their parents don't have manners!
He was joking .... 🤪

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