Pets to Europe post B-day

We are bracing our selves for a misery trip this summer..if it all goes tits up.
I would like to say a mystery trip but as its likely we will stay UK bound ( and never ONCE had what you would call a great time in the van here ) the misery part stands !
I have ferry booked and will carry on as normal as will thousands of other like minded people,,,BUSBY:xgrin::xgrin:
I have ferry booked and will carry on as normal as will thousands of other like minded people,,,BUSBY:xgrin::xgrin:
Its only issues with the dog.. the rest I aint worried about
Just spoke to my vet about getting the titre test in case of No-deal as we plan to go to France in May. A bit taken aback as he told me I might already be too late as there was now some debate amongst the vet community about whether in the event of a no-deal we would have to wait 6 months rather than 3 months after a clear titre test before travelling. So the sense in having the test now seems even more questionable..Grrrr
The time scale for getting the test results can add to the four month process . At the moment the test results are taking a number of weeks and if it fails you then need to start again booking a jab so the four month can be longer .

I would not put off getting sorted if you want to travel .
No... the juxtaposed border is an example of an agreement that will continue. It's a deal between the UK and France... for example.
It's obvious that the other EU connections are severed and will need to be set up again once we leave. Sorting out simple things like pets travelling should be easy and quick though, along with stacks of other little niggling issues .
At the end of the day ... the EU doesn't want to stop Brits travelling to the EU does it. We don't want to stop travel the other way so it will be sorted out very quickly and easily.

I agree that the EU at least will want to get things working as fast as possible but just where in the list of priorities will come our pets when they need to sort out things like medical and engineering qualifications, air traffic control and shipping, and trucking. The reality is there is so much to be done and the UK at least does not have the staff to cope with it.

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Also... the EU and the UK are no doubt fast tracking some stuff. It's not down to the EU solely who can travel.

It is as far as it concerns those going to the EU, though I can see ours being stupid enough to try and stop Brits escaping
“The time scale for getting the test results can add to the four month process . At the moment the test results are taking a number of weeks and if it fails”

My Vets point was that it might actually be a seven month rather than four month process so even if i get titre test tomorrow and results back by the end of Jan and they are ok i still might not be able to travel until the end of July! So i can’t nosw be sure of going in away in late May even if i have the test tomorrow and get a pass by the end of Jan
I agree that the EU at least will want to get things working as fast as possible but just where in the list of priorities will come our pets when they need to sort out things like medical and engineering qualifications, air traffic control and shipping, and trucking. The reality is there is so much to be done and the UK at least does not have the staff to cope with it.

It is as far as it concerns those going to the EU, though I can see ours being stupid enough to try and stop Brits escaping
So are you just making all this stuff up or do you really have the connections and insight to be able to state all this stuff as fact (facebook and twitter dont count btw)

F.ex ..How hard do you seriously think sorting out a dog passport will be when it already exists and the standards and infrastructure are identical.
As far as I am aware, pets have never needed a passport to enter the EU. However, they need one to enter the U.K. As a U.K. pet, your pet will need it’s pet passport to come back to the U.K. I cannot see how leaving the EU will have any effect on this at all. Has anyone looked at your pet passport ever when leaving the U.K? I would suspect not. Pets travelling between EU countries don’t have/need passports. All this talk about post brexit is just scare mongering.
They do. To re-enter from Non-EU countries like Morocco.

Well that will bugger up all the European Companies that send goods through our ferry ports everyday..What will Spain do with all that unsold fruit and veg,,,BUSBY:xrofl::xrofl:
Spain has been building other markets in the event of problems. Won't take it all though so it will just get ploughed in.
though I can see ours being stupid enough to try and stop Brits escaping
They do already if you have no passport you cannot leave whereas if you are a British citizen there is no requirement to have one to enter the UK.You only have to be able to prove you have the right.

At the end of the day they are more concerned about keeping the euro star etc; running by ensuring the UK train drivers have the right qualifications & paperwork in the event of a no deal than our pets.
F.ex ..How hard do you seriously think sorting out a dog passport will be when it already exists and the standards and infrastructure are identical.
Exactly the same as the eurostar & freight train drivers are perfectly legal up until the 29th March.On the 30th ,with no deal, they have to have the right paperwork & homologated to continue driving trains.
They are trying to get them done now.
All this info is freely available on government sites along with other eu agencies & many companies.

