Masks in Europe

8571CBB1-DBE1-4B51-BD81-80A033AD1123.jpeg Bort mesen one o these off amazon Yorkshire, I reckon it should be aw reet ;)

I’ll si thi
Not sure if that was meant to be funny, either way, it isn’t.
No it was actually a serious suggestion.
It is just a hat with scarf attachment that could be pulled over the face when near people if required.
A totally practical idea.
I personally wouldnt wear one for the same reason i wouldnt wear a skirt.
Found this interesting

A bit of perspective on Coronavirus

scare mongering media BS as per. All over papers, tv and radio creating unnecessary fear. I heard the symptoms on the radio before and it’s basically just flu like symptoms......yes, it’s still flu season. Unreal but please read on......


lets get this into perspective.....

Copied from a friend...

Corona Virus Truth Bomb

I’m so shocked at how out of proportion this has got-

Huge annual events cancelled in multiple countries

Easyjet Shares down 18%

Chinese Grand Prix cancelled

Rugby Six Nations cancelled

Total cost to airlines so far 30bn USD

Total flight cancellations 260,000 flights

Cathay Pacific have over 50% of their fleet grounded- HK need this airline to be on top form more than ever now with everything going on over there.

International border crossings closed and people turned away from countries.

Turkey and Pakistan have both closed borders with Iran

People panic buying !!

Nurses in Hebei Provence apparently having their heads forcibly shaved to prevent further infection !!

So many industries and trades affected- Retail, Healthcare, Tech, Tourism and E-Commerce are just a few examples.

We could easily cause major disruption to the global economy if we carry on as we are......this will be a HUGE problem.

So here’s the rough reality:

This thing has killed around 3000 people, out of what is now verging on 80,000 confirmed cases......

That’s a death rate of around 4% - 3000 out of 80,000 since NYE when the first case was reported.

So let’s say hypothetically for arguments sake say that in the first quarter of 2020 the Novel Corona Virus has killed 3000 people.......

Let’s presume, just to be dramatic that the spread continues despite overwhelming international effort....... and that mortality rate goes up by 50% with each quarter, unlikely but we’re being dramatic about this.....

So that’s

Q1- 3000 people

Q2- 4500 people

Q3- 6750 people

Q4- 10,125 people

Let’s be even more dramatic just for bants and 4 X that number- you get 40,500 people...... based on the speed it’s spreading and killing those numbers are waaaaay over what is more than likely the reality.

Sod it, let’s 10 X that number worst case scenario - we’re now at 405,000.


This is LESS dangerous and LESS of a threat than THE COMMON COLD/STANDARD FLU
(which is basically what it is )!!

Another example of the worlds media creating fear and panic for whatever reason or as a way to distract us from something else.

This post isn’t for scientific accuracy, but to help people understand PERSPECTIVE, in the grand scheme of things. It’s about proportional response to a crisis and how this effects the global economy.

Also guess what happens to cases that don’t die? They literally get over it..... 80,000 confirmed cases doesn’t mean 80,000 people have it NOW....... it’s the amount of people who have caught this new strain of FLU since NYE- that’s literally it.

Most of them have now been discharged

Mountain out of a molehill

Can we all calm down now please?

Also mosquitos kill over 1000 people a day..... you don’t see people wearing full body mosquito nets down the street !!
Well the panic stirred up by the media has certainly worked on this forum. For gods sake you lot get a grip. It’s basically a cold. At worst flu like symptoms. What is wrong with some people flying into a blind panic over a cold/flu virus?

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Watched summat on tele t’other night air pollution kills 7 million globally every year ? hard t’believe innit.
The wearing of face masks has been common in places like China & Japan for some time now. Plenty of folks were wearing them in HK when I last visited in 2011. Even hoards of asian tourists at Plitvice Lakes, Croatia in 2018 were wearing them. Doesn’t seem to have made much difference to anything.
Found this interesting

A bit of perspective on Coronavirus

scare mongering media BS as per. All over papers, tv and radio creating unnecessary fear. I heard the symptoms on the radio before and it’s basically just flu like symptoms......yes, it’s still flu season. Unreal but please read on......


lets get this into perspective.....

Copied from a friend...

Corona Virus Truth Bomb

I’m so shocked at how out of proportion this has got-

Huge annual events cancelled in multiple countries

Easyjet Shares down 18%

Chinese Grand Prix cancelled

Rugby Six Nations cancelled

Total cost to airlines so far 30bn USD

Total flight cancellations 260,000 flights

Cathay Pacific have over 50% of their fleet grounded- HK need this airline to be on top form more than ever now with everything going on over there.

