Fined after taking Chausson for hab check & service

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So you would class that as essential? Hmm, having worked in the emergency services for thirty years believe me, I know what essential means. You on the other hand???
If you got a call to say your MH had been damaged your insurance company would require you to ensure that it was secured and asking the site owner to do so would in no way be a safe way to do that ... after all if it's been broken into already the site can't be that secure can it! If the MH was then broken into again due it it not being sufficiently secured after the original damage so that thieves got in the same way and trashed it you wouldn't be covered.
Cor Blimey!! How many more people are going to spout this fake info?
I just wish those responding would read the original post so that they know that it wasn't the poster's MH in question and no MOT was mentioned ... rather than just jumping on the 'disgusted of Coventry' bandwagon!
I haven't read all the comments but I'm astonished that many seem to accept this massive loss of our freedoms for a mild disease that kills old people like me. I caught the 1957 'flu, the one that liked to kill children, and the 1968 'flu which killed the equivalent, in today's population, of 130,000 people of all ages. We didn't stop people travelling, working, schooling or fine and arrest ordinary people in their lawful daily life. This SARS-Cov-2 virus is not doing any real harm to the vast majority of our society and yet the vast majority comply with outrageous restrictions that are not dissimilar to the reviled communist USSR and China. This is the worst year for deaths since 2008 and what did we do then? Sweden has had the worst year since 2013, but their population is now older and larger so it's proportionally less, and they have not created a Police State. Why do people comply with this devastation of our Human Rights?
I am so pleased you have only posted 4 times

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It's 13 miles from Newark, if I was travelling 75 miles there I would say its "newark" as that is the nearest town ifi was travelling on the a1.

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Oh dear - they are not even open, so how can it be true!! It is considerably nearer Nottingham, a much more major town than Newark! The address is listed as Nottingham, too!
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On our local watch group there is a transit van doing the rounds, driving slowly past houses and the driver and passenger looking up driveways .It's been reported to the police ,the reg no shows no tax,mot or insurance. Not sure if it's been lifted yet .
If you got a call to say your MH had been damaged your insurance company would require you to ensure that it was secured and asking the site owner to do so would in no way be a safe way to do that ... after all if it's been broken into already the site can't be that secure can it! If the MH was then broken into again due it it not being sufficiently secured after the original damage so that thieves got in the same way and trashed it you wouldn't be covered.
I’m sorry but it doesn’t matter how you dress it up. A journey to a storage site to look at your motorhome is not and never will be essential. It does surprise me just how many people have absolutely no idea what essential means.
When my father in law’s house got broken into the police got a company in to secure it. The same could quite easily be done re a vehicle.
Are you another one trying to justify pushing the rules about what we should and shouldn’t be doing?
There is NO law against looking after your property in the UK that I know of.
There is a law which says stay at home.

Imagine the scene..

Cops pull you over....

Sorry officer, I'm going to see my camper.



Sorry officer, I'm going to see my camper which cost twice what you earn in a year.

Of course sir, have a nice day.
In all my 50 odd years of running many different vehicles, no insurance company I've been with has stipulated this.

Any insurance company that says this should be avoided.
Just to be clear I quote SAGA car insurance FAQ's I don't think SAGA is a company to be avoided, they do have a decent reputation and I have found their prices are competitive.'

"Can I insure a car with no MOT?​

Your car does not need to have a valid MOT in order to insure it. However, if your car doesn’t have a valid MOT certificate, it might invalidate your car insurance policy so you wouldn’t be covered if you need to make a claim."

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There is a law which says stay at home.

Imagine the scene..

Cops pull you over....

Sorry officer, I'm going to see my camper.



Sorry officer, I'm going to see my camper which cost twice what you earn in a year.

Of course sir, have a nice day.

The law also allows you to leave the house under certain circumstances, such as shopping.

As I have not read all of the publications from HMG I do not know if it allows for travel in the event of damage to say a second property or a stored MH.

