Local business man fined after reporting illegal immigrants who had broke into his campervan (1 Viewer)

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Feb 25, 2018
Funster No
Adria 670 SLT
enough to know i shouldnt touch things i know nothing about ....
Consider other possibilities before slamming the law ....
I suspect the appeal will be successful if the case is as reported but it sends a message ... there are some who may not be as honest as this man seems ...
Wee Bold Davy
May 13, 2016
Funster No
Elddis Accordo 105
eight years in theory, a newby in practice!!!
Consider another possibility before slamming the law ....
I must admit to being slightly sceptical. Never having been on a cross channel ferry. Is it possible to get on board without a passport?

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Jan 12, 2020
Funster No
Burstner i681
Since 2018
Just a warning. We stopped off today to pick up our order at Calais Wine Superstore. MrsB stayed in the MH while I picked up the wine. On previous visits there are often young men wandering about.

Although she didn’t see anyone approach she felt the back of the MH move very slightly. Sure enough when I returned she mentioned it and on checking a young man had hidden himself under the bike rack cover. Cleverly hidden right on top of the bikes. A quick check and I might even have missed him. I asked him to leave and with a smile he got out and wandered off.

Subsequently no thorough check at Customs, sometimes there is but not always. I can see no reason why he would not have travelled with us to the UK. So it could have been me!
Sep 29, 2019
Funster No
Hymer Exsis
20 years
Bear in mind the law is to prevent lorry drivers not securing or checking their load and subsequent stowaways.

The onus is on the driver to check and report before boarding.

Bit like getting caught speeding then moaning. Yes it sucks, but it’s also very, very clear.

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Feb 27, 2011
Funster No
Self Build
Since 2005
The fact that he can't get a local law firm to support his appeal suggests we ain't reading the whole story :whistle2:
Or his local law firms are used to dealing with divorce and property things and not illegal immigration, people smuggling etc.
Think he probably needs a city law firm for this one? Maybe even a barrister sadly.

Poor guy though :(

The lesson I learned from this is... Kick them out of your vehicle as soon as you find them and keep schtum.

PS: Type schtum into a box, and see what your spelling checker offers :D


Jun 5, 2014
Funster No
C Class
More than toes wet now!
Ah, now that’s believable 😁
pssssst not like you to miss the obvious but in the article where does it report the guy to come from and where is the OP from?

And it's not as if it's the greatest metropolis in the world so is there a hidden agenda here?

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Wee Bold Davy
May 13, 2016
Funster No
Elddis Accordo 105
eight years in theory, a newby in practice!!!
pssssst not like you to miss the obvious but in the article where does it report the guy to come from and where is the OP from?

And it's not as if it's the greatest metropolis in the world so is there a hidden agenda here?
No hidden agenda here, I'm Scottish but lived in Mid Wales for 20 years. The locals call the local paper, 'The Weekly Liar' because of it's often inaccurate reporting and the website is affiliated to it.
We live in a small rural community, but you'd be surprised with the scandal which goes on. Nothing which goes on here surprises me. Only last week our local Tory MP a 'pillar of our community', Craig Williams was hauled over the coals for betting on the General Election date. :whistle2:


Jun 5, 2014
Funster No
C Class
More than toes wet now!
No hidden agenda here, I'm Scottish but lived in Mid Wales for 20 years. The locals call the local paper, 'The Weekly Liar' because of it's often inaccurate reporting and the website is affiliated to it.
We live in a small rural community, but you'd be surprised with the scandal which goes on. Nothing which goes on here surprises me. Only last week our local Tory MP a 'pillar of our community', Craig Williams was hauled over the coals for betting on the General Election date. :whistle2:
1) and that's what got me to thinking maybe we're not getting the full insight!:clap2:
2) have you seen what date he bet on?:unsure: What with the shower of incompetents in Westminster he probably bet on the wrong date! :RollEyes: Maybe that's why they're keeping quiet on the date he did bet on though!(y)


Jul 18, 2021
The Charente, France
Funster No
Benimar Europe 740
Since August 2021
If I read it correctly, the intruders entered van once on ferry...
So, if correct, the question must be how did they get on board?

They get on board under a lorry. Once the ferry sets sail, they come out of hiding and break into a motorhome, presumably for a more comfortable ride.
Jan 21, 2014
Middle-Of-Nowhere, Scotland
Funster No
Direct Quote from the article :-

"On his return, he was disgusted to find his toilet had been used so carefully conducted a search of his vehicle.

I lifted the seat cover up and saw a little fella hiding,” Mike explained. I told him to stay where he was then carried on searching and found a second."

..... That must have been one of those pesky Irish Illegal-Leprechaun Immigrants ! :LOL: :whistle2:


Funster - Life Member
Jun 28, 2008
Ipswich, Suffolk
Funster No
C class
Since 2004
Shame the RNLI don't get a £1500 fine for every one they bring in.
Test case needed.
Such a test case would never succeed. The RNLI have just one motivation - Saving lives at sea. It doesn't matter who, why or how. For example, many ditched German airman were rescued and brought ashore during the last war. A life is a life whoever and whatever their circumstances. The claim that the RNLI, HM Coastguard, and indeed the Border Force, all of whom have rescued and landed migrants are somehow complicit in people smuggling is ridiculous. Anyone at sea has a duty to help another vessel in distress. Some here would clearly just let more people drown rather than doing anything to save a life.