International border crossings closed and people turned away from countries.

Turkey and Pakistan have both closed borders with Iran

People panic buying !!

Nurses in Hebei Provence apparently having their heads forcibly shaved to prevent further infection !!

So many industries and trades affected- Retail, Healthcare, Tech, Tourism and E-Commerce are just a few examples.

We could easily cause major disruption to the global economy if we carry on as we are......this will be a HUGE problem.

So here’s the rough reality:

This thing has killed around 3000 people, out of what is now verging on 80,000 confirmed cases......

That’s a death rate of around 4% - 3000 out of 80,000 since NYE when the first case was reported.

So let’s say hypothetically for arguments sake say that in the first quarter of 2020 the Novel Corona Virus has killed 3000 people.......

Let’s presume, just to be dramatic that the spread continues despite overwhelming international effort....... and that mortality rate goes up by 50% with each quarter, unlikely but we’re being dramatic about this.....

So that’s

Q1- 3000 people

Q2- 4500 people

Q3- 6750 people

Q4- 10,125 people

Let’s be even more dramatic just for bants and 4 X that number- you get 40,500 people...... based on the speed it’s spreading and killing those numbers are waaaaay over what is more than likely the reality.

Sod it, let’s 10 X that number worst case scenario - we’re now at 405,000.


This is LESS dangerous and LESS of a threat than THE COMMON COLD/STANDARD FLU
(which is basically what it is )!!

Another example of the worlds media creating fear and panic for whatever reason or as a way to distract us from something else.

This post isn’t for scientific accuracy, but to help people understand PERSPECTIVE, in the grand scheme of things. It’s about proportional response to a crisis and how this effects the global economy.

Also guess what happens to cases that don’t die? They literally get over it..... 80,000 confirmed cases doesn’t mean 80,000 people have it NOW....... it’s the amount of people who have caught this new strain of FLU since NYE- that’s literally it.

Most of them have now been discharged

Mountain out of a molehill

Can we all calm down now please?

Also mosquitos kill over 1000 people a day..... you don’t see people wearing full body mosquito nets down the street !!
There are 3 months in a quarter. So 3000 people have died in 2 months.
There are 3 months in a quarter. So 3000 people have died in 2 months.
Granted and well spotted ......but It still comes nowhere near the extremely exaggerated worse case scenario of 450 000
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There are 3 months in a quarter. So 3000 people have died in 2 months.
Not agreeing with rationale quoted, but bear in mind there are 1,400,000,000 people in China, and nearly 12,000,000 in Wuhan alone. Life is dangerous, and everything we eat,drink and breathe carries risks.

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It still comes nowhere near the extremely exaggerated worse case scenario of 450 000
Someone my husband works with has just returned from an area of Northern Italy with his wife and two daughters.
Last night the youngest child was being bullied and called "coronavirus kid" I know sticks and stones and all that...
Anyway back to my point, it's all about assessing the risk and managing the risk and it is about time everyone stopped panicking and bullying. Just my view.
Valencia update there is corona virus in Valencia apparently traced to Valencian football fans who went to watch their team in Milan. authority's believe they have traced all infected cases and have it under control.
A Spanish Dr said they were reviewing things on a day by day basis and if they felt it was necessary they would cancel the festival although he thought that unlikely at the moment.
Now as for people panicking are people so stupid as to believe large long term businesses are likely to be panicked into closing or postponing things that take a year to organise and bring in thousands of pounds without having some really top notch advice and if governments shut them without good reason would open them selves to being sued. My Dr who I saw this morning tells me it has a much higher mortality rate than other previous viruses in those who have health problems already it is also much easier to catch being similar to the common cold in infection rate but most importantly they do not know enough about it, as in a previous post where the thinking was once you had had it you would be amune but some people have been reinfected or the virus went dormant then resurfaced this is the reason for concern they really don't have enough information. having said all that most who get it seem to recover But for those who don't and their relatives its not a minor thing and for those with heart, asthma, diabetes, and undergoing cancer treatments it is not a minor thing.
Valencia update there is corona virus in Valencia apparently traced to Valencian football fans who went to watch their team in Milan. authority's believe they have traced all infected cases and have it under control.
A Spanish Dr said they were reviewing things on a day by day basis and if they felt it was necessary they would cancel the festival although he thought that unlikely at the moment.
Now as for people panicking are people so stupid as to believe large long term businesses are likely to be panicked into closing or postponing things that take a year to organise and bring in thousands of pounds without having some really top notch advice and if governments shut them without good reason would open them selves to being sued. My Dr who I saw this morning tells me it has a much higher mortality rate than other previous viruses in those who have health problems already it is also much easier to catch being similar to the common cold in infection rate but most importantly they do not know enough about it, as in a previous post where the thinking was once you had had it you would be amune but some people have been reinfected or the virus went dormant then resurfaced this is the reason for concern they really don't have enough information. having said all that most who get it seem to recover But for those who don't and their relatives its not a minor thing and for those with heart, asthma, diabetes, and undergoing cancer treatments it is not a minor thing.
Predominantly people with Pulmonary problems are a higher risk! No evidence at all for people with long term heart or diabetes issues.
Not what my Dr said but their only human and done 7 years of medicine
SO this is good example of ''We don't really know''! That's how to start panic! Best guessing doesn't work most of the time.

