Currently have 234 ah of gel, 280 ah of Lithium would give us a bit more power, currently only ever got really low on power once after two weeks on a Sellaplatz in a rainy October (I was in hospital).
But the plan is to use the new van differently as we are not having an oven & plan to run more electrical items so an extra £400 in the overall picture is not a lot as you get 180ah for it. So fairly certain I'll go for the 460ah it will upset 'er indoor she no like me spending money.
I love all this talk of adding all the lithium and add this and add that. What I am interested in is how you explain to the missus that it is absolutely necessary that you have the necessary gadgets?
I have had most of the toys added but every time I mention lithium, cost and need she bursts out laughing!