French speed camera's (1 Viewer)

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Dec 24, 2020
North Wiltshire
Funster No
Hymer Free S 600
Extensively by motorcycle, now trying it with a little more luxury!
In 2008, I got caught speeding in France, as I initially didn't furnish my licence, I was arrested, given a 750 Euro fine at the side of the road, car impounded and banned from driving in France on the spot, twice, as my mate was following me! Never been over the speed limit in France since. Had to apply for my licence back from the British embassy when I got home.
Nov 1, 2021
Lanarkshire, Scotland
Funster No
Burstner IXEO Time
Complete newbie
You will be notified within a couple of weeks to pay the fine. At least that's what happened to me but that was pre Brexit. Dont know if its different now. I handled everything online and it was easy and painless - apart from actually handing over cash!
Aug 16, 2018
Funster No
Coach blt, Swift KTS
Since 2016
Have you ever heard of anyone getting done for speeding through the average speed cameras in The UK? I personally haven't yet, but then I set the cruise control for the say 50MPH limit and just sit it out until the road clear sign come up. The reason I ask is that I always seem to get some impatient person overtaking me, going a lot faster than they should.
I think that average speed cameras are a great idea, as they seem to keep traffic flowing better, and most people behave themselves better, less lane changes just before junctions especially.
Yes I had to attend a speed awareness course a few years back and one of the other attendees was a white van delivery driver. He got caught - he said - doing 53 mph on 50mph average speed check section of the M6. He thought he was safe as he assumed a 10% margin of error. But the guy running the course said the 10% rule wasn't fact and should be ignored. So like you I set the cruise control to the required limit.
Aug 16, 2018
Funster No
Coach blt, Swift KTS
Since 2016
Not exactly related to France but when Portugal first introduced their new toll motorways, where you registered a card against the VRM and the the ANPR cameras then picked up your use in the motorway, I had the pleasure of speaking to one of their ‘Toll‘ Police patrols.

He explained the new system and said if you were caught by camera having not paid etc then their system retained your VRM and when it @gainbsaw you on the motorway it alerted the patrols to your presence and they came looking for you.

All sounded very feasible and efficient
Did about 3 weeks in Portugal late Sept this year. There were those speed camera gantries everywhere on the motorways and I tried unsuccesfully to pay the tolls due using the website that asks you to put in your reg details. Every time I tried, even 4 weeks later, it came up saying no tolls were due. Am not complaining ;)
Jul 26, 2018
Helston, Cornwall.
Funster No
Hymer B698
12 years.
I got flashed twice while we were rushing back to Calais to avoid a French lockdown.
Thought I had got away with it as it took 6 months for two fines to turn up.
About £100 in total. Which I paid.

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Jun 22, 2012
Sherborne Dorset
Funster No
Van Conversion
Since 2012
When I did my speed awareness course we were told it was best not to assume the 10% as it varied by County and it is a ”speed limit not a target”. I think what he meant in the context of the chat was that lots of us will accidentally be slowing down not fast enough entering speed limits for towns etc, just momentary carelessness which is what the speed awareness courses are aimed at, but it’s a different thinking to people racing along at 76, 77,78 trying to push the boundaries and not get caught.

I found it interesting.


Free Member
Mar 9, 2021
Funster No
I don't get 'flashed' by speed cameras. but I have been stopped for loitering with intent. My defence was that I was driving as quickly as I could ...



Aug 18, 2009
Funster No
Dethleffs Trend A
July 09
Hi Yes, 2 drivers that work for me were fined on the "Stockport Bend" on the M60 within a month of each other. Its a 50mph average speed cameras. Strangely enough both were done at an average of 58mph. Neil said he hit the entry camera at about 65 and just rolled until he hit 50 and exited at 50. He didn't think they worked but is now a believer (y)
Before this happened I was sceptical about weather anybody was fined but now when i see somebody pass me at 65 to 70 mph and maintain that speed through the exit camera I think there is a good chance they will get done.
Similarly the new lass at work got caught on the Guildford A3 bypass (past the Uni and Cathedral) in the average 50MPH and was caught at 64MPH overnight for a course (just)
I have taken no notice of it and have yet to receive anything as I join it half way and the Hyundai i10 isnt known for its acceleration uphill.