Have you read the laws on this and can provide an answer ?
I don’t think any of this is easy all the time Government guidance on working and working from home is confusing when set alongside travel restrictions. The work advice is: work from home if you can but if you can’t, plan your journey to avoid crowds where possible. Almost no one is being legally required not to work other than, say, hairdressers etc due to the close-contact nature of their work. Even shop workers could be required by their employers to turn up for stock-take or to support mail order services, even if the shop can’t open.

So there’s no obvious legal restriction on a mobile service engineer coming to my house to service my motorhome on my drive, suitably socially distanced, yet that journey is no more nor less essential than me taking it to a servicing centre for the same purpose. I’ve got no intention of getting my motorhome serviced until the legal position is much clearer, but there’s a long-standing contradiction at the heart of all this. Most people who can’t work from home can still work and be required to work, even if the services provided are far from essential. It’s a total mess and a legal nightmare.
Copied from the Chausson forum.

Be very aware, I just collected my 640 from Lowdhams Newark where I took it for habitation check and service yesterday. On the way home to Northampton I was stopped by the Police and explained the reason for my journey. my wife and I were immediately issued with a two hundred pound fine each as the Police said that this was not an essential journey even though I explained that I would lose my warrenty if the hat check was not carried out. It has turned out to be a very expensive service.
Do Lowdhams have a depot in Newark?
In relation the original post. This is a perfect example of how the dissemination of misinformation works on social media. Someone creates a BS post for reasons known only to them, others innocently pick up on it and spread it wider and it becomes an acknowledged fact. When evidence later emerges to negate the original post it has already passed into the realms of irrefutable truth and urban myth.The peculiar times we live in seem to have increased this effect, as anyone who has spent much time on social media can easily attest!
There is NO law against looking after your property in the UK that I know of.
Try telling that to the Norfolk farmer who was put behind bars for shooting an intruder..... he had my sympathy as the toe-rags had done him before but you cannot just take the law into your own hands.... He used unreasonable force.....apparently !

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Do Lowdhams have a depot in Newark?
No. They are in Gunthorpe, several miles away... We bought our first Ssangyong from there.
The dealers in Newark are Brownhills and SMC.
Try telling that to the Norfolk farmer who was put behind bars for shooting an intruder..... he had my sympathy as the toe-rags had done him before but you cannot just take the law into your own hands.... He used unreasonable force.....apparently !
IIRC sitting there with a loaded gun and shooting the offender in the back as he was running away was taken as unreasonable. Just as I remember it though.
The key word is 'Might' I would still walk away from SAGA.
You’re correct, might is the key word. If the vehicle was being driven illegally on the public roads without an mot then quite possibly the vehicle would not be covered. If however the vehicle was stolen from an off road storage site or private drive then it would be insured.
There are those that still will not accept that a vehicle does not necessarily need an mot to be insured.
It is an untrue story. Lowdhams are not in Newark, and the comment - 'I've been in touch with the Justice service' - that's not an English comment either - it's a wind-up!

On the point of MOT's, if off the road you could SORN the vehicle until such time as you intend/are allowed to use it. If on the Public Highway it must have a current MOT, tax and insurance, and you would rightfully be allowed to arrange for a (local) MOT to be carried out, and drive to, and from it.
Classic case of, if it is on social media it must be true, despite clear indications to the contrary...this is how BS conspiracy theories gain traction, critical thinking gets suspended, so called 'facts' are not called into question, and common sense is put aside in favour of sensationalism.

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IIRC sitting there with a loaded gun and shooting the offender in the back as he was running away was taken as unreasonable. Just as I remember it though.
It was something like that!
Should have just said they were testing their eyesight, would have got off scott-free!
There is a law which says stay at home.

Imagine the scene..

Cops pull you over....

Sorry officer, I'm going to see my camper.



Sorry officer, I'm going to see my camper which cost twice what you earn in a year.