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SO this is good example of ''We don't really know''! That's how to start panic! Best guessing doesn't work most of the time.
Not sure where you come to that conclusion. Read some of the scientific papers relating to patient studies already undertaken and continuing in the field and there are clearly demonstrated links between higher mortality rates of patients who develop SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia from COVID-19 infection and who have other pre-existing comorbidities such as cardiac, cerebrovascular or pulmonary diseases and also diabetes.
SO this is good example of ''We don't really know''! That's how to start panic! Best guessing doesn't work most of the time.
No its an example in your case of someone trying to make a point against the facts a Dr has given , uncontrolled diabetes affects heart lungs and virtually every other organ by interfering with nervous system and blood flow, heart damage like in my case where the blood flow through lungs is not as good as it should be means that any lung infection is harder to shift/cure this virus is known to cause pneumonia in some people and that is why it causes risk to the three categories i mentioned and I'm sure a Dr had that info from a proper source unless of course the Dr are not talking to each other or keeping them selves up to date. its not scaremongering to make people aware so they can seek proper medical advice but of course because its having the audacity to interfere with peoples plans it must be panic and hysteria .
I will stil tour Spain I will visit the outlaws in Valencia but with the medical info i have I will also take precautions as advised by DR
pappajohn All the mask suppliers we looked at had a delivery date after we leave.

My original post was not to cause panic or even have a view, but to question if “authorities” would insist on masks being worn as, at the time, I had not been able to purchase them. I did not want our trips to cities and festivals to be prevented.
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Apart from you coughing and spluttering over everybody in the near vicinity, a Specialist on TV said unless the Masks are absolutely sealed against your face and your eyes are protected they are a waste of time , as the Virus is so small 1000 viruses would take up a millimetre on a ruler, ( I think it was 1000 he might have said 10000 !! ) still he made the point.
Also do what I do if I see somebody walking out of a Public Toilet without washing their hands I tell them if possible before they touch the door handle , " You go through that door without washing your hands I have to touch that handle you dirty s+d ."
I've got COPD but will that stop me going to Seville where there is at least 1 case under hospital quarantine, no ill roll the dice and take my chances.

The only reason I would wear a mask is so not to scare the children!
“However, as chocolate, cheese and any fatty food makes me cough I can understand that other tourist or locals would appreciate me coughing in their faces, especially at this this time.”

Do you normally cough in other people’s faces? Use your elbow!
We are off to Spain next week for a few weeks.Seems safer there than here at the moment.Less infected and deaths. We don’t intend to go to anything where there will be crowds.If Valencians got it outside,at a football match,then it’s easily transmitted.Good hand hygiene is very important.As someone else said,it can get in your eyes too.
Why no children infected?
I have some Japanese friends who as we all know wear facemasks a lot.
They tell me it is not to protect themselves, it is to help prevent them from passing on colds and coughs when they are ill. Nice race of people the Japanese :)
Do not go this year, next year when this has gone go then. This appears to do the trick You wont be dead!!!
If you go and anything ha[[ens then you only have yourself to blame for not using common sense
Rastas 1948
Found this interesting

A bit of perspective on Coronavirus

scare mongering media BS as per. All over papers, tv and radio creating unnecessary fear. I heard the symptoms on the radio before and it’s basically just flu like symptoms......yes, it’s still flu season. Unreal but please read on......


lets get this into perspective.....

Copied from a friend...