The Hindhead tunnel also allegedly has average speed cameras though I havent heard of anyone being done but most people think it is a 60MPH but it is a dual carriageway with National Speed limits. What should also be noted is that when they put their digitally non conforming variable 40MPH signs up they are unenforceable as do not (or did not) appear in the Highway Code.


Aug 18, 2009
Funster No
Dethleffs Trend A
July 09
Whilst i m here, I ll own up to having been a laser gun operator and notice some people have been "done" just inside the speed limit sign and some for being less than the 10% +2 (57 in a 50)

The law is that these people are speeding though considered poor form because of the recommendations

ACPO recommendations in my time were the 10%+2 or 3 and there used to be a distance inside the speed limit where you were advised not to issue the ticket and from memory I think it was 200 metres as we used to have to measure (with the laser) the distance to the speed sign and again, if i remember correctly, there used to be a section to fill out on the ticket with tick box section "Driver was doing 58.4mph at a distance of 482.4 metres away and (if appropriate) 212 metres inside the controlled zone".

An ex traffic officer will come along and either confirm or correct my memory.
Oct 12, 2009
SW London, Poland and all Europe
Funster No
A Class N+B Arto 69GL
Since 2009
Now that I have a Polish registration on my MH, with an Historic vehicle number plate which is in format - two alphas, two digits and an alpha, what countries have a system for sending fines to Poland, and whether the historic plte would confuse them.

I shall not be speeding to test the system.

When these fines arrive in UK from France are they in French or English? I wonder what the various counties' ability to issue in Polish is like.

Just a few idle thoughts - I have passed the exam in that.


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Dec 24, 2020
North Wiltshire
Funster No
Hymer Free S 600
Extensively by motorcycle, now trying it with a little more luxury!
I don't get 'flashed' by speed cameras. but I have been stopped for loitering with intent. My defence was that I was driving as quickly as I could ...

What speed were you doing in what limit? It can be of course be quite dangerous driving too slow, not so much for you, but everybody else trying to overtake. :giggle:
Dec 24, 2020
North Wiltshire
Funster No
Hymer Free S 600
Extensively by motorcycle, now trying it with a little more luxury!
Here in the UK with the average speed cameras, I usually set the cruise control and sit it out I have no idea why people are so keen to get through it just a couple of minutes quicker and risk a ticket. It always make me laugh though when someone overtakes and you see them braking for the camera these nobs obviously have no idea how an average speed camera system works. :LOL:

Talking of nobs, my son got done recently in one, he said he didn't think that they worked at night as there were no workmen around, I couldn't stop :LOL: :LOL:


Free Member
Mar 9, 2021
Funster No
What speed were you doing in what limit? It can be of course be quite dangerous driving too slow, not so much for you, but everybody else trying to overtake. :giggle:
Next week would have been our maiden voyage to Europe but the dreaded ECU Airbag fault triggered on Monday afternoon, so we've postponed the trip until repairs can be made. Brunhilde takes for ever to get up to a decent cruising speed, hence the reference to 'loitering with intent', but about 20 minutes after the start of the day's trip, she does perk up to borderline sprightly, presumably as fulloperating temperature is reached [no change on the Dashboard Temperature Display]



Free Member
Sep 10, 2017
Funster No
I can remember heading for Manchester from Glasgow in my lorry and I was driving down the A74 at the time it was getting upgraded to motorway. There was a 12 mile section with a speed limit of 40mph and there was a BMW crawling past me about 1mph faster. Then this other BMW came right up behind him tailgating him flashing his lights. When the leading BMW eventually past me, he pulled in front of me to allow the other one past...... then as the other BMW sped away the one in front of me gave chase with blue lights flashing :giggler:
I gave them a toot as I passed them when he'd been pulled over :giggler:
I can embarrassingly admit to having done the same many years ago.
Very early one morning heading to Colchester barracks up the A12 there was a BMW switching between lanes being real nuisance in front of cars, it pulled out in front of me going much slower (probably he was going at the speed limit) than I was even though there was nothing in the inside lane, I flashed him up, he pulled over, I gave him the finger and he turned on the blue lights and pulled me over. 20 minutes later I was on my way after a telling off, luckily for me I was in uniform and he was ex services and just gave me a bollocking!!!
Dec 24, 2020
North Wiltshire
Funster No
Hymer Free S 600
Extensively by motorcycle, now trying it with a little more luxury!
I can embarrassingly admit to having done the same many years ago.
Very early one morning heading to Colchester barracks up the A12 there was a BMW switching between lanes being real nuisance in front of cars, it pulled out in front of me going much slower (probably he was going at the speed limit) than I was even though there was nothing in the inside lane, I flashed him up, he pulled over, I gave him the finger and he turned on the blue lights and pulled me over. 20 minutes later I was on my way after a telling off, luckily for me I was in uniform and he was ex services and just gave me a bollocking!!!
::bigsmile: All part of life's learning curve, I thought that you were going to say that at the point that you were giving him the finger, you noticed HIS uniform.

