The no fly zone is a tough one. Every time it’s been used before, there’s been complete air supremacy beforehand and as part of implementing the no-fly, every surface to air missile platform (E.g Iraqi) has either been “requested” to be turned off, or swatted by SEAD strikes as soon as it’s turned on.For what it's worth I don't think we can shrug off a no fly zone for too much longer. Putin is getting too strong a grip in there at the moment.
Not sure the Russians are going to be up for that, which means it would have to be a no fly zone by force, which is messy and basically declaring war. The latest SAM systems (SA300/SA400) have a range of well over 100miles, which means SAMs based in Belarus or Russia could target aircraft over Ukraine, which would either trigger the NATO flights trying to swat out the SAM launchers in their territory, or run away defeating the purpose of the no fly