Corona Virus Truth Bomb

I’m so shocked at how out of proportion this has got-

Huge annual events cancelled in multiple countries

Easyjet Shares down 18%

Chinese Grand Prix cancelled

Rugby Six Nations cancelled

Total cost to airlines so far 30bn USD

Total flight cancellations 260,000 flights

Cathay Pacific have over 50% of their fleet grounded- HK need this airline to be on top form more than ever now with everything going on over there.

International border crossings closed and people turned away from countries.

Turkey and Pakistan have both closed borders with Iran

People panic buying !!

Nurses in Hebei Provence apparently having their heads forcibly shaved to prevent further infection !!

So many industries and trades affected- Retail, Healthcare, Tech, Tourism and E-Commerce are just a few examples.

We could easily cause major disruption to the global economy if we carry on as we are......this will be a HUGE problem.

So here’s the rough reality:

This thing has killed around 3000 people, out of what is now verging on 80,000 confirmed cases......

That’s a death rate of around 4% - 3000 out of 80,000 since NYE when the first case was reported.

So let’s say hypothetically for arguments sake say that in the first quarter of 2020 the Novel Corona Virus has killed 3000 people.......

Let’s presume, just to be dramatic that the spread continues despite overwhelming international effort....... and that mortality rate goes up by 50% with each quarter, unlikely but we’re being dramatic about this.....

So that’s

Q1- 3000 people

Q2- 4500 people

Q3- 6750 people

Q4- 10,125 people

Let’s be even more dramatic just for bants and 4 X that number- you get 40,500 people...... based on the speed it’s spreading and killing those numbers are waaaaay over what is more than likely the reality.

Sod it, let’s 10 X that number worst case scenario - we’re now at 405,000.


This is LESS dangerous and LESS of a threat than THE COMMON COLD/STANDARD FLU
(which is basically what it is )!!

Another example of the worlds media creating fear and panic for whatever reason or as a way to distract us from something else.

This post isn’t for scientific accuracy, but to help people understand PERSPECTIVE, in the grand scheme of things. It’s about proportional response to a crisis and how this effects the global economy.

Also guess what happens to cases that don’t die? They literally get over it..... 80,000 confirmed cases doesn’t mean 80,000 people have it NOW....... it’s the amount of people who have caught this new strain of FLU since NYE- that’s literally it.

Most of them have now been discharged

Mountain out of a molehill

Can we all calm down now please?

Also mosquitos kill over 1000 people a day..... you don’t see people wearing full body mosquito nets down the street !!

I am on my third attempt to get through to easyJet on the telephone.

I’ve give up on two x one hour waiting in a queue. Now 45 mins into third attempt

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Ok all you people with, 1, Diabetes ,2,Arthritis, 3, COPD, 4. High blood pressure. 5. Cancer yes, you are at a more increase risk of contracting Corona BUT you are more at risk of dying with common or garden influenza. No don't believe me then check out Spanish Flu 1918 for how much mortality arises, wear a face mask? Great you don't sneeze on other people, protect you from virus? No it stops outbound not inbound! Whats the cure? Plenty alcohol and warmth! Why? Proved beat way of destroying viruses .......Alcohol relaxes/suppresses reactions warmth destroys viruses. Ii know that deaths have occurred due to contracting
You do realise that these masks only keep in the germs you’re breathing out and not the germs you’re breathing in don’t you?
Not quite, but your on the right track. These masks you see people wearing on the telly are not effective. They only stop dust size particulates at best and a virus can easily penetrate the masks in both directions. The easiest route being around the nose where the masks do not follow the contours of the face and nose. The best course of action is good hand sanitation and paper tissue to contain sneezes and couch's. Today, Amazon are selling small packs of hand sanitation bottles (the small plastic ones you used to be able to buy for 50 cents/pence at.......... wait for it +£100.00
Sorry part 2 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,virus but there have been underlying issues, Stepping back form the panic and ask yourself does this not mean that various governments around the world can impose draconian regulation on the population to suppress underlying issues about global warming, state control or questioning of policies? At the end of the day its a virus. so is small pox, so are 99% of other health issues that affect the human race , the panic is that no one has yet worked out a vaccine which could earn billions of pounds/dollars for the research group. Basic rules apply. Wash hands thoroughly, avoid snotting/sneezing everywhere and have a good diet ! You are more risk from Influenza but as it happens every winter/spring no one panics as its accepted To quote Corporal Jones Dont panic just be sensible

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