You are looking at it from the wrong way.Everything is legal ,VIA the EU, prior to the 29thMarch. On the 30th NOTHING is legal unless previously homologated/updated,etc. I.e. you have a pet passport on the 29th without anything done on the 30th it isn't worth the paer it is written on .Same with driving licences, everything

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You are looking at it from the wrong way.Everything is legal ,VIA the EU, prior to the 29thMarch. On the 30th NOTHING is legal unless previously homologated/updated,etc. I.e. you have a pet passport on the 29th without anything done on the 30th it isn't worth the paer it is written on .Same with driving licences, everything

You'll still need your pet passport to enter the UK as you'll still need to record going to a vet and having their tapewom tablet and documenting the number of the microchip.

So are you just making all this stuff up or do you really have the connections and insight to be able to state all this stuff as fact (facebook and twitter dont count btw)

F.ex ..How hard do you seriously think sorting out a dog passport will be when it already exists and the standards and infrastructure are identical.

No I unlike many brexiteers do not make it up as I go along rather this has been gleaned from paying attention to ministerial statements and the news. Yes the pet passport is simple, but it still needs to get to the top of the signing pile. Just lets look at one example, doctors. The international methods of making qualifications recognisable in other countries is complex to ensure that only suitably qualified practitioners treat you. At present this is covered by EU legislation. On 'B' day this ceases to exist for the UK and this will have to be re-done and signed of by both sides, not rocket science but essential and it has to be right so it takes time. Then there are dentists, nurses and all the sub-specialisations in all of them. Our preparedness is based on the concept there will be a deal, as is the EUs. Hence the start of panic
Yes all agreements will lapse, the EU charge for visas is nothing to do with those agreements and if there is a deal may not be required as all aspects of people movement have not been finalised in the May deal.

Deal or no deal, from 2021 UK citizens will need to pay a fee (thought to be approx £7) for a ETIAS visa to visit Europe as the UK is not a member of Schengen.

No I unlike many brexiteers do not make it up as I go along rather this has been gleaned from paying attention to ministerial statements and the news. Yes the pet passport is simple, but it still needs to get to the top of the signing pile. Just lets look at one example, doctors. The international methods of making qualifications recognisable in other countries is complex to ensure that only suitably qualified practitioners treat you. At present this is covered by EU legislation. On 'B' day this ceases to exist for the UK and this will have to be re-done and signed of by both sides, not rocket science but essential and it has to be right so it takes time. Then there are dentists, nurses and all the sub-specialisations in all of them. Our preparedness is based on the concept there will be a deal, as is the EUs. Hence the start of panic
Oh, please!

“No I unlike many Brexiteers do not make it up as I go along”.

You have already lost the argument.

500,000 job losses if a vote to leave the EU?:xrofl:

Do not use one example to discredit all arguments.

Brexiteers and remainers will never agree. That’s the way of the beast.

Don’t descend to insults when we are all in the dark about the outcome.
all the info is here. And remember what info you are discussing is a "worst case scenario" in terms of waiting times for vaccines.

1) we Leave with no deal
2) We leave with no deal and are not granted 3rd country status.
For number 2 to happen would have to be the most bitter divorce deal ever. This would be the "everyone returns home" scenario.. It won't happen.

I suspect more scare mongering, I won't be taking my dogs for any blood tests on the basis of what might or might not happen. I will do the honorable thing and if faced with what you state, Holiday in the greatest kingdom of them all, here the United Kingdom where my dogs will require nothing but the love and attention they crave.
Then Like many thousands of others, they too won't go if it's hassle which will mean either a bonanza for UK Kennel owners/ pet sitting services and a kick in the teeth for the tourist industry of France and many like it.

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You'll still need your pet passport to enter the UK as you'll still need to record going to a vet and having their tapewom tablet and documenting the number of the microchip.

Yes,fully agree. But the debating point was why would it be needed after 29th March to get INTO the EU. & that is because the UK would be a 3rd party country without a deal.