You could argue that people setting sail when bad weather is forecast, or getting onto a wind surfing board with an offshore wind, or a child playing on a sandbank when the tide comes in etc are all in trouble because of their own actions and decisions. As soon as the lifesavers start choosing whose life is worth saving, and who should be consigned to death, we are in real trouble.. What do they go by? Perceived levels of personal stupidity, age, gender, whether they have green or red dyed hair, or any other factor. The people who damn and spit at the RNLI volunteers are the ones who need very large fines or locking up.

As for the case in point, it seems clear that a broken window should have been observed when the motorhome embarked and double checked (easy to confirm on embarkation CCTV) , then surely the 'carrier' is the ferry company for allowing them on-board. Why did not on-board security hang on to them and disembark them on the return journey?


Funster - Life Member
Jun 28, 2008
Ipswich, Suffolk
Funster No
C class
Since 2004
Just to add, the duty to assist and to have a search and rescue set up, is part of International Maritime Law. See https://www.iflos.org/wp-content/uploads/Presenation-Tomas-Heidar-1.pdf.

It's worth reading the whole thing as the situation with refugees and economic migrants is covered near the end.

So if the UK did start proceedings against the RNLI, HM Coastguard or Border Force, or any other UK flagged vessel saving lives, we would be breaking the law we ourselves were key party to setting up.
Feb 19, 2018
Funster No
Murvi Morello
Since 1975
Bear in mind the law is to prevent lorry drivers not securing or checking their load and subsequent stowaways.

The onus is on the driver to check and report before boarding.

Bit like getting caught speeding then moaning. Yes it sucks, but it’s also very, very clear.
You obviously have not been a Cross Channel truck driver lately!
How many times do you have to check your 40ft trailer? Even the Customs sometime have to unload the trailer to find the people, is the driver supposed to do that on his own?
This law has been in force for a few years, and some truck companies has had to refuse Continental work because the drivers refuse to go over the water.

Your an HONEST truck driver and you pick up a trailor in Zeebrugge with all it's seals intact (just like the trailer where dozens of people died of suffocation, their seals were not intact) but you suspect there are people inside because you have heard noise.
What do you do?
If you break the seals, the load can be refused, if you report your suspicions to the Authority and people are found, you will be fined £1500 per person! 🤬

No wonder the drivers refuse! 😡

PS. A few years ago, before this law came in, a Truck business owner friend found people in the back of his vehicle when it returned to base in Norfolk.
He informed the Police and they came, took a few details, released the people and told them to report to immigration in Croydon! 🤔

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Feb 19, 2018
Funster No
Murvi Morello
Since 1975
Such a test case would never succeed. The RNLI have just one motivation - Saving lives at sea. It doesn't matter who, why or how. For example, many ditched German airman were rescued and brought ashore during the last war. A life is a life whoever and whatever their circumstances. The claim that the RNLI, HM Coastguard, and indeed the Border Force, all of whom have rescued and landed migrants are somehow complicit in people smuggling is ridiculous. Anyone at sea has a duty to help another vessel in distress. Some here would clearly just let more people drown rather than doing anything to save a life.

You could argue that people setting sail when bad weather is forecast, or getting onto a wind surfing board with an offshore wind, or a child playing on a sandbank when the tide comes in etc are all in trouble because of their own actions and decisions. As soon as the lifesavers start choosing whose life is worth saving, and who should be consigned to death, we are in real trouble.. What do they go by? Perceived levels of personal stupidity, age, gender, whether they have green or red dyed hair, or any other factor. The people who damn and spit at the RNLI volunteers are the ones who need very large fines or locking up.

As for the case in point, it seems clear that a broken window should have been observed when the motorhome embarked and double checked (easy to confirm on embarkation CCTV) , then surely the 'carrier' is the ferry company for allowing them on-board. Why did not on-board security hang on to them and disembark them on the return journey?
To reply to your last paragraph, possibly the ferry security could not return them because, if they had disposed of their documents (as I believe they are advised to do) Security could have either been charged with Assault if they didn't disembark volunteerily or the Ferry company stuck with them if the French refused to let them in because they had no papers.

Also, in your earlier point about the RNLI, it struck me as strange when, as the boat sank and a young girl was drowned a few months ago, the people still in the water after the rubber boat partially sank, refused instant rescue by a French Authority boat and waited about an hour for a British one, or so it was reported on the BBC from that same beach that morning! 🤔
Jan 8, 2011
Funster No
hymer c640 c class
since 2009
When will discussion of immigration be banned on the forums? It's just another divisive issue that feeds various narratives but very few will change their minds on 🤬
Agree it should be band it won't change and things are only gonna get a lot worse.
Mar 23, 2012
Funster No
c class
Just to add, the duty to assist and to have a search and rescue set up, is part of International Maritime Law. See https://www.iflos.org/wp-content/uploads/Presenation-Tomas-Heidar-1.pdf.

It's worth reading the whole thing as the situation with refugees and economic migrants is covered near the end.

So if the UK did start proceedings against the RNLI, HM Coastguard or Border Force, or any other UK flagged vessel saving lives, we would be breaking the law we ourselves were key party to setting up.
The ranters would just demand a change in the law or say we ought to remove ourselves from whatever treaty set up by decent people in the past covers it.


Free Member
May 11, 2022
Castle Bromwich, Birmingham, UK
Funster No
Peugeot boxer
Started self build December 2020, finished April 2022
Agree it should be band it won't change and things are only gonna get a lot worse.
Shows the nature of the posters when people 'like' a post calling on the RLNI to leave people to drown rather than bring them back to safety. Disgusting behaviour.

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