Of course sir, have a nice day.
No but you might say, 'I have just had a call to tell me my motorhome has been broken into and I simply need to make it secure - watertight and prevent others gaining access'. No it's not essential within the context of a medical/fire emergency but I personally believe it would be quite a reasonable call. If I was visiting it to make a cosmetic modification or clean it that would NOT be essential. Just my view not sure if it's right or not?
Only if you are a full timer,
otherwise M home's should be laid up,
as it is non essential,
Only vehicle? I used a coach built For 4 years daily.
If you saw your neighbour taking his jetski for a service or whatever, you'd be up in arms.
But in the eyes of the law, your camper is no more important than his jetski.
You're clutching at straws now:LOL:
The Police were doing their job..end of!
What like the 2 groups of 31 fined 200 a piece having breakfast together? Or the chav one the other day arresting a bloke going about his lawful business?
kids not being able to go to school etc.
And if they can't go to school for fear of infection then neither should they be allowed out of the house for the same reason . Same as furloughed doesn't mean you are being paid to go out on the slag whilst others are working. You're being paid to stay at home.
Simple question. Why?
To get 200+ government's all doing the same thing would mean they all have knowledge that isn't in the public domain.
So you would class that as essential? Hmm, having worked in the emergency services for thirty years believe me, I know what essential means. You on the other hand???
It does surprise me just how many people have absolutely no idea what essential means.
What is essential to you is not essential to me. The first thing I'd be saving in any situation is my dogs and vehicles.
IIRC sitting there with a loaded gun and shooting the offender in the back as he was running away was taken as unreasonable. Just as I remember it though.
It was dark how do you know which way he was running?
Try telling that to the Norfolk farmer who was put behind bars for shooting an intruder..... he had my sympathy as the toe-rags had done him before but you cannot just take the law into your own hands.... He used unreasonable force.....apparently !
IIRC sitting there with a loaded gun and shooting the offender in the back as he was running away was taken as unreasonable. Just as I remember it though.
It was dark how do you know which way he was running?
He shot him in the back as he was running away ... there was no dispute about this ... if the oik had been running towards him it would have been a different matter.
I've had a silly idea.

If you're not sure if your journey is essential, maybe call the local cop shop and ask them?

I did just that for my bikers' club Brunch Runs during the previous lockdown when caffs were still open and the 'essential' bit didn't apply and was advised:

You may keep riding in groups of no more than six; provided that you observe distancing, hand hygiene and mask requirements at all times.

I took a note of the police advisor's name, time of my call and the Enquiry Reference Number.

Obviously we haven't been out at all during this more restricted lockdown.
does surprise me just how many people have absolutely no idea what essential means.
That's your opinion which thankfully I don't have to take notice of.:dance2:

Are you another one trying to justify pushing the rules about what we should and shouldn’t be doing?
Right back at ya ... you're just constantly 'pushing' views to try to point score for the sake of it ... mind your halo doesn't slip! 😇

I've had a silly idea.

If you're not sure if your journey is essential, maybe call the local cop shop and ask them?
Its not a silly idea, it would be a good thing to do that way you have reported a crime and got a number for it, something which your insurer would want you to do, then once you'd been to make the vehicle secure you could then use the crime number to update the Police on the situation and pass it onto your insurer.
My husbands yard was broken into. Some valuable equipment stolen. All cops did was give us an incident number because apparently they were too short staffed to send anyone out. Yet now they have plenty of officers to do the gov bidding.
I have been called names because I expressed sadness at people dying or being very ill with covid, but then dared to go and suggest that the figures the gov give us are manipulated in such a way as to put the fear of god into us. So many people still seem to think that a "positive case" is someone who is ill. That is not true. Most of them have no symptoms at all. And the world health organsation is now admitting that the PCR test should not be used for mass testing. They are also saying and have been for months - lockdowns are not the best way to deal with the virus. Keeping us away from each other is building up trouble for later. Our immune systems need constant stimulas to work efficeintly. We will have little natural immunity to anything if this continues.
When our gov say they are following the science, they clearly don't rate the scientists of the world health organisation very highly.
For those who believe the vaccine is the way out - one only has to read the papers or listen to the news to know that isn't going to happen any time soon. I believe there has been a spike in the number of deaths which does not fit the pattern of the virus. Those deaths started to increase in almost exact proportion to the number of people who have had the jab. This data is available on gov own website.
I am not callous or a covid denier. But the gov own data is showing that the restrictions are doing us more harm than the virus. I also happen to believe that quality of life is as important over time as simply not being dead. Back at the beginning, lockdown seemed feasible. Not so now.

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