Deal or no deal, from 2021 UK citizens will need to pay a fee (thought to be approx £7) for a ETIAS visa to visit Europe as the UK is not a member of Schengen.

we have to get there yet , That's 2 years away.:xlaugh:

Don’t descend to insults when we are all in the dark about the outcome.

It isn't an insult to anyone who spends plenty of there time trawling the internet /government sites/businesses etc; to find the facts; sort out what is factual & what is bs so that WE aren't "all in the dark".:xThumb:
As long as he has the titre test for entering the EU after 29th if no deal then you won' have a problem.

If there is NO deal there will be NO transition period.Everything,passports,driving licences, flights, ferries, trains & train drivers licences,travel, everything you can think of will have no arrangements whatsoever. apart from anything that has been scrambled in the last few weeks.
The transition period only comes in to play if the deal May is touting is passed by the UK parliament.

agreed, people may call me cavalier or stupid but I'm not going to sit about for these dumb politicians to play this farcical opera out. There will be know exit!! any one who believes it is welcome to do so.

If push comes to shove I'll get my lab tested in Spain and risk having to stop there another six months until I get the results.
Getting back to pet passport thread. We had Ruby vaccinated in early December and spoke to the vet as we are booked for Good Friday crossing and wondered about having the blood test as we had time to get it done.
He advised not to have the blood test as she is already registered with the pet passport scheme and it could backfire.
By having a blood test if she fails to have the required whatever levels then this will cause her to then have further vaccinations and blood tests. Lots more time and at great expense
His advice was wait and see because she already has passport and has used it for the last 5 years without problems. Now he could have took the money so we are taking his advice and not bothering with the test.
Hope this helps. Don't panic was his advice(y)
Oh, please!

“No I unlike many Brexiteers do not make it up as I go along”.

You have already lost the argument.

500,000 job losses if a vote to leave the EU?:xrofl:

Do not use one example to discredit all arguments.

Brexiteers and remainers will never agree. That’s the way of the beast.

Don’t descend to insults when we are all in the dark about the outcome.

Sorry but when I get accused of lying I get just a bit perky. As for the jobs time will tell though we seem to have lost those billions Boris promised the NHS. He admitted lying at the time but refused to stop making the clain. He will make a good PM.
Sorry but when I get accused of lying I get just a bit perky. As for the jobs time will tell though we seem to have lost those billions Boris promised the NHS. He admitted lying at the time but refused to stop making the clain. He will make a good PM.
I didn’t suggest you were “lying”.

Just being selective with the truth!:)

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Getting back to pet passport thread. We had Ruby vaccinated in early December and spoke to the vet as we are booked for Good Friday crossing and wondered about having the blood test as we had time to get it done.
He advised not to have the blood test as she is already registered with the pet passport scheme and it could backfire.
By having a blood test if she fails to have the required whatever levels then this will cause her to then have further vaccinations and blood tests. Lots more time and at great expense
His advice was wait and see because she already has passport and has used it for the last 5 years without problems. Now he could have took the money so we are taking his advice and not bothering with the test.
Hope this helps. Don't panic was his advice(y)
I think your vet is giving you very questionable advice. If it's a no deal then you need the blood test. This is the advice from the government itself.

If your dog was vaccinated a couple of years ago there is a good chance it will fail the titre test even though the dog isn't due vaccination. This is the position were were in so I had Charlie vaccinated last month even though he wasn't due until later this year. He will have the titre test later this month then hopefully he will be fit to travel three months later.
If you are determined to travel in April you may be too late so I hope you have a flexible booking! :) Hopefully, all this will be unnecessary and existing passports will work but that isn't guaranteed by any means. :)
The effect is the same :xangry:

Have to disagree.

Lying is outright deception.

“Selective with the truth “ is presenting only some of the facts and hoping that readers will jump to the conclusion that you desire.

That forms the whole basis of the arguments of Brexiteers, remainers, EU officials, flat earthers, disc worlders etc.
I think your vet is giving you very questionable advice. If it's a no deal then you need the blood test. This is the advice from the government itself.