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Dec 24, 2014
Hurstpierpoint. Mid Sussex.
Funster No
Compass Navigator
Ever since lighting was by Calor gas.
My only ever driving offence was a speeding ticket 58 years ago and 6 days before getting my full driving licence. I was still driving on my Provisional licence with the 'Pink Slip'. I was pulled over by a following police car for driving at 36mph in a 30 limit. The £5 fine was only ten shillings less than my week's wages as an apprentice mechanic.

2018-07-10 First Driving licence 002.JPG

2018-07-10 First Driving licence 2 (2).jpg

2018-07-10 First Driving licence 004.JPG
Oct 25, 2016
Hartford Cheshire
Funster No
Bailey Autograph 79-
Lots but slow learner.
Over the years been flashed lot's and lot's of time (i'll never learn) never had a ticket in the post.
I have been stopped by rozzers and fined on the spot though.
May 10, 2021
Funster No
Autotrail Cheyenne
I travel through the roadworks for the "smart motorway" every morning on the M6 and notice that HGVs are always overtaking me or just driving at speeds greater than temporary 50mph limit on these dark mornings. The speed cameras have lights next to the gantries but the HGVs appear to take no notice of them, both UK and No UK drivers. Do the cameras not work in the dark or is the tolerance set at 10 mph? Anyone know? I stick at 50mph (as noted by the sat nav not speedo) but I get tailgated by them till they can overtake.
Oct 12, 2009
SW London, Poland and all Europe
Funster No
A Class N+B Arto 69GL
Since 2009
I travel through the roadworks for the "smart motorway" every morning on the M6 and notice that HGVs are always overtaking me or just driving at speeds greater than temporary 50mph limit on these dark mornings. The speed cameras have lights next to the gantries but the HGVs appear to take no notice of them, both UK and No UK drivers. Do the cameras not work in the dark or is the tolerance set at 10 mph? Anyone know? I stick at 50mph (as noted by the sat nav not speedo) but I get tailgated by them till they can overtake.

Maybe they were held up further back so they knew there average speed was down to 45mph and that they could afford to go a bit faster for few minutes.


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May 10, 2021
Funster No
Autotrail Cheyenne
Maybe they were held up further back so they knew there average speed was down to 45mph and that they could afford to go a bit faster for few minutes.

Nope, clear as a bell first thing in a morning on this stretch and its every morning and 90% of the HGVs, and they have to pass 3 cameras on the stretch I see and they don't slow down for any of them.


Free Member
May 10, 2018
Funster No
Autocruise Augusta
MH newbie but we owned a caravan previously.
Love to have the time and facilities to investigate speed measuring technology. Many times in my truck I am doing fifty (according to both calibrated tachograph and sat nav) and I catch loads of cars doing about 45. I guess if I could talk to the drivers they'd claim they were doing fifty as well.
May 10, 2021
Funster No
Autotrail Cheyenne
Love to have the time and facilities to investigate speed measuring technology. Many times in my truck I am doing fifty (according to both calibrated tachograph and sat nav) and I catch loads of cars doing about 45. I guess if I could talk to the drivers they'd claim they were doing fifty as well.
Whats also weird is that during the summer they had a matrix sign stating things like "2,000 drivers fined for excess speed last month" and now the dark mornings and nights are here there are no messages like that anymore.

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