Jane & Rog Plod to Portugal (7 Viewers)

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Apr 18, 2012
South East Kent
Funster No
March 2012
What I’m less sure about is if those arms are strong enough. ABS has a good Young’s modulus of 2.8 GPa: well able to resist the forces Jane’s arm can produce or that of an egg shell when a point force is applied (we will approximate Jane’s teaspoon as a conic body for ease of calculation). However 3d printing introduces layers into any object which lower the Young’s modulus through a combination of imperfect adhesion and small sharp corners at boundaries concentrating stress.

We will of course report back on usage of the egg cup and any yolk related spillage resulting from catastrophic delamination of egg support arms.
:yawn2: :giggler:

The Coops

Sep 8, 2019
The Fylde
Funster No
Adria Compact DL
Yes, thank you
The egg cup is made from acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (commonly known as ABS) it’s the same stuff that Lego bricks and probably a lot of the dash and plastic trim of your van is made of. As I’m sure you know all 3d printing filaments are thermoplastics and ABS is no exception. It’s glass transition temperature - the temperature at which is becomes malleable and deforms is 105C - which is why you can’t dissolve a LEGO brick in your tea and why Jane’s morning egg - assuming it ever exists - will not melt the egg cup.

What I’m less sure about is if those arms are strong enough. ABS has a good Young’s modulus of 2.8 GPa: well able to resist the forces Jane’s arm can produce or that of an egg shell when a point force is applied (we will approximate Jane’s teaspoon as a conic body for ease of calculation). However 3d printing introduces layers into any object which lower the Young’s modulus through a combination of imperfect adhesion and small sharp corners at boundaries concentrating stress.

We will of course report back on usage of the egg cup and any yolk related spillage resulting from catastrophic delamination of egg support arms.
All very well but me 'Ed "urts now:LOL:

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