If your dog was vaccinated a couple of years ago there is a good chance it will fail the titre test even though the dog isn't due vaccination. This is the position were were in so I had Charlie vaccinated last month even though he wasn't due until later this year. He will have the titre test later this month then hopefully he will be fit to travel three months later.
If you are determined to travel in April you may be too late so I hope you have a flexible booking! :) Hopefully, all this will be unnecessary and existing passports will work but that isn't guaranteed by any means. :)
What the vet is saying is correct. The dog was vaccinated in December. He is saying that we may be opening a can of worms for no reason. All being well our beloved leaders will sort something and we will be ok to cross with the passport and no blood test. what he's saying is if we start the process of testing and she then fails the passport we have is no good and we have to start the whole thing from scratch and its pushing it to get it done anyway.
If in the unlikely event of no deal all the current passports are no good anyway and I think the dog will be the least of our issues although Brittany ferries are quite flexible the dog can stay with our son

Have to disagree.

Lying is outright deception.

“Selective with the truth “ is presenting only some of the facts and hoping that readers will jump to the conclusion that you desire.

That forms the whole basis of the arguments of Brexiteers, remainers, EU officials, flat earthers, disc worlders etc.

Which ever way you try to cover yourself you are trying to imply I am attempting to mislead where in reality I am passing on information I have collected which I believe to be valid. You may wish to suggest I have been mislead, misinformed but not that I am trying to mislead. In my book I could complain.

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Just googled the history of pet passports and it was introduced by the UK for pets coming to the UK from yes, there is a lot of rubbing hands in glee at the prospect of cheating us!
In starting this thread I wasn't looking to get any of the tetchy Brexit/Remain Truth/Non-truths discussions going as there's another (quite nasty) thread elsewhere on this forum for this. What I did seek to do was to raise the concern that our vet raised with us when we took our dog for her rabies booster, and which I then researched, as this was a total surprise to us as we had just thought the pet passport would be fine for use in May. Like us, our vet does not know what the outcome will be but in the worse case we will become something along the lines of a de-listed third country (or something like that) so we will need to have all the tests and jabs that animals from outside the EU have to have if they are coming from de-listed third countries (again - that might not be the right terminology). If it goes that way then we need to get our dog sorted fairly rapidly if we want her to travel in May.

Like others on here I find it hard to believe that just because we leave the EU the risk of our pets bringing in diseases to the EU rockets so we have to have these tests, but under the worse case scenario it seems possible that we will be given that status. It all seems pretty stupid to me, but then again we know how stupid our politicians are so it's a real risk. The UK govt. site gives more info (much of it is as clear as mud to me) and haganap posted the link in a post above.

I don't know if it is just scaremongering and equally I don't know why this seems not to fit into any transition period considerations (I guess where someone said no deal = no transition period that might be right), but I feel that in the grand scheme of leaving the EU on bad terms pet passports are very small fry and low priority so could well go into a worse case scenario before getting negotiated back to something more sensible.

We're not going to pay the £150 just yet as we can wait until the end of January (I think! :whatthe: ) and just maybe the upcoming vote may provide some clarity. Like others the alternative for us is to stay in the UK .
Wasn’t the rabies test originally for animals coming here from the continent to keep the UK rabies free as there used to be a lot of rabies across the channel.
It’s all a bit of a joke at the moment and I think you’re right in biding your time as we don’t really know what’s going to happen,
it’s understandable for those wanting to travel over the channel this year to get the blood test done in plenty of time to save delays to their trips.
But as for any other things it’s just guesswork.:xThumb::xThumb::xThumb:
So I have to pay for a test to prove my dog that lives in a country that doesn’t have rabies in it, hasn’t got rabies, so that I can then enter a country that does have rabies. But nobody cares about rabies when I return to the uk.

Well at least that makes sense now. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
So I have to pay for a test to prove my dog that lives in a country that doesn’t have rabies in it, hasn’t got rabies, so that I can then enter a country that does have rabies. But nobody cares about rabies when I return to the uk.

Well at least that makes sense now. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Because the rabies vaccination system works and works well most of Europe is now officially rabies free. Here in Portugal it is not seen as a problem, but there is a lot of worry about tick fever

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