Jane & Rog Plod to Portugal

Jane And Rog

Jane And Rog

Jan 19, 2019
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Ashford, Kent
Funster No
Adria Twin 640 SGX
A few years
Today was a wash out on two counts.
  • It’s pretty much rained all day
  • As above, Denby developed a new leak
The first saw us more or less confined to quarters for most of the day. Jane has practiced drawing using the iPad. I have tried to fix Denby’s leak and read the whole of the internet cover to virtual cover.

Long term readers will remember the fun we’ve had with leaks. Following the water heater and complex plumbing that plagued us in Morocco, Denby’s plumbing is pretty much in ship of Theseus territory. Or so we thought. This is a new leak and - I think - more impactful. We are losing water from the fresh water tank so we can’t wash, flush the toilet or… make tea.

Whilst I was pretending to be able to do the plumbing, we did find a proper man who has offered to drive two hours to come and fix the leak. We’ll hopefully meet him tomorrow - in the meantime I’ve put silicone grease on the two dump valves which I think are to blame. Unfortunately, that seems to have worked so the Real Man® might not be able to diagnose the problem.


Clearly no longer leaking

Whatever. I also took Flynn for a few walks in the rain. One was a repeat of yesterdays walk because I remembered passing a walnut tree and I wanted to return with a bag. I managed to get a good haul of walnuts and spent 30 minutes before dinner shelling them.



Dinner itself was great. Once again we have a good restaurant on site. This maybe isn’t quite as good as the pork at Camping el Astral but it scored high on local. As Jane told you (pay attention at the back) there are wild boar in the hills above the campsite. Those hills are also heavily wooded with chestnut trees. After the salt cod fritters, Jane ate wild boar with chestnuts. I finished the meal with chestnut pudding. My main was “beef in the traditional style”. The local style appears to be “just grilled” but the beef in question was a massive filet steak. I don’t normally eat fillet but this was very good indeed.


Fillet front, pork rear.
Portions were massive so Flynn’s breakfast is particularly luxurious tomorrow.

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